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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 5 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

     No, House passes its bill, the Senate passes its bill, the two bodies get together to come up with compromise bill, and then that is sent to President for signature or veto. The president can get involved in the process earlier if he wants to negotiate with leaders of House and Senate to write a bill that they all agree upon. And every time debt ceiling is raised without making spending cuts for next budget the spending cuts are never made because no one in Washington, D.C. does anything unless they face a crisis. Biden is refusing to negotiate in hopes that his loyal mainstream news media will make the Republicans look bad in this game of "chicken." Everything Biden does is political. If you exceed the debt ceiling every year then a debt ceiling means nothing. The debt ceiling was intended to control spending, but instead of allowing the debt ceiling to control spending Washington continues to overspend and then raise the debt ceiling to cover the excessive spending. Consequently the national debt grows and grows and grows.


  2. On 4/28/2023 at 5:33 AM, esanders9863 said:

    By Karl RussellJoe Rennison and Jason KaraianJuly 16, 2022

    The value of the U.S. dollar is the strongest it has been in a generation, devaluing currencies around the world and unsettling the outlook for the global economy as it upends everything from the cost of a vacation abroad to the profitability of multinational companies.

          I'm not sure where you may have been getting your news information from e, but you might want to consider changing whoever it has been since the U.S. dollar has been quite close to being replaced as the worlds reserve currency by the yaun, which is the current standardized currency of the communist controlled government of the CCP of china. If that happens to occur, there will likely be not only be a fully caused highly inflated recession in the U.S., but also a fully caused depression of terrible consequences in the U.S., as well as other countries around the world because of such radical nutjob leftist ideologies being allowed that actually could cause and permit such occasions as actually occuring.

  3. 12 hours ago, esanders9863 said:

    Because they know better to bring up bills when we have to raise the debt ceiling in order to pay bills that were voted on, and this includes bills that were voted on under President Trump and every president before him, this is mainly a political act just to make President Biden look bad, because in the same circumstances under President Trump they voted to raise the debt ceiling two or three times with no question asks, because they know then as well as they know now you discuss the budget during the proper time of discussing the budget, and when you agree upon between the house and a senate on what budget needs to be increased or decrease, that's the time you do it

          🤣 That is actually hilarious e. Since the sorry excuse of humanity known as biden is nothing more than a puppet that was installed in the position rather than actaully elected by traditional election rules and regulations of the U.S. because of a contagious virus intentionally released by a communist country known as china that started a worldwide pandemic costing over 20 million their lives, because their communist controlled government hated having to forfeit hundreds of billions of dollars that was being imposed on them by the previous elected leader of the U.S. Furthermore, everything the corrupt puppet known as biden and his corrupt family has done since then to support the ccp of china, has been more than enough proof.

  4. 22 hours ago, happyone said:

    Now read the above article I posted.  You really need to learn the political spectrum and the terms you just throw around to inflame others and intimidate them into silence.  You obviously either do not read ALL of my posts, or you would know that regardless of what is posted, if I disagree or find errors, I will post the rebuttal.  That does not make me a indoctrinated radical leftist, a leftist, or a socialist communist or any of the other terms you throw around.  However, indoctrination can happen in different scenarios .  I have never voted for a Democrat in my life--so you figure it out. 

           Oh really, well once upon a time, I actually did vote on democratic tickets. But that was a long time ago and it did not take long for me to realize which of the two so called major political parties of the U.S., had many more corrupt and radical psychotic nutjobs who would be better serving the overall population by being institutionalized for obvious evident mental illness, rather than be permitted to run for and being elected into some public office. Which, if I'm not mistaken, it has seemed that more times than not you have tried to if nothing else provide cover or excuses for in most of the posts you have posted in these threads. I also noticed there was no response from you regarding the insinuation you made of Republicans in the U.S. should be considered or being considered radical right wing such as nazis were as you stated it in my previous response to such ridiculous statements made by you or anyone else since Republicans being considered to be on the right, since the days of Abraham Lincoln, was long before the nazi's of germany were referred to or considered as such.

  5. 1 hour ago, happyone said:

    Nazi's are right wing---right wing is politically Republican in the US---so you better get your insults correct--unless you believe right wing nazi Republicans are evil. 

