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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Not so certain that would matter much if either one or the other of them are not there. Or even more so, if the both of them are not there. As of now Malia is away from the apartment, and Leora is getting ready to exit the apartment as well. Considering the concern she seemed to put into getting ready as well as her times at or away from the apartment lately, it could be believed that she will not be returning for awhile, and quite possibly a day or more from now.
  2. No but if you'll kindly wake up to some actual and genuinely real wokeness, you might realize how little of common sense you make sometimes.
  3. Your full of it. There was multiple cases where people were in very bad shape to a point of not having much more time left if their health conditions continued deteriating, that were administered some doses of combinations hydroxichloriquine and erythromicin, who made what doctors considered and described as remarkable and unbelievable recoveries within 24 to 48 hours. There were news videos of some of the cases out and should still be if the ridiculously idiotic media haven't pulled them down.
  4. Did you read all of my comments, probably not or you would have noticed that I mentioned that more than once it has been used successfully as a treatment, and in the last comment mentioned not a cure. Of course you can believe what you want, but thousands of lives have been saved since it was first discovered as a treatment which was many years ago for those other health conditions, just like it has been successfully used in treating covid19 with some people, I didn't mentioning anything about all people that it has been tried on, but I did mention that while it has been used successfully on some people, it was not on others because everyones body chemistry is different. There's been too many people that just decided there was something wrong with considering it as a treatment option for some people just because Trump was the first one who ever mentioned anything about it being tried and used as a treatment or because it's not an actual vaccine that would be more in line of being considered a cure rather than a treatment. The mainstream media and even many in some of the scientific and medical fields have tried to suppress the evidence supporting that it does work as a treatment with some people just because it was something that Trump mentioned first as well.
  5. Good one nc2. Being sarcastic about a comment that was made being sarcastic. The comment was certainly not made as if in any actual belief of it. 😏
  6. It's been used succesfully for many years to save many peoples lives who had contracted malaria, and even in many cases of people who had developed serious health conditions of rheumatoid arthritus, and it has also been used to successfully treat people who had developed serious cases of systemic lupus. Just like it has been used successfully in treating some cases of the covid19 virus. It can be used successfully to treat it with some people because everyones biological genetic make up is different. Meaning it works as a successful treatment for some, but it may not for others. But it can be used as a treatment for some people, not a cure.
  7. Well hap, it was pretty obvious that FDR and a few of his in circle felt that what was going on in Europe with Germany was a very real and likely threat to the national security and future well being of the U.S. Their dilemma was convincing enough of congress along with enough of the American public who had been wanting to remain neutral, that what was going on with Germany in Europe was a definite threat to the national security and future well being of the U.S. When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, and the lunatic Hitler subsequently declared war on the U.S. right afterwards, those two occasions alone disolved the dilemma that FDR had in convincing enough people because afterwards, pretty much everyone in the U.S. knew it was time to rise up and go kick some ass ! As Admiral Yamamota said after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, "I fear all we have done is to have awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." So as I had mentioned in my comments, not unless there was a situation of knowing beyond any shadow of any doubt that the U.S. national security or future well being would definitely be threatened and put in jeopardy or at risk. I believe if Germany began trying to replicate the times leading up to WWII again, that would definitley be a reason or reasons beyond any shadow of any doubt. But, after being on the losing end of two world wars, I believe they know better.
  8. The U.S. shouldn't ever get involved in any other foreign war unless there is proof beyond any shadow of a doubt that the national security of the U.S. would definitely be seriously threatened and in jeopardy by not doing so. Let any other ungrateful country fend for themselves not to mention but support themselves and their own damn national security as well !
  9. Lol. I don't recall ever mentioning anything referring to her working today. But if observing her or her friend doing anything that is usually considered more interesting than not is considered as work, I have no objections against any such considerations.
  10. To the contrary...believe you me...I do get what you are alluding to. Although I'm not sure why they would or should stop offering one another some of the benefits of relaxing and at times stimulating massages. It is their lives to live and therefore their choices and decisions to make in doing so after all. Also, I am certain that there are still those that still find both interest as well as excitment in what occurs there with either of them at times. I do realize what you're getting at though, and agree to some extent with some of what you mentioned.
  11. Well...there certainly wouldn't be anything wrong with that and therefore it certainly wouldn't be any bad idea either. Although one of the two did seem to make an effort to show some fans some love earlier, so I feel that perhaps there may be no further effort of showing of any further love for any fans on this day. 🙂
  12. Yes, I now have finally had a chance to notice Malia's newer hair color look. You are right. She does look really good with the new look, and she and her friend Leora both do with their new hair color looks.
  13. Oh really ? I really don't seem to be getting such a vibe. Although it certainly would not be any bad idea for them to express or show their love for one another more than they may ever have. Particularly, if considering them being as close of friends that they have been and for as long as they have been. To the contrary, it would actually be quite nice imo.
  14. Here's one I believe would be really very nice if the two friends were to ever take into consideration the main lyric besides some of the others as well, and to ever decide to seriously do anything that could be related to such a lyric:
  15. Oh, did she get a new hair color ? Apparently I missed noticing it before they left the apartment again since they left together shortly after her arrival.
  16. Yes I noticed that. Leora certainly seemed to change attire fairly quickly after her friend Malia arrived so they could apparently both leave together. After mostly staying at the apartment other than some short times away during the daytimes, but in particularly not much of being out and away overnight, while having the symptoms of a bad cold for around 2 1/2 weeks, she certainly has seemed anxious since then to get back out whenever any reason has presented itself, although I can't say that I blame her.
