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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 43 minutes ago, happyone said:

    I am trying hard to understand what the hell you are trying to say in the above post. :biggrin:  But to answer you last statement,  if I were not paying attention to what is going on, I would not have found articles and expressed my opinion on current events.

          Apparently not h.o. since you post more articles that are more related to ridiculous leftist ideologies than not, so my response to your previous post of comments, can also be a an additional response to your latest. 

  2. 3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    Incorrect. The error happened on 04/12/2023. I started US thread #13. 3 minutes later, SPYING 1 started US thread #14. Stncld then failed to delete illegal thread #14 or implement the content in valid #13.

    After my thread #13 had reached 30 pages, I started US thread #15 past the invalid #14, which was then not pinned by Stncld. I did everything right.


    Oh ok, it was nice of you to mention that, and I'm glad that you decided to mention that then. I seem to recall that now, and it might also be nice, if you decided to refrain from as much of the b.s. leftist propaganda you continuosly post no matter which U.S. political thread it is done in considering that you are not even from the U.S.. 😁

  3. 1 hour ago, happyone said:

    To the bold print in your response, I agree that the left has been using race and gender identities of young children to the detriment of our society and the well-being of those young impressionable minds.  Not only in the media, movies, social media, television, etc, but also in our schools is the left is trying and continually trying to indoctrinate our kids---and some adults as well.  Movements like Black lives Matter and in your face LGBT+ activism is part of the left's means of disrupting our Country.  Conservatives are desperately trying to counter that and the far right in their efforts can be as bad as the far left.

           There are those on the far right, who are much, much less fewer and who therefore do not have as much influence and therefore say so on what should be allowed to occur in the country than those on the far left. The current state the country is in and has been since a puppet was installed rather than elected by actual traditional means, is more than enough that anyone with any common sense would recognize and realize. Those that seem to not, whether it are those on the so called left, or right, or the so called middle that claims to be independents, are only providing cover for the corruption that could lead to the downfall of our country of which I do not find humurous at all.

  4. 15 minutes ago, happyone said:

    This is not true Democracy and is contrary to the Constitution regarding separation of church and state.  Elected officials-politicians- are not paying attention to their constituents, but rather using their power to further their own agendas.  

    While it’s too soon to tell how far this bill will go, Rice University political science professor Mark Jones explained what Republican identity politics look like.

    “Just as we have identity politics in the Democratic party that tends to revolve around ethnicity, race, gender and sexual orientation, on the Republican side, we’re seeing identity politics related to religion and going back to reinforce the Judeo-Christian origins of the United States,” Jones said.

    This has even played out in rhetoric on the national political stage.

    Last year, during her campaign, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) said, “The church is supposed to direct the government.”

    And more recently, New York City Mayor Eric Adams received some criticism for his speech during an interfaith breakfast event in which he said, “State is the body, church is the heart … you can’t take the heart out of the body.”

    However, Americans United for Separation of Church and State said the government should not endorse any certain faith. And the American Civil Liberties Union said the Constitution expressly prohibits the entanglement of church and state.

    “The U.S. Constitution expressly prohibits the entanglement of church and state, and the Texas Constitution guarantees the freedom of worship,” David Donatti, an attorney with the ACLU of Texas said. “This bill [SB 1515], which would require every classroom to display the Ten Commandments, is a great example of failed priorities and failed leadership.  Whether we celebrate Ramadan, Easter, Passover or nothing at all, people of all faiths and creeds should together resist the State’s endorsement of one particular religion.”

    Also, a Pew research study from 2021 showed more than two-thirds of respondents do not want the government to declare an official religion.

    Here is a link to the entire article



    Supporters say the Ten Commandments are part of U.S. history, while opponents say it would violate religious freedoms.


            That's all fine and dandy, except of course when it comes to certain religions being targeted by the msm spreading actual disinformation about and being investigated by the current so called political regime doj that was installed to take down as much of citizens rights as they could in this country. Me thinks you might should pay more attention to what has actually been occurring rather than being influenced by and believing some of the leftist b.s. you have obviously been being influenced by h.o.

