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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 25 minutes ago, happyone said:

    He didn't---StnCld319 is the mod.  Obviously StarLight28 started Topic 13 before Spying1 started Topic 14.  Starlight is no more a mod than Spying1.  Everyone no matter how many posts they make can start a new Topic when the old one approaches 30 pages.   And anyone can start a new and different topic anywhere. Care to consider who that may have been ?

           True, but if I happened to notice what had seemed to have occurred, was that it seemed that they both had started #13 around the same time, and shortly afterwards it seemed that Spying's had been changed to #14. If so, then at least someone was trying to avoid confusion, and also if so, someone apparently could have cared less. If I happened to have noticed correctly, care to consider who that may have been ?

  2. 14 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    USA - Nachrichten und Information: An 365 Tagen im Jahr, rund um die Uhr aktualisiert, die wichtigsten News auf tagesschau.de




    11 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    China will die Entwicklung von KI unterstützen. Allerdings müsse diese mit sozialistischen Grundwerten übereinstimmen. Die Ankündigung sorgt in Europa und den USA für Sorgenfalten. Der Ruf nach...


             And again, 🖕 you worthless good for nothing sorry assed propagandist kraut who obviously can not deal with the fact that the country where you were spawned, got totally defeated in two world conflicts, and more particularly so in the second. Third Reich my ass, since there never was any so called reich to begin with other than in mentally disturbed minds of brainwashed, indoctrinated dumkompf propagandist krauts such as yourself.

  3. 5 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Warum wohl ??? US-Produkte sind offenbar nicht konkurrenz-fähig und Müll. US-Firmen lassen in China produzieren, weil US-Arbeiter zu faul oder zu teuer sind. Dann kaufen andere Länder doch besser direkt in China. Denke da mal drüber nach. Nicht immer Schuld auf andere schieben, deine USA ist tot-krank und steht vor der Staats-Pleite. Welcher Krieg soll helfen ??? Gegen China ??  Der Konflikt ist von den USA schon vorbereitet. Für wie dumm hälts Du die Welt ???  "Klein-Napoleon" war nicht dumm, Europa aus den China-China-USA-Konflikt heraus zu halten. Vermutlich wieder mit USA als Looser. 😁


           🖕 You propagandist kraut. 😆

  4. 10 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    No wonder the EU and China love Joe Biden. In 2022 the U.S. had a $203.9 billion trade deficit with the EU and a $382.9 billion trade deficit with China.:sad:

           Anyone with half a brain would have known and realized that the worthless m.f. was as corrupt as has ever been, and even more so. How else does anyone with half a brain think that such a puppet and his family became so called multi millionares of hundreds of millions of dollars just from someone being a lifelong establishment career politician who never done anything else in his life to earn anything, most of which occurred after he became a puppet for ridiculous 8 years the obummer times.

  5. 11 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Kein Mensch braucht Dich Du widerliches SPYING 1-Derivat. Dumm ohne Ende, wie Dein Manitou. 😁


          🤣 Actually, it is quite the opposite, since nobody needs you or your kind you worthless propagandist kraut, since your kind has already been kicked and defeated quite thoroughly in two world conflcts, and if there are enough of others such as yourself, it can most definitely be done a third time since similar propagandism was occuring before and leading up to both of such times, only the next potential time would likely result in the annilation of the country where such of your kind has evidently been being spawned.

  6. 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

    Drei Vertreter der Internationalen Investitionsbank stehen aufgrund der Ukraine-Invasion auf einer US-Sanktionsliste. Die Bank ist russisches Staatsorgan. Die USA machen Druck, dass Ungarn sich aus dem in...


    4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



    US-Präsident Joe Biden gibt sich angesichts der Pentagon-Leaks „nicht besorgt“. Der Umgang mit den Enthüllungen erinnert an die Zeit von Wikileaks.


