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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Well, the day known as humpday to some, may not turn out so interesting this week as may have been hoped by some, so it has seemed so far.
  2. She certainly does make that shirt look quite appealing. But then again, it has seemed that she has with almost every clothing garment she gets and wears. Case in point....a Guns & Roses t-shirt she once wore sometimes as well as some of the other mid drift t's she chose to wear previously.
  3. I apologize for veering off of what the topic for this thread is supposed to be for, but I have been pondering as to the recent 2 day non access/shutdown of the site here. Although it was certainly unfortunate to have occurred, considering that the issues of members or guests not having any access to the site very recently before this latest shutdown because of supposed migrating to some other servers, and then having another period of non access not very long afterwards that seemed to be even 2 to 3 times as long, seemed not only unfortunate, but somewhat uncalled for as well.
  4. Perhaps quite a few may have already decided or may seem to believe that tonight has or is gonna merely be more of the same as has been recently considering the amount of view boxxes being visited for the last little while now.
  5. I believe that perhaps there would be a quite appealing scent, or at least perhaps for one in particular considering how well that someone has always been into maintaining a higher level of hygiene. ๐Ÿ˜
  6. Perhaps my previous post may have been noticed by two women of a certain residence, and if so, well now, isn't that special.
  7. Well, seeings how they are both longtime friends and of the same gender, not so sure why the panties was thought necessary previously, that is, with exception to someone's shyness and being a good bit inhibited.
  8. Well, as have with others elsewhere recently, now the site is not currently available here for the last 10 or 15 minutes. If I was still a betting man, I might be willing to wager that sometime or another since the shutdown, that admin. of the site now has incorperated into it's database some sort of failsafe that would only allow the site to only take on so many loggers before not allowing anymore so as not to get overloaded and perhaps shut down because of such.
  9. Well alrighty then. Until we chat again, take care everyone. ๐Ÿ–
  10. Aye, there were. Like Ole Donz The Fonz, The Scotsman, and Rubberman to mention a few. But, yes, this is the Leora and Malia thread and so be it.
  11. Aye, as do I my friend. ๐Ÿ‘Œ I hope they live long and prospers. ๐Ÿ––
  12. Yeah, I was sort of aware that toolmaker stopped having much participation over there before I started participating less there, but texl01 was still sometimes participating there then. But the times I've visited there since then, I never noticed either of them anymore. Although I did notice that Dutchy and a few others like Harry and the ghost were still visiting sometimes.
  13. Another off topic question for my friend jugg, "Is it true jugg"...."that is, is it true that Ethel Muggs almost became Ethel Jones at one time in the past jugg" ?
  14. Jugg, wonder what ever happened to toolmaker and that other mod over at the sis site.
  15. Aye mate . A good massage from an attractive woman would certainly be nice anytime ! ๐Ÿ‘Œ
  16. It almost seems as if The Little One may be about ready to nod out.
  17. Well jugg, kind a figured you appreciated a strong woman with you and Big Ethel hanging out together sometimes in the past. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  18. Not trying to be pessimistic or negative mate, but knowing the way it seemed that someone was in the past at a previous residence, and if there is a significant other that someone may be betrothed to or perhaps even already hitched to, there's likely not much ever gonna occur with her that some may would consider interesting enough to perhaps hope so.
  19. To heck with some weed oils. Some body oils or even better yet some KY oils on some things would most likely be more interesting. ๐Ÿ˜
  20. Seems things have gotten a good bit repetitive there recently imo.
  21. ๐Ÿ‘Œ So it would seem, and perhaps unfortunately for some. ๐Ÿ˜
  22. It was mentioned recently that all someone did was watch movies and sleep at the residence usually referred to here. I responded to that not in aggreeance by mentioning what had been observed for a long while and part of which was the fact that she, and now they usually always leave the residence most days of each week. Long story short, is it is imo, that even though that is a part of life for perhaps most people in life, aside from that, with the addition of a roommate, some may or perhaps would think that it may seem logical that perhaps the frequency of interesting occasions would increase, but imo, they have seemed to do just the opposite to a point. That was the main point Pep.
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