  5. On 4/5/2023 at 9:03 PM, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

    Here we post flags of soverign states or nations. The only requirement is that the post must be followed by tits. I'll start.


           Good one Foamy, and that description is being mildly descriptive of that so called state. 😆 

  6. 15 minutes ago, happyone said:

    Texas is going too far with this law.  Prayer in schools should be allowed, but making it mandatory for only the 10 Commandments to be posted and visible is radical thinking.  If the 10 Commandments is allowed, then every other religion that has similar laws should be posted as well.  Even though Christianity was the predominant religion in the USA colonies, Judiasm was also practiced.  Today, as we know, other religions have followers in the US, so laws should not favor one over the other.  


    One bill would allow time for students and staff to pray at school. The other would require the Ten Commandments to be posted in every public school classroom.


             Texas is Texas, known as The Lone Star State for a reason. Elected officials have put forward bills that they believe a majority of their constituents would agree with. Whether it gets passed into law or not there, is yet to be revealed. That's democracy the way it was intended to be. Not the coverup b.s. that's been being perpetuated by leftists for far too long in this country such as the indoctrination of younger minds as far as so called racial division issue claims along with attempting to twist and warp younger minds and even minds of children into so called sexual indentity or so called gender issues.

  7. 21 hours ago, happyone said:

    A CNN host expressed skepticism that Biden can viably run for reelection when so many American citizen are skeptical of America's future on its current course.

    CNN isn't always left like some in here indicated---they can also report the truth.

          That pic is but one of many that shows that the p.o.s. corrupt as hell installed puppet known as biden, is definitiely mentally unstable. Furthermore, CNN has always been a leftist supporting and cover for organization, ever since it's inception by none other than Ted Turner who he himself for the most part was a leftist ideological and financial supporter and who also married another fickle minded leftist nutjob once known as Hanoi Jane, aka, Jane Fonda who supported communists of Vietnam rather than our own troops, many thousands of which lost their lives there, who were trying to keep communism from taking over another country there, known as Vietnam.

  8. 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:



    Rund zwei Millionen Ratten sollen laut offiziellen Angaben aus dem Jahr 2014 in der US-Metropole leben. Um die Plage in den Griff zu bekommen, ist am Mittwoch Kathleen Corradi als erste „Direktorin für...


    EINE war unlängst 2 mal in NY.  😁


          I notice you've been posting leftist b.s. in a thread that should not had even been started yet, since the previous topic listing related thread was still in progress and still is. Imagine that, it has been allowed and you have benefited from being the one mostly posting in the thread you leftist kraut propagandist. Regardless, such leftist b.s. propaganda from you and your kind, will be called out for what it is. 😁

  9. 20 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Bevor «der weisse Mann» den Kontinent betrat, gab es in Nordamerika 5 bis 7 Millionen Indigene. Krankheit, Krieg und Vertreibung dezimierten die Ureinwohner brutal. Eine historische Einordnung der Katastrophe.


            That's what you sorry assed leftist propagandists hope for, but let it be known that if America ever falls, it will only happen because of what actully occurs within the country. So your leftist propandism is only an effort to do so. Although, if America ever falls, so will any semblance of sensible civilzation. But, afterall, that is the ultimate goal of all of the so called leftist propagandist ideologists isn't it. That is, for there to be a global new world order that all countires would be subjected to abide by. As was mentioned previlously, you can go fuck yourself since we have our own humanitarian bill of rights established by the fore fathers of this country and founders of the constitution of this country in regards to its citizens and if ever either are attempted to be infringed upon, there will like be a conflict never before experienced which will most likely high affect the economies of countries around the world.

  10. 1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:


    Arschloch, ich habe kein Interesse mit Dir Dummkopf zu sprechen, verstehe das endlich. Verpiss Dich widerliche Drecksau. Ich lese Deine dummen Texte nicht mehr - Du bist nur primitiv.