    3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



    Laut Trump soll das Gerichtspersonal geweint haben und sich entschuldigt haben, als er das Gebäude betrat. Diese erzählen jedoch eine andere Geschichte... | TAG24


    "Blondhäubchen" wird den Arsch voll bekommen - und das mit voller Kraft. 😁

    Trump, stammt aus Deutschland, Opa ausgewiesen als Krimineller. Das steckt im Blut ?  Ich mag diesen kriminellen Wichser nicht - eine Schande für Deutschland !



    2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



    Vergangene Woche noch hatte Donald Trumps Reise zur Anklage nach New York für weltweites Aufsehen gesorgt. Nun führt ihn ein anderer Fall in seine ehemalige Heimatstadt.


    4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



    Haben die USA Gespräche von António Guterres belauscht? Das zumindest legen laut einem BBC-Bericht aufgetauchte Geheimdokumente nahe. Laut seinem Sprecher ist der...


    4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



    Snowden, Manning und Co. - warum Amerika hat den Umgang mit den geheimen Informationen einfach nicht im Griff hat. Ein Kommentar.


    4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



    Im Zusammenhang mit der Veröffentlichung brisanter US-Geheimdienstinformationen im Internet hat die Bundespolizei FBI im Bundesstaat Massachusetts einen Verdächtigen festgenommen.


    5 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



    Er hat es nur gut gemeint: Eigentlich wollte US-Präsident Biden einen irischen Rugbyspieler für dessen herausragende Leistung würdigen. Das tat er auch – aber anders, als er dachte.


            As usual, nothing better to do than be a no good for norhing other than a worthless excuse of humanity sorry assed propagandist kraut. Your pic of your ass after another of your kind had shoved a dildo up in it, was quite disgusting  you filthy worthless excuse of humanity.

  7. 8 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    I puke on you you disgusting piece of shit. I know your IP address from your computer, US friends know your address. Even SPYING 1 won't be able to help you anymore - you're as good as dead a disgusting US rat.  😁

            🖕 You are a disgusting, filthy, sorry assed, no good for nothing, piece of shit dumkompf propragandist kraut who obviously should have never been spawned. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Halte endlich Deine dumme Fresse, Du widerliches dreckiges Stück Ami-Scheiße. SPYING 1 wird Dich erschießen, wen Du nicht seine Dummheiten hier propagierst. Ich verstehe diese widerliche Symbiose. Elender Wichser. 🤣🤣


          Fuck you, you piece of shit disgusting sorry excuse of humanity propagandist kraut. You and your disgusting pics of yourself after some propagandist butt buddy has put a dildo in your ass, is all that anyone needs to know in regards to such propagandist pieces of shit such as yourself you disgusting excuse of humanity kraut.

  9. 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


     Dumme Witze. Und welches Arschloch bist DU ???

    1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


    Kein Palaver. Trump ist Betrüger, der seine Bilanz mit Höherbewertung von Immobilien um 1.000 % gefälscht hat. Dadurch sein Unternehmen höher bewertet hat und Kredite erschlichen hat. Trump ist PLEITE - und dieser Verbrecher reißt immer noch seine Fresse dumme Fresse auf als wäre er "Wichtig". Trump ist inzwischen total UNWICHTIG. Fuck-Trump go home - "und weine", armer Sack.


    1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:



    Twitter-Besitzer Elon Musk hatte den NPR-Account als staatlich kontrollierte Medienorganisation markieren lassen. Die mehr als 50 Accounts des Senders sollen als Konsequenz nicht mehr mit aktuellen...



    1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

    Das ist alleine Deine Meinung und Hetze. Warte ab bis Fuck-Trump rasiert und in orange im Gefängnis sitzt - und dieser Verbrecher weitere Strafen erhält. Dann reden wir weiter.

