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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. It has been again noticed, as has been mentioned on several previous occasions in previous Gen. Chat sub-threads pertaining to this section of the forum, that it has now almost nearly become predictable as to one thing that may occur at the residence on a nearly daily basis. The almost nearly predictable and almost daily occurrence, is that the women of the residence usually get ready and leave the residence for awhile, and return at various times later. This has usually been the same routine ever since the intriguing and attractive woman first arrived at the current residence, and has continued since the roommate arrived and began her stay. Only now it usually occurs with the both of them, and usually together and at the same time. It had been speculated on several occasions as to whether or not the original or first and usually intriguing woman of the residence may have become employed somewhere in the vicinity of the current residence, or even if on a part time basis or not, or if had perhaps began taking some sort of classes somewhere at the current location. Regardless of whatever the reasons may be, it has seemed to be a routine that has occurred since the first tenant of the two arrived last year, and has continued since the arrival of the now second tenant and new roommate. It is certain that likely a majority of people in life that usually leave their residence's for awhile perhaps most days of each week for various reasons, and so it is not that it is so unusual for the women of the residence to do so. As mentioned previously, it has been a usual occurrence since the first of the two tenants arrived at the residence as it is a usual occurrence in life, but even though so, imo, what has seemed to have changed, is it has unfortunately seemed that there were more interesting occasions occurring at the residence before the addition of the roommate. Imo, it seems that with the addition of a roommate at the residence, that perhaps the frequency of occasions of interesting occurrences would have perhaps increased, instead of the other way around. Perhaps it may be merely another example of how Real Life may not always turn out as may have been thought perhaps would have.
  2. It was noticed a short while ago that a choice had been made that it was time for some ice cream cones to be made available for a certain intiguingly interesting and attractive woman once again. It certainly would have to be not only quite a tempting and irresistably exhilarating experience, but also a wonderful and amazing privilege to be privy to some tastes of at least 3 or 4 of some of the ice cream cones on display with the appealingly attractive and interesting woman of the residence ! ๐Ÿ˜‹ ๐Ÿ˜
  3. Well folks, it appears that the possible interest for this day may be over for now, and so I'm off of here as well. Take care everyone.
  4. Although I did hear him singing "Like A Rock" a little bit ago when some trolls were trying to stir up some shit.
  5. I haven't heard Bob Seger saying "Turn The Page" yet.
  6. Your pitiful dude....you know....folks like you who have nothing better to do but try to stir up shit while hiding behind the cloak of the net...and it's a good damn thing you are able to hide behind it fatboy....just saying.
  7. Greetings Braul... As far as her spending some time in what was believed by most to be her hometown ever since her first becoming a participant of the project, that may very likely come soon enough. As on a number of previous occasions in the past, I notice you've made it a point to reflect on someone's weight. You mention that you're not saying that someone doesn't look good, yet you seem compelled to make it a point to mention someone's weight yet once again. If in fact someone does look good to you, why continue to make points referencing that someone's weight ? Do you not think that someone who is without any doubt an obviously intelligent person would not be perfectly aware of their weight, and especially a woman at that ? Is someone's weight that much of a obsession with you my friend ? Perhaps you may be right about some, and someone's life in becoming an obsession to some others who may have indirect insights into part of someone else's life as far as being privileged in any way of such, such as perhaps observations through cams, and if so, perhaps some who have developed obsessions more than perhaps should have, should perhaps take breaks from some of the obsessions. Greetings Xarvaz.... As far as referencing all someone does is sleep and watch movies, I must disagree. After much observation of someone since a return to the project at the current location, she has gotten ready and left the apartment usually around 4, 5, or even 6 days out of almost every week since arriving at the current residence, and usually stays gone for at least, 4 to 8 hours or more when she does. No one has any way of knowing what she does when she's away from the apartment. Also, she has always seemed to be someone who likes to maintain a clean place to live in, and usually always spends a good part of one day of each week performing house chores. Also, after much observation over quite an extended period of time starting around her second year with the project, not long after her and her companion first relocated to the second residence from the first, although she was always considered by many to be an attractive and pretty woman, for around the first two years or so, she was also a good bit on the thin or slim side. There is no doubt that there eventually started being more of her, as she certainly by most opinions blossomed into a curvacious and well proportioned and certainly even more attractive woman. There was a time at the previous residence where it may have seemed that perhaps there may have been even just a little more of her then there is now, but even then it was considered by most opinions that the extra development of her, was even quite more attractive than when she was noticeably thinner or slimmer during the first couple of years as a participant or tenant of the project, and had not yet perhaps blossomed into a fully mature woman physically. It is a given that everyone has their own views and opinions on everything in life, but again I cannot agree that there has been becoming more and more of her because she is and has always been the main reason I ever became interested in the project enough so to become a member quite a long time ago. Because of such, my view and opinion has been formed after quite a bit of continuous and consistent observation over a quite lengthy and substantial amount of time. Also, perhaps there are more appropriate and nicer ways of someone attempting to relate certain points on such subject matter if it is believed or felt that there should perhaps be done so.