          Republicans being considered right wing in the U.S., had been somewhat considered as such since Abraham Lincoln was president and before, which was long before the fascists referred to as nazis in Germany were. So the ideologies of 98 to 99% of those who claim Republican party affiliation in the U.S. do not have any of the radical fascist ideologies that the nazi's did. In fact, there are actually many radical nutjobs who claim democrat party affiliation, who have very similar psychotic radical ideologies that many of the fascist nazi's did. So a comparison of the right in the U.S. is nothing at all like what was considered the right in Germany. Although it could be considered that there are many on the left in the U.S., who because of their radical psychotic nutjob ideologies, could be considered very similar to how the fascist nazis were that were considered to be on the right in that country at the time. 

  6. On 4/25/2023 at 6:46 PM, StarLight28 said:


    You mustn't give a fuck what I post. I don't condone censorship from a motherfucker. I don't censor these stupid reports from the right-wing US-NAZI front and from Fox News, the broadcaster of lies. END


           No, only that you are obviously a kraut ideologically indoctrinated socialist/marxist/communist ideological minded motherfucker that posts b.s. in threads listed as U.S. politics and not from the country where you are from since few care to know. 😁

  7. 3 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    The dollar is no longer important for trade now countries are selling products with the country's currency and comparing  

    They no longer own the world 


           They never owned the world. They just provided financial aid to many countries over the years to try to help with various struggles of many countries and did so while also trying to help lesser fortunate countries populations by developing things such as infrastructure to try to make things better for peoples lives of populations of lesser fortunate countries, including the chinese before, during, and since WWII. So if countries think they should trade more with the CCP of china and support a communist regime and currency known as yuan, then they should go right ahead and see where their countries end up.

  8. 35 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    If you had any degree of decency and intelligence, I would find it easier to factually reply to your stupid texts with running repetitions.

    "Kraut" as a synonym for German - comes from English soldiers in Germany, who got to know and loved "Sauerkraut" in Germany - a great enrichment from the inferior "English kitchen". What should I call you? "Hotdog eaters" or "burger eaters" - American cuisine is a fattening catastrophe. Since I praise myself but Chinese and Asian cuisine. I cook myself, fresh every day and in German - "Kraut" is rarely on the table, although it's super healthy. You should just try that instead of steak and burgers. I am not a vegetarian, I am 72 kg and 182 cm tall.

    To always write sayings about Japan, Axis powers, WWII, Jews, Nazi and ancient past in every post is boring and just infinitely STUPID !!!

    I NEVER recognize a post from you that has something to do with the current topic, just pure agitation, I don't normally talk to people like that - that's far below my level.

    And then always the same nonsense about indoctrinaire, socialist, communist and so on. Go to school and learn what these terms mean and learn to write articles after sorting your thoughts. With your "text building blocks" just rubbish comes out. Please spare me this nonsensical filth forever. You see, I can be friendly too. Please stick to it.


           Your stupidity reveals more than necessary. Your continued comments related to b s. leftist ideologies, is more than enough for people who have ideologies worth fighting for and saviing you leftist promoting kraut. 

  9. 23 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    If you had any degree of decency and intelligence, I would find it easier to factually reply to your stupid texts with running repetitions.

    "Kraut" as a synonym for German - comes from English soldiers in Germany, who got to know and loved "Sauerkraut" in Germany - a great enrichment from the inferior "English kitchen". What should I call you? "Hotdog eaters" or "burger eaters" - American cuisine is a fattening catastrophe. Since I praise myself but Chinese and Asian cuisine. I cook myself, fresh every day and in German - "Kraut" is rarely on the table, although it's super healthy. You should just try that instead of steak and burgers. I am not a vegetarian, I am 72 kg and 182 cm tall.

    To always write sayings about Japan, Axis powers, WWII, Jews, Nazi and ancient past in every post is boring and just infinitely STUPID !!!

    I NEVER recognize a post from you that has something to do with the current topic, just pure agitation, I don't normally talk to people like that - that's far below my level.

    And then always the same nonsense about indoctrinaire, socialist, communist and so on. Go to school and learn what these terms mean and learn to write articles after sorting your thoughts. With your "text building blocks" just rubbish comes out. Please spare me this nonsensical filth forever. You see, I can be friendly too. Please stick to it.


