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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Jugg, did the made over tune on the previous page happen to show up in text all scrambled up, or in multiple paragragh format and not so scrambled up ? πŸ€”
  2. Wtf ? Dancing with a certain light off while wearing sheer house slips. All likely because of someones bashfulness and shyness. My oh my. 😏
  3. A little tune often thought of from somewhat of a different perspective because of a certain attractive woman before she had a roommate: She sits alone, waiting for suggestions....He's been trying to be polite, avoiding lots of questions... His lips are dry, her heart is gently pounding...Don't he wanna know, exactly what she's thinking... His heart's beating like a drum...Is he gonna notice perhaps this girl is wanting some...Well hopefully soon now baby, he will know for sure... Don't he wanna know, exactly what she's thinking... If ya know I want your body and I think your sexy....C'mon sugar let me know....If you really need me, just reach out to touch me....and c'mon honey show me so ! πŸ™‚
  4. Oh yeah, well you ain't the only one and here's another for ya....somebody must a had to go tinkle. πŸ˜‰
  5. Perhaps Leora should say to her friend, "Already done with that beer ? Well what are you waiting on ? Go grab another and let's try and relax and enjoy this time and perhaps make the best of it".
  6. Agreed, although imo in their case of wearing those outfits, that adjective is a mild term of referring to sexy as well.
  7. Well, I couldn't very well give away all the details jugg. Lol
  8. It seems that today a beverage of choice was simply good ole beer.
  9. Good that perhaps the new roommate may perhaps be getting more comfortable and relaxxed at a new residence.
  10. Well what an unexpected yet certainly nice surprise. Both women have returned and have chosen to dress in some sheer and enticingly sexy house slips over their undergarments and are looking quite attractively sexy in doing so !
  11. Have a good day, afternoon, night and morning as well and Meow pulo filipe. 🐱 🐈
  12. Well good morning there juggster ! Good to see you've managed to return again. As far as what may occur today, perhaps I may be of assistance with that. It is highly likely that shortly after the ladies arise from their slumber, that aside from engaging in some sort of meaningful conversation to them, they will likely have some beverages and a bite or two to eat, and perhaps video chat or watch shows on their tablets or tv while doing so. Then they will likely get showered or bathed, or get dressed, and leave the residence for awhile. Later, they will return, all the while continuing some dialogue meaningful to them, then perhaps have some more beverages and more to eat as well. They will likely again watch shows or video chat on their tablets or watch tv or perhaps some of each. If not done so earlier, they then may perhaps shower or bathe. Likely not long afterwards, it will be time to call it a day, return to their beds, and eventually sleep and rest for another day of adventurous intrigue tomorrow.
  13. Don't think they blocked an ISP. Perhaps they may have blocked an IP Add. that was assigned to some computer you may have been using at the time. ISP stands for Internet Service Provider. That would be whatever telecom, cable/fiber optic, broadband, satellite, ie, or other data company you were receiving access to the internet from. IP Add. stands for Internet Protocol Address and is assigned to computers during a part of the manufacturing and activation process.
  14. I understand your point of subject matter lwis, but perhaps her friend may not yet feel at home enough to take up some part of such responsibilities on her own initiative as of yet. If that indeed is the case, and it does in fact continue after more time has past, then perhaps it may take Leora mentioning to her what she could do to assist in such matters. Of course any of that depends on whether or not if she would rather take care of such responsibilities herself instead. She has pretty much always seemed to be a person who has seemed quite particular in how she likes various things.
  15. Aww e, I just think of it like this....because I know beyond any shadow of a doubt how much of an attractive woman she really is in regular or natural lighting conditions, if ever I notice seeing her in the infra-red lighting conditions, I merely think of how much of an attractive woman she really is....that is, whether a vision of her in the regular or natural lighting as her natural attractive self, or in some infra-red zombie appearing like lighting conditions, she's still certainly quite an attractive woman either way. πŸ˜‰
  16. If she had reached up and turned off some of the regular lighting at one of the switches above the corners of the bed headboard, or got up long enough to turn one off, that would have been when some infra-red lighting started from whatever particular light's regular lighting was turned off. Infra-red lighting lots of times can make views seem quite strange and unusually abnormal e.
  17. Oh no, say it ain't so jugg, not the ocam. And here I thought that was perhaps part of why you may have been referred to as a cap-master. 😏
  18. Perhaps not if he's really more of a Cheshire Cat than a Garfield. πŸ˜‰
  19. Although it was certainly interesting and quite nice to be made aware that a certain little kitty has evidently been being shown some of it's desired and coveted attention again some recently, the occurrences have obviously caused another matter of intrigue to develop. Apparently, it has seemed that although a certain little kitty has been receiving and certainly enjoying the attention it has been receiving again recently, it has seemed that a certain little kitty's nearby neighbor may have again been feeling pretty much left out and may have also been feeling neglected and lonely from apparently not receiving any attention lately for awhile now, such as has it's nearby neighbor, a certain little kitty.
  20. My gosh, she is such a gorgeously hottt woman !!! 🧐
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