    Ich werde den Kriminelle Trump im Gefängnis NICHT besuchen - Du vermutlich täglich. 😁


          Once again, you have proven that you are nothing more than a socialist/marxist ideoligical indoctrinated propagandist piece of shit kraut. Your obsession in posting in a thread related to U.S. politics related poltical ideogies is all the more proof of who you actually are you indoctrinated kraut piece of shit. Can't deal with the fact that the U.S. is why such mentally disturbed nutjobs in the country where you are from, is just too bad you mentally disturbed mind warped indoctrinated worthless kraut.

  10. 24 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    YOU little disgusting AMI bastard can't resist provoking? I put a dildo in your ass. Learn to think with your head and not just with your Trump ass - dirty motherfucker. 😁   You are a disgusting piece of shit - choke on it.

    Through my connections I have now also received an IP address from your computer - I'm following you, watch out !!



            No, it is you who is a disgusting dirty motherfucking piece of shit propagandist kraut. You have revealed numerous times not only that you obviously have infactuations with asses and assholes and shit, but also how much of a propagandist kraut you actually are. So you can go fuck yourself because it is certain that no woman is. 🖕

    • Thanks 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    It's a fact, not an analysis, not even an opinion - the "free and open international order" promoted by the United States since 1945 has 20 to 30 million people worldwide...


            🤣 I could give a shit in regards to the so called "free and international order" since the only ones in the U.S. who have believed in such bullshit were some of the very same leftist nutjobs who continuously advocated for the U.S. to not get involved in what had already became a World Conflict, known as World War II, because of two countries who so called leaders, thought they should be able to rule the rest of the countries of the world. Well, those two countries, being the country where you are from, as well as japan, were made to realize quite differently nearly five years later after millions of innocent lives were lost because of the bullshit that was spawned from your country as well as japan. Free world order my ass, that is something that is only believed by those on the fickle minded left who allowed that World Confict to  escalate into as much of a World Conflict as it did and in the process, caused many millions of inncocent people to lose their lives.

  12. 17 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

             Should someone start mentioning kraut concentration and deathcamps that the nazis were actually responsble for since they committed such atrocities and crimes of humanity to millions of innocent peolple ? As I mentioned earlier, 🖕 kraut propagandist. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    If people are stupid enough to elect Biden again, then they deserve all the misery they repeat from that decision.

           I am about 99.9% certain they won't since over half or more of the fickle minded left, have even been bitching and complaining and wishing they hadn't previously as well as expressing that they want someone else to run on that side of the aisle next.

  14. 30 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Der "Stern" von Trump ist noch ein Glühwürmchen. Demokraten wünschen sich den Looser von Trump als Gegner. Das ist doch klar. Das amerikanische Volk ist in 1 Jahr in der Mehrheit intelligenter als diese "stumpfsinnigen Immer-Noch-Trump-Anhänger". Wahlsieg der Demokraten ist real - mit oder ohne Biden als Kandidat. 😁


            As I have mentioned on a number of occasions previously, 🖕 kraut propagandist. Would be quite interesting to come on this site and noticed you have started a political thread for where you are from, and be able to see the amount of participation such a thread topic listing of political forums would generate, because it probably would not generate much at all. That is likely another reason why you never have, but instead continue being an obviously indoctrinated socialist/marxist propagandist kraut, rather than ever have been actually educated in regards to actual and genuine beliefs or ideologies that would be better for most others than others such as yourself.

  15. 2 hours ago, maxfactor said:

    Trump is not going to be taken out.  The Dems know his base has shrunk just enough for him to lose.  They want to go against Trump... they are using him and all of you.  Find a different horse!

           I wouldn't be so certain that if he continues in running, he ends up losing, as much as I am quite certain there are many, many millions of people in the country who are, and have been quite disappointed in having to pay extravagantly record amounts for everthing since around Jan. 2021, and most are damn well sick and tired of having to, and will be even more sick and tired of having to by 2024, along with many others by then as well, and will also be sick and tired of all of the ridiculous policies that have allowed over 5 million illegals into the country since Jan. 2021, another ridiculous record because of a puppet rather than a traditionally elected leader, most of whom have been being supported by taxpayers who are citizens of the country, and crime to skyrocket all over the country in just the last couple of years.

