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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Speaking from experience of such unforunate occasions, it is truly sad occasions when anyone loses a family member, including a beloved animal family member that people often refer to as pets. Such as is the solumn occasion with the people known as Martina & Alberto and their beloved black lab family member. But we must remember and hope that they too realize that 'All Dogs Go To Heaven'.
  2. Wonder where her bed may be in B4. Isn't there only one of two beds in the bedroom currently listed as N&B's bedroom available there ?
  3. Who is Amy ? I've noticed that a new participant has been added to B2 called Amalia, but have not noticed anything about Amy until the recent chat here. Apparently she must be a friend of Ariana's since she's been hanging out with her. She seems to be a nice looking and an attractive young woman.
  4. Apparently the lovely Leora has had some blonde high-lighting added into her hair. Blonde or brunette, she is certainly quite an attractive woman imo. 😍
  5. The attractive woman known as Leora looked really good in a matching red bra & panty lingerie outfit that she apparently must have recently acquired and now has changed into a matching black bra & panty lingerie outfit that she looks very good in and that she apparently must have recently acquired as well. 😍
  6. Another one that continues a subscription but yet usually complains in various sections of the forum of what they continue to pay for is actually quite pathetic and not to mention but ridiculous as well.
  7. Oh how I would cherish an opportunity to be able to rub, squeeze, and massage the attractive woman known as Leora all over that quite appealing anatomy of hers, amongst being privileged enough to do some other things with her as well ! It is nice to dream of nice things of course, and especially nice things such as that. 😍
  8. I believe you really should consider seeking some help. Perhaps a first step would be to realize that you're not flying around on some magic carpet, and in possession of some magical lamp that a magical genie lives in, that granted you some unrealistic phsychic power of being able to realize or know and understand what other people's thoughts may be, and their reasons for any of them. The level of phsychosis of the monomania you have been continuously projecting in various threads of the forum overall as well as here is really quite ridiculous. All while yet continuing to pay for something that you have been obviously disappointed with, unhappy with, and unsatisfied with for far too long. That is certainly not considered to be normal thought or behavior by no means for anyone.
  9. Oh my, well evidently I missed that part. I was interrupted and had to attend to something else for a short while, although I did happen to notice that she did abruptly pause the occasion at the same time as I was being interrupted, but when I was able to return, the occasion was again proceeding. I did wonder why she seemed red in some areas and thought something must have been causing it. That's unfortunate to have happened with her and I'm certainly glad she has seemed alright since then.
  10. It seems to me that you may not be a substitute, but an actual candidate for someone who may be in need of phsychological help. Anyone who continuously pays for something for enough months that has turned into more than a year and quite possibly multiple years, and yet continuosly bitches and complains about what they have been continuing to pay for, is quite likely a good candidate for being in need of such help.
  11. That was something really nice for her friend Leora to get her as a gift, and Malia certainly looked really good in that red bra & panty lingerie outfit. It has seemed that her attractiveness has been becoming even more so since her arrival there, and when she wears something such as that kind of apparel, it's even more noticable. 😍
  12. It was really nice to notice that the two friends decided it was time to offer one another some relaxxing massaging with some lotion rubdowns. Although the occasion may have seemed a bit hurried compared to previous similar occasions that have only seemed to occur seldomly, the two friends still seemed to enjoy one another's company and gestures of affection of close friendship towards one another during the occasion. It seemed to be a really nice occasion for the two friends.
  13. This is directed to the lovely and attractive woman known as Leora. Leora my dear, I have noticed that you have chosen to wear the cute pink bow hair/headband that displays OMG on both sides of the bow once again. It's always been something that's been quite cute and certainly nice to have noticed some of the times when you have chosen to wear it since you first acquired such a cute item. Although you really have never needed to be wearing it for me to think OMG whenever I've been able to see the appealing vision of the attractive woman that you are. 😍
  14. Was just joking some as far as her site given name goes. But the participant known as Elmira, so far has not shown any indication that she may be willing to be into much of anything other than just being there.
  15. 🤔 Good question HF. Perhaps when or if the site admin. would ever change her site name to Elvira might could be considered an answer. 😏
  16. I feel fairly certain that you may be right in regards to the tan on her kitty, of which my previous comments referring to that part of her anatomy was more or less meant as in a joking manner because of the fact that many women's kitty's appear to be tanned even though the rest of them may actually not be. 🙂 As far as the tan on the rest of her body, it may very well have to do some with her heritage, but I believe she has done something to enhance her appearance of being tanned as well, and especially on her legs, such as either laying out in the sun somewhere, or tanning in a tanning bed somewhere, or applying some sort of tanning enhancement lotions or creams, or gels or oils.
