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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1.       The worthless no good for nothing brain dead excuse of humanity known as biden, is the most corrupt worthless excuse of a so called leader of the country most responsible for defeating tyranny and dictatorial rule in the world during WWII. He along with his family have been enriched by the CCP of china. Anyone who claims otherwise, needs to be admitted to a mental institition and most likely undergo a labatomy.  

  2. 21 minutes ago, happyone said:

    President Trump canceled a planned 2018 trip to a cemetery for American war dead in France because of the weather and not because of disdain for the slain soldiers who are buried there or concern about...

    The above story includes a denial that Trump said that the fallen were losers and suckers.  Those denials are even made by those who do not like Trump, but defend the false accusations.

           Face the facts h.o., regardless of those who disliked him or not because he spoke his mind rather than spoke with a forked tongue, the U.S. as well as the rest of the world was a hell of alot better off when he was in office rather than since a most certainly corrupt brain dead puppet who has always spoke with a forked tongue for over 40 years was installed because of a virus intentionally released by communists of china who leftist elites have been highly financially benefitting from and trying to cover for doing something that caused the deaths of millions of innocent people around the world, all because the communist controlled party of china, hated having to forfeit billions of dollars in tarriffs that had been imposed on them due to unfair trading policies as well as theft of intelectual technology that has been proven. Yet since then, the corrupt puppet known as biden, along with his family have been doing everything they can along with most of the so called msm. to cover for the corruptness and most likely criminal activities related to the puppet bidens family

  3. 40 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    No, you did not explain why informants cannot be named. You sound like a ranting lunatic when you talk about Trump.

           Rr, have you not figured out yet that is because that is exactly why he is, considering that he is nothing more than a leftist socialist/marxist indoctrinated brainwashed propagandist kraut who evidently has nothing better to do than being a leftist  socialist/ marxist brainwashed indoctrinated kraut than to continue posts that are mostly nothing more than leftist socialist/marxist propaganda ? I'd think you probably had by now.

  4. 21 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Veteranen genießen in den USA normalerweise ein hohen Ansehen, jedoch nicht bei Donald Trump. Der US-Präsident hat eine jahrzehntelange Abneigung gegen das Militär.


    @Ridgerunner   noch ein Bericht über "Deinen Freund", dem Freund der "Arbeiterklasse". Bitte Artikel lesen und nicht nur Überschrift. 😁



            Der one known as Donald Trump, said he is waiting on your propangandist kraut ass to have enough courage to meet him somewhere, so he can kick your obviously socialist/marxist indoctrinated krauts ass in person. He said as usual, you ridiculous leftists, seem to have quite a bit of courage behind a veil or curtain of the internet, but in person are nothing more than a bunch of cowards, just like the nazis were when they realized their indoctrinated, brainwashed ideologies were nothing more than b.s. and were being destroyed. 😁

  5. 2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    The Buffalo shooting is old news. Your statement is a fucking lie.   Racially motivated shootings in the U.S. are not that common. It's just that the leftist media exploits anytime a racially motivated killing takes place.The truth is that far more White people in America are attacked by Black people than Black people being attacked by White people, but the vast majority of violent crimes in this country are Black people attacking Black people.  I'm tired of you making statements about this country that are totally false. And then you claim to know more about the U.S. than people who live here.

           I hear you RR, tell that leftist indoctrinated brainwashed kraut propagandist how it actually is and if he does not like it, he can go get one of his leftists buddies to shove a dildo up his ass so he can have more pics taken to post on the internet while attempting to promote leftist ideological b.s. propaganda.

  6. 33 minutes ago, happyone said:

    If you would read the article that is posted--regardless of who posts it--then you would have known it was a settlement.

    Fox, Dominion reach $787M settlement over election claims

    Story by The Canadian Press  24m ago

    W ILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Fox News agreed Tuesday to pay Dominion Voting Systems nearly $800 million to avert a trial in the voting machine company's lawsuit that would have exposed how the network promoted lies about the 2020 presidential election.

           As was mentioned previously, a case that was litigated in none other than wilmington, delaware, which is a deep blue leftist state, and which is also none other than where the sorry assed, no good for nothing puppet resides that was installed in the white house, rather than actually elected by actual traditional election rules and regulations because of a contagious bug intentionally released by the CCP because they hated having to lose hundreds of billions of dollars in tarrifs that had been imposed on them, but since there was a puppet installed who's family has been enriched by hunderds of millions of dollars because of political influence peddling, much of which came from the CCP,  it was actually not surprising at all, that such a so called judgement was made the way it was. That is also exactly why the no good for nothing corrupt as hell puppet stayed in a basement and did not actually campaign.