          You are a kraut, so if you had any decency in not posting propagandist articles that are directly related to the unproven and absurd articles you continue to post, reveals even more that who you are are , is nothing more than a disgruntled  propagandist kraut who despises the fact that germany was overwhelmingly defeated, during two world conflicts, although the huns of that country, should have been done so  by the Romans who obviously should have sent enough legions to have done so, and there would have never been a WWI or WWII because of germans.

  10. 3 hours ago, TBG 150 said:

    There is where the problem starts. There IS NO system of upbringing and education in the U.S. The more kids you squeeze out, the more the government gives you in the example of money and other entitlements. Education is a joke. It's more about whether you know what you have in your pants. They still can't figure out that if you have a dick, you're a male, you have a vagina, you are a female. They allow biological males in women's toilets. They allow biological males to compete in women's sports and take away the glory that the real female has worked hard to obtain. They want to tell the females whether they can have an abortion safely. Education in the U.S. is a class in which you are taught to hate. If you aren't Right, you are Left. There are no more Americans anymore that can think for themselves. A few hundred think for millions and they are called influencers. All social media should be shut down.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Isolation from the rest of the world is necessary. There is NOTHING, that we can't invent, construct, compose or make happen within the USA. From microchips for phones, to refining oil to not being an asshole in a restaurant. All that has to be done is take away the free money. When the idiots get hungry enough and tired of being shot for stealing, they will get that job that is being offered by the tens of thousands and make their own way in life.  Until that happens, this country is on its way to becoming a third world shithole just like the Middle East, Africa, Central and South America and much of Asia. 

    Bring back to our country our equipment, our technology and our people and let the rest of them fight for themselves. No more weapons, no more aide, no more military. Stand on your own two feet and fight for your own country. The strong will survive and the weak will die. 

           Well said and well explained except of course, for those on the left who have twisted and warped minded ideologies such as sexualization of children should be allowed. Those mentally fucked up people, can go straight to hell and they shouldn't have to wait until they die or their so called existence in their current state of existence culminates in endings, they should be able to join satan sooner than later since that is obviously who such ridiculous leftist ideological sorry excuses of humanity actually believe in.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    Es geht nicht um Biden, es geht darum diesen Trump von der Macht fern zu halten. Eine weitere Amtszeit von Trump würde diese USA wieder in Isolation führen und in der staatlichen  Konstellation von heute dem Untergang nahe bringen.       Ich mag nicht alles in Amerika, richtig - doch diese Schicksal hat das amerikanische Land nicht verdient.



            It is more than quite peculiar, that someone such as yourself who has proven themself to be a socislist/marxist and most likely communist indoctrinated kraut, continues to post articles that are no more than leftist insinuated and b.s. ideologies. Such behaviour can only be attributed to why the so called axis powers which were referred to as nazi's in the country where you are from, were overwhelmingly defeated during WWII after the defeat and so called armistice of WWI, the propandist influenced population decided to mostly support a so called political ideology and poltical party known as nazis, who got overwhelmingly defeated and should have never even existed to begin with after WWI. Evidently, the Romans should have sent more legions to eradicate those known as the so called huns, then there most likely would have never been a WWI or WWII.

  12. 21 hours ago, maxfactor said:

    So you like what Putin is doing then?  No half way...no yeah but, either you support what the Russians are doing or you do not.  Nothing to do with Biden or Trump...right now...TODAY do you support Putin?

           Where the hell was putin even mentioned in my comments. Apparently you should comprehend what you read more thoroughly before deciding to respond to someone elses comments that were never even mentioned yet you decided to, even though putin was never mentioned in my comments once. Of course by doing so, you were purposefully miscontruing the point of the comments I made, since putin is a communist dictator who also was installed in the position he is in and has been since being reinstalled, just like the highly corrupt worthless excuse of humanity known as biden was. Furthermore, the reason another worthless excuse of humanity known as trudeau was mentioned, is because it has been more than obvious how he has been fucking things up in the country where you live just like biden has in the U.S. Anyone's criticisms of sorry assed worthless excuses of humnaity that are supposed to be so called leaders of so called democratic countries, has nothing whatsoever to do with some insinuation of who does or does not support putin as you insinuated, and you can kiss my ass for making such an insinuation and framing it in the form of a question. Evidently the criticisms of leftist ideologies hit a nerve. If so, I could care less. But since you decided to I will ask this though, have you been under trudeau's desk lately ?