  8. Perhaps there may be some misunderstanding. In the past, in the years 2015 to 2017, there were a pair of couple tenants that were with the project for awhile. Their project names were Zoya & Lev. Zoya had a sister that sometimes visited and on several occasions even stayed for extended periods of time although was really more or less temporary short periods of several weeks to a month or so. During Zoya's sister's extended short stays, it had been noticed that she would always shower or take baths while wearing no less than a panty and even at times a t-shirt as well. During some of those extended short stays of Zoya's sister, some of the members who were members of both CC's as well as RLCF at the time, and a few who still may be, started referring to Zoya's sister as Taboo as a nickname. That is all that I believe may have been meant by a post that philo posted in reference to a similarity of that to some bathing in some panty's occurring at L & M's residence recently.
  9. I believe the reference was intended to refer to a person that if I'm recalling correctly, was once on several extended occasions a relative and guest of a tenant who was part of a couple who were once tenants in another residence in Russia, and during those several extended occasions that person was nicknamed that by some of the observers and followers of that particular residence at that time.
  10. You are certainly someone to judge....considering quite a number of your past posts.
  11. I for one, cannot and so will not Pepe of the Le' Pew woodland creatures my friend. I'm sure if someone may be judging by some of the previously mentioned views that are slightly visible by certain cams at certain times, that has initiated some speculations. If considering that the balcony is constructed with a half wall and half window across it's total length, then it is highly likely that the apartment is at minimum a second floor apartment, but more than likely is a third floor or higher apartment. Ground floor apartments located on perimeters of buildings usually have patio's instead of balconies and are usually constructed somewhat different because of such. So it is imo, that the apartment is likely a third or forth floor apartment where the tops of some trees can sometimes be somewhat viewed at certain times. As far as the girls dancing at night there with the light off in the living room and only a light on in the kitchen/dining room and bedroom to just illuminate the living room slightly, it appeared that they may have merely been dancing while observing their own reflections which were likely reflected back off of the living room window's glasses with only a light in the kitchen/dining room on behind them besides the bedroom as well. As far as the exchange of massages between the both of them, I'm sure that although it may have perhaps been an idea to perhaps entice some interest in some cams of that residence, I'm sure it was also and perhaps more so, merely something between the longtime close friends that was only a friendly and beneficial exchange of physical interaction between them. Nothing more imo.
  12. I know where there is some certain ice cream cones that I would certainly love to have a taste of right now, and especially 3 or 4 in particular ! ๐Ÿ˜‹
  13. I thought I heard some cat purring jugg, oh wait a minute, it was only pulo filipe purring and saying meow ... meow .... meow amongst the purring. Likely meaning thanks alot jugghead. ๐Ÿ˜
  14. Although they most likely will not, it probably would not matter now as much with it imo seeming that the frequency of actual more interesting ocassions has now declined some. Although to some it may seem otherwise, the ocassions such as some dancing somewhat at night with certain lighting off and only certain lighting on where it appears to occur in a room with only a light on in a neighboring room so that it appears to be only iluminated in that way, which is mainly obscured with very little lighting, but without any nuisance infrared lighting, is actually not so interesting at all imo. But of course, they are Real Life ocassions. Also, meow pulo filipe.
  15. It was certainly good news when the lovely woman of the residence did after all end up getting a roommate. It was apparently good for both her and her new roommate. It seemed good for her because she was also an old friend from from a previous location, and having her as a roommate will now give her some deserved and likely desired company at the new residence. It is likely good for her roommate because of similar reasons as well, as well as perhaps offering her an opportunity to earn some compensation income, of which she may have not been fortunate enough to have had, back at the previous location. Although it was quite fortunate and good for the both of the friends to become roommates at the new location, it has perhaps unfortunately, obviously changed the dynamics of occasions of occurrences of more higher interest at the residence. Whereas previously, the intriguing and attractive woman had the residence to herself, and was at her leisure to do whatever she may have wanted at any given time in any of the residence's room's, it has seemed that with the addition of a roommate, she has certainly since been limited to now only a few of the residence's room's to be able to do whatever she has wanted to, and certainly for some things, has now also been limited to only certain times as well unfortunately. . As previously mentioned, it certainly was in both of the friends and now roommates best interests, and has been and will continue to be beneficial to the both of them, but imo, the frequency of more interesting ocassions or occurrences at the residence has now unfortunately declined some it has seemed.
  16. Pay attention to the hip movement now girlfriend. Lol ๐Ÿ˜
  17. Aww right mate. Aye, a 1 beer in 3 hour drunk, a definite keeper. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  18. It has seemed quite nice that a certain landing strip has seemed somewhat visible even at times when it has seemed to be mostly obscured.
  19. Appears as if they may be watching they're selves in the window reflections while having some lighting off and dancing.
  20. To my best recollection and if memory serves me correct, she's always had some very good talent in dancing and with very good moves as well. I've always remembered her being better than that. Perhaps you may be thinking of a time when someone was quite a bit thinner and had not yet mastered quite as much of hip movements or some twerking moves as of yet. ๐Ÿ˜‰
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