  7. 1 hour ago, happyone said:

    That is immaterial in this instance and was not the story being reported.  Stick to the facts of the case. 

           Considering the fact of what was mentioned, it very well could be considered material in such an incident considering that the individual who did the shooting was 85 years old and probably had been paying attention to what has been being reported more so than intentionally being ignored or covered up by a majority of so called media outlets as well as what has actually occurring around the country in recent years. Perhaps you should consider that, rather than what you may have read somewhere.

  8. 18 minutes ago, happyone said:

    Even fox news reported that an 85 yr old white guy shot this black teen


    An Kansas City man was charged Monday for shooting through his front door twice at a Black teen, striking the victim twice, a prosecutor announced.


             Care to also add which race of individuals perpetuates criminal activities more times than not more so than any other across the country ? I think not, since the answer is already known.

  9. 25 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Bundesratspräsident Peter Tschentscher trifft in Washington auf die Grande Dame der US-Politik – und Nancy Pelosi zeigt sich gut informiert über die Debatte in Deutschland, ob sich China an einem...


             You would post an article related to her, since she was one of the worst and dishonest so called speakers of the house of representatives known as the the lower chamber of congress since you are nothing more than a disgruntled, socislist/marxist indoctrinated kraut who has obviously been brainwashed with leftist communistic ideologies because the country where you are from and reside, got their asses kicked from so many others of that country being brainwashed and believing such b.s. as a third reich being a superior race of mankind. Obviously, many of that country found out otherwise, yet here you are, another worthless propagandist kraut, trying to make things seem other than they actually are in a country most responsible, for the DEFEAT, and near ANNILATION of that country where you are from and reside, along with the indoctrinated, brainwashed people associated with such ridiculous b.s. leftist ideologies.

  10. 6 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Spoken like a true authoritarian. If you watched Fox News you would have seen the video of the young woman being attacked by a mob. But you only watch your left wing propagandist news sources.And it is you who brought up the issue of Black and White in the case of the old man shooting a teenager. Was it necessary to bring race into that conversation?

           Evidently it was for him, since he has revealed himself quite some time ago to be nothing more than a leftist socialist/marxist indoctrinated disgruntled propagandist kraut who obviously is obsessed with the fact that the country where he is from, was nearly annilated because of the indoctrinated ignorance of many of that country who became brainwashed by fascist ideologies that were claimed to be because of a political party in that country that was at the time considered to be a right influenced political party. Although much of what the leftist political party in the U.S. since then, has been quite similar to the indoctrination and brainwashing of younger minds by way of acedemia that had already been occurring in that country back then. The political ideology of the left more times than not is, since they could not actually continue to exist on merits of any logical or sensible governmental policy, quite similar to the nazi's that were considered fascists and being a political party of the right in that country at the time, that they need to influence as many others minds when they are young to continue to exist. But look what happened to the so called hitler youth movements which have been referred to as so called brigades formed as a last resort when it became obvious that berlin was about to fall, in which many lost their lives because of such b.s. indoctrination and brainwashing.

  11. 1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

    Fox, Dominion reach settlement over false election claims

    That was settled fast.  $787.5M in favor of Dominion. 


    Now comes Rudy Giuliani, Mike Lindell and Sidney Powell for their shakedown.  

           Yeah right, considering that the so called diminion case against fox news was litigated in none other than Wilmington, Delaware, the worthless, no good for nothing puppets hometown, it is no wonder that the case was decided in favor of diminion who is nothing more than a leftist originated company and should have never been permitted to allow their so called voting tabulating machines which have been referred to as tabulating computers but actually are not, to have ever been allowed to tabulate any voting that occurred in any elections in the U.S. You leftists definitely like twisting the facts around from the ways they actually are, that is why so many of you leftists, think that blaming others for what those such as yourself have been actually doing, which is more times than not, and is just the opposite of what you leftists claim. That, along with the CCP of china, is exactly why there is a no good for nothing puppet in the white house of the country most responsible for saving democracy and countless many more millions of innocent lives during WWII.

  12. 7 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    American journalist Evan Gershkovich is in custody in Moscow for alleged espionage. Now he was allowed to exchange ideas with US diplomats for the first time.


            Oh really ? Does that not ring any bell in the socialist/marist highly influenced communist indoctrinated brainwashed mind of yours ? From all of the leftist ideological b.s. propaganda you have posted, apparently not.