           🖕 Fuck you, you worthless excuse of humanity propagandist kraut. That is all you are is an obviously worthless excuse of humanity disgruntled propagandist kraut.

  11. 17 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    DU wiederholst immer wieder in Deinen Texten, Du kleines widerliches US-Arschloch mit PApi SPYING 1. Ihr seid beide dumm und Scheisse. 😁🤣


         Obviously, you are a kraut who other than being indoctrinated and brainwashed by marxsist/socialist/communist ideologies and beliefs rather than actullay educated, have probably been raped and fucked by russians when they were in control of east germany. Your continued posts of leftist b.s., along with your post related to peoples asses and shit and particularly those of pics that could very well be yours and some of your brainwashed butt buddies who obvoiously like to post pics of dildos having been shoved up each others or your asses, reveals quite a bit regarding your mentallity you propagandist kraut. 😁

  12. 4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Du SPYING 1 - Derivat bist ein dummes, primitives Arschloch und wirst es bleibeben bis Dich eine US-Kugel im Kopf trifft - im Gehirn ist ja nicht möglich, so etwas hast Du ja nicht. 😁


          You like minded krauts, got your asses kicked during two world wars. Your b.s. leftist propagandism on this site, would only lead to a repeat of it happening again. 😁

  13. 4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Du widerliches dummes Arschloch hast keine Ahnung um was es geht. Sag das Deinem dummen Papi. 😁


           🖕 You, you obviously brainwashed socialist, marxist, communist indoctrinated worthless ecxuse of humanity kraut continuosly postiing in thread designated as U. S. politics because not only was the U.S.  most responsible for making sure that the country where you are from was overwhelmingly defeated, but also because not many could care less about what occurs in germany nowadays  😁

  14. 12 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

           That's exactly right Rr, even though it is obvious that some leftist naive or ignorant individual decided to respond with a laugh emoji. Of course such thought processes revealed is typical low I.Q. when it comes from those on the left nowadays, and actually has been for quite some time now. Also, if you hadn't noticed, a thread started by the obviously socialist/marxist/communist indoctrinated kraut was created before the end of this thread, and the so called administrator of this website has allowed it to begin and continue. Think about that along with all of the b s. the country has been going through along with a brain deminished leftist pupput being installed as the so called country's leader rather than being elected by traditional elecction rules and regulations all after a contagious bug had been intentionally released from a communist controlled country that has been contrled by a communist so called government for more than 4 decades.


  15. 2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    No agreement. Bragg knew he had no chance of winning his appeal. That's why he withdrew it, not because he came to an agreement with Jordan. Bragg just didn't want to be humiliated by the Federal Appeals Court. 

           That's exactly right Rr, even though it is obvious that some leftist naive or ignorant individual decided to respond with a laugh emoji. Of course such thought processes revealed is typical low I.Q. when it comes from those on the left nowadays, and actually has been for quite some time now. 

  16. 26 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Der republikanisch kontrollierte Justizausschuss hält eine Anhörung in New York ab. Im Zentrum steht heftige Kritik an Bezirksstaatsanwalt Alvin Bragg. Die Demokraten sehen darin einen Angriff im Namen...


    In einer ehrlichen Demokratie sind Parlament, Executive und Justiz von einander unabhängig. In den USA mit "Todesstrafe" und primitiven Rechts-System von 1793 ist das wohl anders. Arme USA. Doch "Bananen-Republik" ????  Das  dominierte REP-Parlament versucht den Straftäter von Trump zu schützen. WIDERLICH für einen Rechtsstaat, den diese USA doch sein will, oder nicht ????  😁


          Fuck you, you worthless excuse of humanity propagandist kraut. Since the U S. is the country most responsible for the overwhelming defeat of the fascist nazi's at the end of WWII, it has been more than obvious that you are nothing more than a disgruntled, leftist, indoctrinated, propagandist kraut who has continuously attempted to sway opinions, thoughts and ideologies in the country most responsible for the destruction and demise of the so called third reich. Regardless, you kraut propagandists along with the so called third reich, got your radical ideological minded asses destroyed.  😁

  17. On 4/20/2023 at 3:53 PM, StarLight28 said:


    Und es geht gleich weiter



    Die Bankenwelt ist in Bewegung. Die Zinsen sind gestiegen und bei neuen Krediten könnte bald genauer auf die Bonität der Schuldner geachtet werden. Was das für Wirtschaft und Börse bedeutet, darüber...