  17. I watch whoever or whatever I want when I want, regardless of what you or anyone else may think about anything.
  18. If you read it that many times and still didn't comprehend what it meant, I feel sorry for you. Actually, I feel sorry for you that you could not comprehend such simple commentary after reading it only a time or two. But I will elaborate somewhat more just so maybe you can comprehend what was meant by the comment in particular. If you happened to notice or observe the two friends the last time they decided to enjoy some sensual play with one another together, which was sometimes around last week, they did so crossed ways of the bed, where not much of the more sensual details of their interactions was observable. Certainly, what they were doing was plainly viewable and understandable from observations from the cams, but very little of actual details of their actual sensual play with one another was viewable, because of their position on the bed. Hopefully that's broke it down enough for you to comprehend now, if not, oh well, I guess you'll just have to not understand.
  19. I think you may have meant 21st century my friend. Although it probably would be interesting to know what life was like 200,000 years into the future if anything even still exists by then. 🙂
  20. Perhaps a more pertinent question of curiosity would be how did she even manage to get selected 'again' to be a participant of the project 'once again'. 🤔 Well now let's see here...considering some of the rediculously senseless decisions of the project admin. in the past...perhaps that could have had something to do with another such senseless decision by them, and is not surprising. Imo, the woman is very boring and not to mention, but she's certainly not the most attractive of women neither.
  21. Yes, she is. Both her and Megan are quite attractive. Would be nice if they were both in a playful mood enough so to make some sensual love to one another in a position where some of such an occasion would be shared by observation.
  22. Evidently he thought by creating such a thread that perhaps it would not matter as much for him to be continuosly posting basically the same comments related to the same subject matter day after day, and even much of the times more than once a day in this thread, and that the likelyhood of any of it getting called out and criticized for what it really is, was less likely as it had been being done so in some of the other threads of this section of the forum, and especially in the general chat threads before they were closed out. Regardless of whether he created such a thread or not, it should still be considered spamming in this section of the forum because of his comments always being basically the same ole same old nonsense. If he continues to do so, and enough others report it as spamming, perhaps something may get done about such nonsense. It would be different for someone to mention something that was the same or similar to what they had mentioned previously ever so often, because of course everyone is different and obviously has differences of opinions, but for someone that posts comments that are basically the same day after day and more than once on many days, that should be considered basically the same as spamming.
  23. When Linda & Tibor first joined the project, they seemed like a breath of fresh air to the project at the time. Linda seemed to be an energetic attractive young woman whose bf Tibor seemed noticably energetic as well. Both seemed to be into things such as learning and following new dance moves while dancing to animated versions of dance videos. It seemed they both also got into playing video games and even some board games sometimes and would at times have guests over to join in some of their festivities of fun. Those types of activities have seemed to not occur as often as they once may have. As far as their more personal or intimate activities such as their sexual interactions with one another, they, like most any other people new to living somewhere with cams likely would be, seemed fairly inhibited about doing much at first for awhile. Gradually, it seemed that they became more comfortable about living somewhere that has cams. At least as far as them having their more personal times of sexual interactions with one another. Yet something that has seemed somewhat strange and odd related to their more personal times is that although Linda has seemed to have become less inhibited enough to not mind as much of having sexual interactions with Tibor who is now her husband, she has still always seemed quite inhibited when it has ever came to her getting herself off whenever it has seemed that some certain thoughts may have been going thru her mind and apparently felt some urge or desire to whenever Tibor was not there at the time. So she has only masturbated maybe 3 or 4 times that's been known of since they joined the project which has been quite some time ago, and each time was so discreet and obscured that very little in detail was revealed. Yet, for awhile now, she will have sexual interactions with her mate there even though he gets quite rough with her when he chokes and smacks on her the way he has, besides the fingering which has occurred in both lower areas sometimes. So it has seemed somewhat strange and odd that if she has gotten past some inhibitions, enough so that those types of situations do not seem to bother her as much as they may have once had, but yet that she obviously has not gotten past enough of any inhibitions to get herself off there without being as concerned that it may get noticed. It's almost been like a difference of night and day with her, she's willing to do whatever he wants whenever he is there, but when he is not, she gets nervous or afraid to do something like getting herself off if she felt an urge or desire to. It has seemed obvious that she is quite submissive where her mate is concerned. As long as they've been living there now, it has seemed that she would have gotten past enough of any inhibitions to not be as concerned about being nervous or afraid as far as satisfying herself as well, if she ever felt an urge or desire to, because she is a grown woman after all.
  24. Wherever the lovely Ariana acquired her tan at perhaps she may have done so in a crotchless bottom or panty since it has appeared that apparently her kitty has a nice tan to match the rest on her legs and above her waist as well. 🙂
  25. Tell me about it. That's the point I've been trying to make to a certain individual, that differences of opinions should usually be understandable, but those of a denigrating nature pertaining to some of the same certain individuals everyday is rediculous, as I had mentioned several times previously as well.
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