  17. It would certainly not be any bad idea for Leora or Malia to try to remember not to fall asleep with their cell phones connected to a charger while laying on a bed, or to fall asleep with their cell phones within a close proximity of their heads. I've noticed recently that both have at times been sleeping with their cell phones within a 3 feet or 1 meter distance from their heads. Just the other night, it was noticed that Leora slept with her phone at around 2 feet or less from her head most of the time while she slept. Cell phones connected to chargers heat up and have been known to cause fires while in contact with items of more combustability, and cell phones are constantly emitting emf signals while being in constant states of service search while sending or receiving signals, which creates electronic magnetic fields that are not good for anyones brains to be constantly exposed to as far as having long term overall effects on someones health and better well being.
  18. Not sure why Rob. Seems I've never been that fortunate when it's came to having much luck. But, I was constantly having issues about being able to send out any pm's by way of the shortcut envelope symbol before the most recent site software update. Since then, it has seemed to be working again for me without having to go through the personal mail inbox first. Good ole software glitches are the most likely culprits.
  19. Yes, perhaps someone should start a more appropriate topic related to such matters since we are posting such matters here in what is the 'Fan Page Leora' topic thread after all.
  20. I have heard that there was a condition now being considered for research that has been being referred to as carpal wankers syndrome. Not sure whether or not it may actually be so, but for those with hand or wrist issues or concerns that consider themselves to wank alot, it might be something worth checking into. 🙂
  21. Yes, I offer my apologies for our past dust-ups and disagreements to you as well. Sorry for being late in doing so as well. 🤝 🙂
  22. Thanks, and I offer my apologies for some of our past disagreements and arguments to you as well. 🤝 🙂
  23. If it wasn't for my hero 'America', and more specifically the 'U.S.' getting involved in WWII, your apparent hero 'Scotland', along with most of the rest of the countries of the world would have more than likely been conquered and taken over and occupied by either the nazi's or the nips. So keep on being as naive as if in liberal minded thought not based on any actual reasoning or reality of why some things have occurred the ways that they have, or any reasoning or reality of why some things occur the ways that they do.
  24. Lol. I realize it was a bit long winded, but it was something to do and I sometimes feel it may take more of expressing ones thoughts in an effort to try make sure the points may have been fully understood, rather than perhaps being misconstrued or misunderstood. But I do realize I can be a bit long winded in doing so at times as well, and as I mentioned, it was something to do. I've actually been considering writing a novel. I've been considering as to what would be the best name for such a literary subject matter. So far all I've came up with, was either 'The Story of Leora', or, 'The Saga of Leora'. 🤓
  25. It was noticed earlier in the evening at the location of the two participants residence that there was an occasion that occurred while one of the two residence participants decided to have a relaxing soaking in a bathtub half full of water with some added body skin conditioning solution. It was also noticed that during and after the relaxing soaking in the tub, that some personal sensual play ensued with the participant that was involved in the occasion. I, personally, have never been much of any big fan of having any privilege of observation of anyone who may decide to indulge themselves in some personal sensual play while in a bathroom bathtub for several reasons. One of the reasons is because imo, anyone having a privilege of observation of those types of occasions that occur in a bathroom bathtub, are more than likely and usually obscured in various ways, such as by either cam angles and tub walls, or as in most such occasions, by bathtub water itself. So such occasions have never really been my cup of tea so to speak. It's why after the occasion began occurring earlier in the evening there, I decided to get some other things done and had stopped paying attention for the most part on what was occurring other than intermittently. Of course there are others who do find both interest, and some levels of satisfaction in such occasions, because everyone is different after all, and has different views and perceptions on various matters in life. It is part of a subject matter of what I have alluded to on various occasions at different times in the various threads of this section of the forum. The latest of which was in a lengthy post of commentary of which I posted on page 18 of the Fan Page Leora thread. A thought had crossed my mind after I had first noticed the occasion was occurring. That thought was whether or not the participant would decide to remain at the residence, or if there were already other plans made. If considering a comparison of what has seemed to occur after such occasions in the past, it seemed that there were quite a number of times that the participant either had other plans already made, or decided on something that required the presence of the participant elsewhere. Although there were also quite a number of times when the participant did remain at the residence after such an occasion. Something seemed to make me feel that after such an occasion occurred earlier in the evening there, that the participant probably already had other plans in mind, and evidently that turned out to be so. Another subject matter that has been noticed awhile back and is something that I've been giving some thought to, but have not come to any certain conclusions on why it may have been, and still seems to be occurring. That subject matter has to do with a subject that now seems to be a 'once upon a time' subject matter. The participant being referred to in this post of comments, 'once upon a time' used to seem to enjoy dressing in some of the newer and sexy lingerie outfits that had been acquired by the individual, if nothing more than for themself, or to potentially show how much of a gorgeously sexy and attractive woman the participant was at the times, and although still is, it has been noticed that lately and for quite awhile now, it has seemed that only some of the house slips have been chosen to be worn, although quite sexy as well. But the newer sexy lingerie outfits have seemed to be only chosen to be worn or reserved for when there were plans or a decision made to leave the residence. I'm sure there may be some concern to impress somebody else while away from the residence, but there used to seem to be some concern to impress themself or anyone else who may have had some privilege of observing the participant dressing in and wearing such attire, 'once upon a time'.
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