  13. 1 hour ago, happyone said:

    You seem to be repeating the same argument over and over when you reply to any post.  And all the insults and labelling are the same.

    Wait But Why | Page 2

           That is a typical response from someone with a leftist ideological mindset. So are you in fact a leftist who claims to be an independent, or not. Me thinks by the majority of your posts, has revealed who you actually are and so would most likely indicate you to be a leftist supporter no matter what the issue might actually be.

  14. 1 hour ago, happyone said:

    The bold highlighted is an impossible scenario---nazis are far right and not any of the other leftist brainwashed indoctrinated axis powers.  The axis powers was a fluid pact that consisted primarily of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and the Empire of Japan.  Other minor countries joined and left.  The far right Germany and Italy together with Japan formed to form an anti communist treaty (the left). 

    Axis powers, coalition headed by Germany, Italy, and Japan that opposed the Allied powers in World War II. The alliance originated in a series of agreements between Germany and Italy, followed by the proclamation of an “axis” binding Rome and Berlin (October 25, 1936), with the two powers claiming that the world would henceforth rotate on the Rome-Berlin axis. This was followed by the German-Japanese Anti-Comintern Pact against the Soviet Union (November 25, 1936).


       I am well aware of the so called axis pact made between germany and russia prior to germany's excalation that led to world conflict during WWII,  along with italy, and japan leading to such events that led into an excalation of world conflict. Evidently, since it has seemed more than obvious while Trump was in office, that are those of you on the left or so called independents, that like to make up excuses in regards to such ridiculous b.s. just like what happened during the last as so called election. Just as I am well aware of so called leftist ideologies and beliefs that are very similar to being that of beliefs and ideologies of the fascists nazis of that time. So your portraying to be an independent, yet make excuses more times for leftist ideololgies than not, does not make your comments believeable to me. So I actually could care less other than pointing out the contradictions. Although I will always make it a point to point out what many of the middle class of the U.S. has been subjected to because of an installed puppet rather than a traditionally elected leader of what had been known as the greatest country in the history of the world prior to then has been nothing but marxist/communist controlledd b.s. since then.

  15. 16 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

    So you like what Putin is doing then?  No half way...no yeah but, either you support what the Russians are doing or you do not.  Nothing to do with Biden or Trump...right now...TODAY do you support Putin?

         Never supported a dictator such as putin. But damn sure never supported a comunnist leftist  installed puppet such as the piece of shit known as biden neither. You might want to consider that since the so called gov. of canada has a radical leftist piece of shit known as trudeau which is a so radicalist left leaning nowadays.

  16. 3 minutes ago, happyone said:

    So here is the reason Tucker Carlson and his producer were let go.  It wasn't Rupert but his CEO son Lachlan and Fox News president Suzanne Scott.  Both Carlson and his producer reportedly sent texts that there was not sufficient fraud to overturn the election and that claims of fraud is destructive and called Trump a demonic force, a destroyer.  He did attempt to be honest in one of his telecasts.   That of course went against the bullshit that the Fox News bosses wanted--so they fired him and his producer.  It is too bad that a popular conservative commentator gave in to the crap that the far right Fox News spews---Carlson is better than that, but a lot of us got tired of watching him lie as well.

    The following is from ABC News.


    Fox News host Tucker Carlson and the media company have "agreed to part ways," Fox said in a statement Monday.


           Considering that the ulimate owner of FOX NEWS, is Rupert Murdoch, who is a known political supporter of the left, I highly doubt that has any actual basis. If it did, Fox News would have never had any leftist supporting hostess that appeared on programming segments. There was likely more invivked than what had been mentioned.

  17. 5 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



    Ex-US-Präsident Donald Trump ist für vieles bekannt, für ein kleines Ego allerdings nicht. Nach der Schlappe bei den Midterm-Wahlen erklärt ihn ein früherer Weggefährte zum Niemand: Rupert Murdochs Zeitung...


    Wer braucht diesen rechten radikalen Polit-Clown ???