  13. 7 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Auch das ist falsch. Als Außen stehender versuche ich Euch auf Eure Situation hin zu weisen. US-Selbstgefälligkeit, wir sind Größte, Beste Nation der Welt, Beispiel für ALLE - das ist einfach Nonsens. Mit dem Denken sind Reiche der Ägypter, Griechen oder Römer unter gegangen und heute unbedeutend. USA als nächstes Land ??? China steht vor der Türe, denen gehört bereits ein großer Teil Eurer Wirtschaft und der US-Staat steht kurz vor der Pleite. NEIN, nicht wegen Biden, seit 50 Jahren leben Amerikaner selbstgefällig im Überfluß und über ihre Verhältnisse und sind nicht fähig "Reformen" durchzuführen. Immer Recht haben wollen kommt in der Welt nicht gut an. Mit bescheidenen Mitteln versuche ich Euch auf Mißstände freundlich hin zu weisen. Meine Saat fällt auf trockenen Boden.

    Wenn es demnächst kracht, dann erschießt ihr Euch eben gegenseitig - Waffen für jeden gibt es bei Euch ja genug. Gute Nacht Freunde.

    Das alles ist kein Grund mich zu beleidigen ohne zur Sache zu schreiben.



          RR's common sense comments fucks your ridiculous leftist socialist/marxist ideololgie propagandism all up doesn't it. You can go have one if you but buddies shove a dildo up your leftist propagandist ass ans try to post pics of it on this site to try to make others believe the pics were otherwise you worthless kraut propagandist.

  14. 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    You stupid insulting piece of shit is fit for a mental asylum - for life. In the USA, there is also a death penalty for criminals? No tears from me


         On the contrare, it is you who is obviously the kraut propagandist who should have been admitted to an insane asylum quite some time ago. 🖕 Along with your propagandism you worthless propagandist kraut.

  15. 5 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    US-Präsident Joe Biden kündigt immer wieder an, bald seine Kandidatur für 2024 zu verkünden. Er wartet weiter auf den richtigen Zeitpunkt.


            Someone trying to bring down America, only from the inside since he and his family became enriched from communists of the ccp along with other socialist/marxist nutjobs, similar to how your mentor and hero adolf hitler tried to from the outside you propagandist dummkopf.

  16. 13 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Auf der Jahresversammlung der Schusswaffen-Lobby NRA ist auch Ex-US-Präsident Donald Trump zugegen. Dieser macht, was er am liebsten mag.

    Wie dumm muss ein Repubklikaner-Mensch sein, der Ambition als US-Präsident hat ?? Schulen als Schauplatz für Waffen-Krieg ?? Eine Rep-Gouverneurin ist sogar stolz das ihre noch nicht 2 Jährige Enkelin scharfe Waffen  besitzt. Republikaner sind zunehmend nicht mehr regierungsfähig. !!! 



    9 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Er ist der erste US-Präsident in der Geschichte, gegen den Anklage erhoben worden ist. Das hat für Donald Trump aber nicht nur Nachteile, wie aus seinen nun veröffentlichten Finanzen hervorgeht. Die Anklage...


    Ein Strohfeuer durch Menschen ohne Verstand. US-Bürger sind in der Menge sicher intelligenter.


           Even more b.s. propandism from someone who has proven themself to be nothing more than a socialist/marxist ideoligical indoctrinated propagandist kraut. Nothing worth reading unless of course someones mind and intelligence is that of a influenceable teenager or child like the leftist radicals like to try to persuade since they know there are many of adult age, who do not believe in or become influenced by their b.s. propahanda.

    • Sad 1
  17. 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    Was sollen diese Vorwürfe? Hunnen waren Mongolen, nördlich von China - damit habe ich nichts zu tun, also Beleidigung. Offenbar Mißverständnisse durch Übersetzungsprogramm - amerikanisch ist nicht englisch, sorry für Dich. 

    USA hat den Vietnamkrieg mit Millionen Opfern krachend verloren - also auch Du. „Trampel“ ist Pseudonym für „Trump“. In deutsch wird Trump mit "u" gesprochen in amerikanisch mit "a", da liegt Trampel nahe, oder nicht ?

    Was soll Deine Aufregung ? Du und Deine Hilfstruppen beleidigen mich hier ohne Ende - und nun hast Du dünne Haut ??? Schläge verteilen, aber selbst sensibel sein ??? Nicht mit mir. Lerne erst selbst verbalen Anstand. Ich bin gerne bereit zu sachlichem Disput. Wenn Du mich beleidigst, dann schlage ich zurück. Verstanden??.



    1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:



    Die USA fahnen nach El Chapos Söhnen – wegen Drogenhandel und grausamen Verbrechen.


    Im "Gewalt-Staat" USA ist offenbar nichts unmöglich . NEIN danke.