           This is obviously what happens when someone who has proven themself to be nothing more than a socialist/marxist/communist indoctrinated kraut from the country of germany has been continuously allowed to promote such leftist ideological articles of b.s., all because he himself has revealed himself to be nothing more than a disgruntled propagandist kraut who despise the fact that the U.S. was the country most responsible for the overwhelming defeat of the nazi ideologies he is most related to.

  18. 1 hour ago, SPYING 1 said:

    Possible charges are two misdemeanor counts for failure to file taxes, a single felony count...


           Why post an article that had been posted by someone from the highly ideological leftist b.s. reporting so called news source such as nbc. Since nbc is like abc and cbs and cnn and cnn's spinoff called headline news as well as npr, most of what gets posted on the internet in addition to televised broadcasts, along with many others of the so called msm, is norhing more than b.s. leftist propagandist garbage, most of which is likely to come from any of those so called news reporting agencies. 

  19.      I notice that a certain kraut propagandist who has obviously been brainwashed and indoctrinated by leftist socialist/marxist ideologies that are quite similar to communist ideologies is again posting mostly nothing but b.s. leftist propaganda. No wonder hitler along with his cronies were decisively defeated along with all of those who had become similarly brainwashed and indoctrinated to believe in the b.s. propaganda that was peddled by them at the time. Unfortunately, there were many innocent people of that country who were subjected to unnecessary hardships, many who even lost their lives, all because of propagandists from that country such as one nowadays who goes by Starlight28 on this website has been trying to do since he first registered on this website. If in fact he hasn't been, there would be no reason for him to continuously post unproven conjecture in a politIcal thread listed as U.S. politics, yet he has and has continued to, and all because he is nothing more than a disgruntled propagandist kraut who despises the fact that the U.S. is the country most responsible for the fickle minded krauts before and during WWII, getting overwhelmingly defeated. Just like the 1000 year reich b.s. was nothing more than kraut propaganda, so is most of what the kraut propagandist known as Starlight28 posts on this website as well. 

  20. Just now, StarLight28 said:


    Ich habe den Bericht von Fox News zur Kenntnis genommen. Auch hier wird nur von "Quellen" geschrieben. Als rechtsradikales Medium, das Trump immer in Schutz nimmt und fördert, sind für mich diese Quellen allein nicht glaubwürdig genug. Wir kennen Trump seine plumpe Art vor den Mikrofonen, ohne Mikrofon traue ich ihm noch mehr Dummheiten zu, welche er dann anschließend natürlich abstreitet. Trump hat einfach ein gespaltenes Verhältnis mit der Wahrheit, wie man ja auch an den laufenden Prozessen deutlich erkennen kann. Ich vertraue den Ursprungsberichten mehr. Sorry.


     You worthless propagandist kraut should perhaps be more concerned about and worried that what might could as well as might could reflect on what would happen in the country where you are from, simply because, of the infoctrination and brainwashing of younger minds.

  21. 15 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    I think you need to reread the story posted by Happyone, because the story he posted totally negates the claims you made about Trump calling soldiers "losers" and "suckers." Whole dispute is easy to resolve. Aides just need to publicly reveal whether claims are true or not. Until then I don't accept that Trump made the statements.

           Trump never made the statements. It was just something else the mentally deranged nutjobs of the left, exagerated and decided to exagerate even furher since so many on the left consider that lying, is normal for them to get their hopeful outcome nowadays.

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