             Perhaps one day before it is too late in your obviously miisguided and misdirected and poorly educated life, that like the propagandism of the nazis and japanese and any of the other leftist brainwashed indoctrinated so called axis powers, it will not ever work. So you can keep your incessant leftist propaganda going for as long as you might be able to, and when a time comes when it resorts to international violence and conflict again, it will be the same outcome as the last two world conflicts, where those with such ridiculous finatical beliefs and ideologies such as those on the left nowadays, will be overwhelmingly defeated and put in their places of obscurity, just like germany, italy, and japan were at the time. You might as well wake up and realize what has actually occurred in history because the next time germany becomes involved in a world conflict, germany will likely not survive since germany will not just be partially or mostly destroyed, but completely destroyed considering the fanatic mentally disturbed nutjobs that were responsible for many millions of innocent lives during the previous two world conflicts along with the atrocitities commtted by those that had been allowed to do so by such vile and worthless excuses of humanity at the time. Do you happen to like and agree to that in a thread that you have been allowed to post your obviously leftist propagandism in since the thread is not the current thread of the topic listing but is only a thread than should have not been allowed to have been created yet? I also believe not since you have been allowed to post most of your leftist b.s. propagandism in a thread that should have been incorporated into a thread that was started around the same time.

  18. 36 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Vlad could give him a call and see if he wants to head the Russian News.   🤣

          You none other than obviously attempt to project and deflect on what such sorry assed no good excuses of humanity such as the biden crime syndicate has been actually up to. After all, that is what you leftists do and considering the current overall state of the worlds countries populations have suffered since an installed puppet known as biden was installed rather than elected by traditional rules and regulations because of a contagious bug released by the ccp of china because of hating having to forfeit hundreds of billions of dollars in tarriffs that had been imposed on them by someone you leftists seem to have always despised since he ran for office and shocked the world by being elected instead of a worthless no good for nothing dishonest bitch known as HRC even though most political contributions he had ever made prior to then, had been done so by benefitting the left, and has been mostly lifted because a corrupt leftist piece of shit known as biden. it is not at all humurous. Evidently, you have seemed to be none other than a leftist propagandist just like the kraut who goes by Starlight28 in U.S. poltical threads of this website. 😠

  19. 38 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Ein Mann schießt auf ein Mädchen, weil ihr Ball in seinen Garten rollt. Eine Gouverneurin freut sich über ihre Enkelin und deren Flinte.


    Total verrückt !!  😁


          Kind of reminds you of yourself when you were obviously being a leftist socislist/marxist brainwashed indoctrinated kraut doesn't it. 😁

  20. 1 hour ago, SPYING 1 said:

    ‘The Five’ hosts discuss how no House Democrats voted in favor of passing a bill barring...


            That is exactly right. Evidently, it has become apparent that most on the left are nothing more than fickle minded mentally disturbed nutjobs who should have no say so whatsoever in what should be allowed to occur or not occur anywhere in the country anymore. They are truly mentally unstable ridiculous people who actually should be institutionalized or expelled from the country rather than being allowed to run for so called political offices. Congress should create and put forth a bill, that anyone who runs for a political office in any state of the country, should be able to pass an aptitude, literary, and ethical test, and if not, they would be eneligible to be elected to any public office. Most of which, most on the ideologically left rather than actually educated but actually indoctrinated on leftist ideologies instead, would fail.  They also should put forth a bill, limiting the term limits of political office holders in the so called federal government where corruption has certainly taken over much of the federal government by nutjob politically ideologist mentally disturbed phsychotic nutjobs of the left because of there not being any such term limits.

  21. 22 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

    Almost half of managers surveyed said it is difficult to work with Gen Z "all or most of...


           Imagine that, a generation that has been subjecated to ridiculous leftist b.s. ideologies rather than actually educated. The shit has been going on for decades and the bug intentionally released by the CCP of china, whom the left has become enriched by, have been intentionally covering it up as well. All because the communist controlled government of china hated that they were being made to forfeit hundreds of billions of dollars because of tarriffs that had been imposed on their communist government by Trump. Then, the leftist ideologicalistc machine along with a virus released by the communists of china, highly influenced an American general election so that a puppet known as the corrupt p.o.s. known as biden could be installed who's family has been enriched by hundreds of millions of dollars from the CCP.

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