    1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:



    Bei ihrem Besuch in Peking hat Außenministerin Baerbock deutlich gemacht: Aus ihrer Sicht wäre ein Treffen zwischen China und den USA wichtig. US-Außenminister Blinken hat zuletzt einen China-Besuch...



    25 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Die pazifischen Inseln liegen an strategisch wichtiger Position. Alle machen den kleinen Staaten ihre Aufwartung – auch Europa wird in der Region aktiv.



    11 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Mindestens 20 Jugendliche sind bei einer Geburtstagsparty in einer US-Kleinstadt durch Schüsse verletzt worden. Vier Menschen starben. Das Motiv der Tat ist noch unklar.


    Wann kann sich Vernunft von Präsident Joe Biden gegen Unvernunft der US-Republikaner zum Thema Restriktion von Waffen in den USA endlich durchsetzen ????? Verweis auf 1793 ist geistiger Müll.



    9 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Das Weiße Haus hat eine neue Lady – Gaga. Die Sängerin soll als Vorsitzende eines Beratergremiums für Kunst und Geisteswissenschaften den US-Präsidenten beraten – und dabei den...


            ☝️ As usual, more b.s. propagandism from a propagandist kraut who obviously has nothing better to do in life than to be so. What a waste of an existence of a human life. 🙄

    • Sad 1
  18. 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

    What are YOU for a "Hetz-devil". Your USA has been collapsing for 50 years - you just haven't noticed that and glorified your USA. 4 years of Trump were lost years for your USA! When Golfi Trump should have been the "leader" for his nation in Corona times, this loser was playing golf and giving ultra-stupid advice with disinfectants. Not because of Corona, allegedly from China, but because of amateurish politics in the fight against Corona, Trump was clearly voted out by the American people. If there were honest "proportional electoral law" in the USA, as it is here, Trump's crushing defeat would have been even clearer.

    And you're getting worked up about President Biden??? Hetzer without knowledge in the background! I'm ashamed of you and your saliva lickers.


           🖕 You worthless excuse of humanity socialist/marxist/communist indoctrinated kraut. It is worthless propagandist m.f..'s such as yourself that started two world conflicts that those such as yourself are responible for getting their asses destroyed along with millions of innocent people during such conflicts. Keep it up though, because apparently your kind since adolph hitler and his mentally disturbed followers or believers, can damn sure get your assses kicked again, and very likely annilated the next time you worthless p.o.s. propagandist kraut m.f.

  19. On 4/13/2023 at 7:00 AM, Aussie_oi_oi said:

    Interested in what you think?

          I doubt it me Aussie mate Mic Dundee. Since the attractive woman accelerated to being the most popular participant of the site, and may have actually assisted the site from going under during times when the site was not doing so well, I tend to think that she probably has little to be concerned about as far as that goes. Particularly since she is still quite an attractive woman as she has always been, since she developed more into being even more of a woman since the times when she was on the thin side, although still attrative at the time.

    • Upvote 4
  20. 56 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    And your mind has been so corrupted by years of EU socialist/Marxist dogma that you no longer can see objectively. The German media stories that you post on here are so heavily biased in favor of a left wing thought process that they don't even qualify as news. They are more correctly described as left wing propaganda than as real news. I live everyday what is going on in the U.S., so I trust my judgement about what is happening in my country much more than I trust  the opinion of a loudmouth German who has no personal experience of life in the United States.  

           Exactly. 👌

  21. 9 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    In den Streit um die Zulassung von Mifepriston in den USA hat sich jetzt der Oberste Gerichtshof eingeschaltet. Den Zugang zu der Abtreibungspille wollen die Richter aufrechterhalten - vorerst.


              Apparently, some drug such as that should have been available to whoever spawned your sorry, worthless excuse of humanity, kraut propagandist ass, or was it a he/she, or she/he or so called binary it, you fickle minded propagandist kraut m.f.

  22. 7 minutes ago, happyone said:

    So StnCld319 could end the confusion by combining Topic 13 with Topic 14, then when 13 is close to 30 pages, then Spying1 can insist on who gets to start a new topic because he posts more than anyone ---bunch of childish antics.

           Well, although the suggestion of combining #14 with #13 because of the apparent lapse in judgement related to when a next continuing thread should be started, Spying has been on this site a hell of a lot longer than someone who quite some time ago revealed themself to be nothing more than a propagandist kraut.

  23. 12 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Floridas Gouverneur Ron DeSantis ist derzeit der gefährlichste Gegner für Donald Trump. Nun springt dem Ex-Präsidenten eine Lobbygruppe mit einem Wahlkampfvideo bei, das DeSantis hart angeht – mit...



              Der Trump said he would like to meet der propagandist kraut in person so he could kick der propagandist krauts ass. 😁

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