  16. 21 hours ago, ddhm said:

    Guys like Thor and Samson were great , Tim did whatever he did but still he could seduce anyone , Anthony tries to play it nice and Grisha is nothing more than a disappointment for me and too fake .. Miron was a strange addition .. No coincidence that some of the greatest moments the villas were seen happening when was Thor and Samson were there , that’s why Thor now enjoys a good life with Holly in California ( which i don’t believe it will last but that’s not for the time being ) .


    The problem of Barcelona ( and Prague ) RLC is that they seem to have lost control over their tenants actions .. they have left things completely loose , they literally do whatever they want , whenever they want and RLC simply watches .. RLC’s trust and respect to its viewers was  hurt too much with the deleting content during Aziza and Bogdan’s incident , things simply don’t work in Barcelona currently and RLC seems not doing anything trying to fix it ( and it isn’t due to the guys , they are just 2 + 3 husbands / boyfriends and 13 plus 3 wives / girlfriends ) 


    RLc needs to remind all of them what they have signed for , whoever can’t fulfill contracts and terms of work , should be gone . 

           Unless the former participant known as Holly or her supposed bf Thor have family there, or if not, have access to quite a bit of money, they probably will not think or believe that such a decision to relocate to California, which is one of, if not the most expensive state to reside in in the U.S., was such a good or wise idea from the start. If neither of such probabilities exist, perhaps it could be considered that hopefully the participant known as Holly, had not become so infactuated with the guy known as Thor, that she would ever consider allowing herself to be pimped out just to relocate to and try to survive in such an expensive place with the guy.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  17. 23 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Once again, a mentally disturbed perpetrator shot children at a US school. The country has been living with this news for years, nothing changes. How could it come to this? A convicted...


              It happened because of the first statement indicated in the article which stated 'a mentally disturbed individual' which was not a lifeless mechanically manufactured firearm which the mentally disturbed individual used to commit the heinous and unfortunate crime. It certainly had nothing to do with the firearm that the mentally disturbed individual used, but it definited had to do with the phsychotic nutjob who was not satisfied how they were born and who had been highly influenced that the individual's psychotic unnormal behavoir had been becoming more acceptable but to the nutjob him or herself, was not enough. Perhaps it may be similar to why you have continously revealed yourself to be nothing more than a  socialist/marxist and certainly leftist propaganda promoting propagandist kraut in forum threads initially and continously created for and related to another country that has very little in common in relation to the history proven mentally disturbed country where you are and are from. 

  18. On 4/6/2023 at 6:11 PM, ZIGGYS said:

    Paul eats all his food with his mouth open, its disgusting. The man has no morals.


           He is a Russian from Siberia. Should such behavior be expected otherwise since such behavior is thought to be normal as far as many Russian males go since it is a belief to do so by many of them in being a way of showing off that they are a dominant gender of their country's society ? Probably not.

  19. 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



    Clarence Thomas nahm wohl jahrelang teure Geschenke von einem republikanischen Milliardär an. Die Rechtfertigungen des Verfassungsrichters sind wenig überzeugend.


    Korrupte Republikaner in hohen Ämtern - das gibt es auch. 😁



           Aa many times previously mentioned, you prove that you are nothing more than a socaialist/marxist leftist indoctrinated kraut who obviously promotes leftist bullshit ideologies because of being indoctrinated into such ideologies rather than actually being educated as to what has actually occurred since mankinds existence since another kind of radically indoctrinated generation known as the nazis which were defeated in two world wars and  overwhelmingly defeated in the 2nd world war. You are nothing than someone who was obviously brainwashed by the communust influence that controlled over half of the country where you were spawned since then and has since tried to infilct your own harm to humanity you worthless brainwashed indoctrinated kraut.

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