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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. I hear you TBG ! Tell it like you see it ! You seem to think a lot like someone else I know who happens to be sitting right here. ๐Ÿ‘Œ
  2. You said it TBG. Very wise and true statements beyond any shadow of any doubt. ๐Ÿ‘Œ
  3. I said here, and it sure ain"t there. ๐Ÿ™‚ She can most certainly make all the erotic shows she may ever want to here but the only lenses that they would perhaps be made in front of, would likely be the lenses of my eyes, and she certainly could do it without having to worry about being taken care of. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  4. No need for any apologies as far as I see things bud. I've just been curious for awhile now about how has it been that the chick known as Dasha leaves a residence in Russia, and goes to the residence of the other asha"s, Masha & Sasha, and moved in with them and has stayed there ever since. It has been well over a year now I know. Possibly over 2 years now since then. Curious how she has been getting away with it as far as visa"s and citizenship issues. Curious mainly, so I'll have some sort of idea on how to proceed when getting Leora here. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  5. Well, whatever happened with Betty ? Seem to recall you and Arch both were hittin on that at one time.
  6. So did Big Ethel happen to accompany you on a 2 seater bicycle on your bike ride jugg ?
  7. Lol. No wonder Archie and the rest of the gang likes you so much Jugg. Your a funny guy.
  8. I'd gladly give her any color of any kind of card along with anything else she might want if she would leave there and meet me anywhere she would want and let me take care of her ! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  9. It is quite sad, disappointing, and certainly unfortunate for not only those of us who had some privilege and good fortune of getting to observe, admire, and to even get to know to some extent some of the tenants and some of they're everyday lives, but also for some of the tenants who are now faced with the issues of finding different means of income and residences in which to reside and live.
  10. Meanwhile, back on the farm...โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.I'm sorry, without our Leora, even back on the farm things seem trivial. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
  11. Or perhaps it could have been one of The Four Horsemen". lol
  12. Woe is me, woe is me. How I'll miss our dear and wonderful and most attractive lady Leora.
  13. Not so sure Jugg, haven't been visiting there much in a while bud.
  14. Time to contact subscription service provider to discontinue allowance of monthly auto pay. To hell with the so called project and the ones responsible for the negative and unfortunate changes.
  15. I will miss all of her, what I stated and certainly including those.
  16. Well, the tenant known as Paul can say that the free ride was good for as long as it lasted, Bet he will have to and will regret having to go back to work on more of a full time basis now even though it was obvious that he did not want to. Too bad for him. He can't be as lazy as wants to be any longer now.
  17. Well, even though it had it's ups and down periods, it seemed to be for the most part a good run with the L & P residence for six years while it lasted. Farewell to one of the most beautiful and down to earth women out of all of the so called project. I certainly did admire and love her for being the woman she seemed to be and was. I will certainly miss the view of her beautiful and attractive face and figure.
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