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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Another great vision and memory of the beautiful and amazing woman many had come to admire and hold in such high regards wingtson our friend.
  2. I been thinking and have stated that it was quite strange that RLC stopped streaming all Russian residences, but VHTV and others have continued. But the cams in the residence where they lived was provided by and likely owned by RLC. So, the only way they could possibly stream again, would be to either join VHTV, or to start streaming through some other cam site whereas they could simply use a pc cam or purchase a plug-in or wireless remote cam that could be linked to a pc.
  3. Aside from the male staff of RLC, the tenant formerly known as Paul likely did not have to worry much about losing what of any balls he may have had, as they likely shriveled up to nothing when he arrived on Wrangel Island in the Eastern Siberian Sea after being exiled there. 🤐
  4. It has been rumored that the tenant formerly known as the beautiful woman called Leora, has received an invitation to the Kremlin, while the tenant formerly known as Paul, has been exiled to some remote Siberian island called Wrangel Island located somewhere in the Eastern Siberian Sea. 😲
  5. RLC went down the tubes. They put some apartments in UM status to start, then shut down one or more for a day or two, then brought them back for a short time, then shut the whole site down for several more days, and returned with only one less apartment then they now have currently. They are not doing very well and treated they're customers like dirt. It is believed that it may have been because of some changes in internet accesses in Russia, but funny thing is, is that other sites like VHTV are still running all they're residences 24/7.
  6. Alright. Since this incident seems to be popular and has repeatedly showed up, I'll be obliged to tag or name the scene. It simply was known as "The Clinch".
  7. I remember hearing about that incident but was not checking out the residence at the time it occurred. There was also another incident of his poor, selfish, and immature behavior in the LR/Kit other then the one recently made known. As I observed that incident as well, it was even worse then the one made known recently. I certainly hope the incident in the GR was not much worse. He's just very fortunate that another man with decency and morals was not around at any of those incidents.
  8. Well Rod my friend, not so sure I agree with you on what may have been interesting to understand or know why the sorry ass that was known as Paul did do that to Leora. If I remember correctly, it seemed that she was merely asking him to go somewhere to do or get something and his lazy ass just did not want to go which was typical of his mentality and morals. What I would have found quite interesting, would have been that if another man had been there at the time and would have done that to him. It would have been quite interesting to see just how much the coward would have liked and appreciated it being done to him. Chances are, that he would have left the apartment whining and crying afterwards and that would have been most definitely interesting to have observed or even more so, to have been the other man who put him in his place.
  9. It has been quite strange that although a number of the apartments on VHTV has seemed to be in Russia, that they have not done any kind of major cut-back like RLC did. Something must be going on with RLC more then just the supposed change of internet issues in Russia.
  10. Although it would be great if it were to happen, I would not count on it and certainly would not wager or hold my breath on it happening. Although it is true that Ulyana & Marat did eventually return, but in a different residence of which used to be where Kitty & Smith lived before the major shutdown and return with significant changes, which is in Spain somewhere supposedly and means that Ulyana & Marat were willing and able to travel and relocate, if only for a known quite short term basis, and now being only listed as a "Couple on Vacation", which the tenants who have been listed under that category, have always certainly been quite on a temporary basis and have only endured any stays short term. U & M had not really been with RLC that long as had L & P, and U & M had only recently decided that the extra subsistence compensation for more attraction to residence cams as far as amount of cam visits combined with amount of cam visit time accumulation was worth some added activities or occurrences of more interest to they're residence cams, to attract cam attention was worth it. Whereas, L & P had been aware of such for a long time as was they're tenure with RLC. As is with many others most likely, I certainly do miss the beautiful Leora though.
  11. I believe that the tenant known as Paul is most likely not so much concerned about being employed only part-time now. Now, will be a real and genuine test of they're relationship as they will both likely have to seek and return to regular employment on more of a full time basis to be able to afford a residence and any associated residential bills, and many other items of which they had become accustomed to affording and obtaining while being at the project while it lasted. I have always admired the beautiful woman known as Leora and certainly do miss her and likely will for quite awhile to come. She was the reason I first ever subscribed to the project, and then again after canceling at one point when times of interesting activities or occurrences had seemed to diminish enough to, eventually resubscribed when it seemed that some of those times had resumed enough to. She was, and wherever she is now, is a beautiful and quite uniquely amazing and special woman, not to mention seemingly such a down to earth woman who seemed to have such a kindred spirit. I always felt quite privileged to have discovered and be able to know of Leora as I did, and if ever to be privileged enough to do so again in the future, I would most certainly cherish those times as well.
  12. I guess there may have not been many if any who visit this thread of the forum who managed any cap. of the beautiful Leora's sensual play followed by sensual play with her white toy on the LR sofa on June 01, 2019. I have checked other sites where many caps. have often eventually showed up on, but to no avail, none from June 01, 2019 have. So it is probable and likely that the session that occurred then on that date was missed by most followers and perhaps even capped. by few of those who were fortunate enough to have been privileged enough to have not missed it.
  13. What player was used jimbo my friend ? mp4, avi, or different ? Keep getting a decode error after the first 3 or 4 or 5 seconds. Also, what date was it from ? Nevermind jimbo my friend. I got it figured out on both issues and thank you sir for your generous contribution.
  14. Just curious. Did anyone happen to notice and possibly get any cap. of a session with the beautiful Leora when she was wearing a white satin slip and glasses and decided some nice sensual kitty play was in order and after awhile proceeded in retrieving her white toy and returned to the LR sofa to engage in some kitty and rear entrance play that happened to occur around on 06-01-2019 ? I was fortunate enough to have logged on just in time for the sensual play to begin, and thought I had started my recorder to get a cap. of the session, but unfortunately, after all was said and done, I mistakenly never started the recorder as I thought I had. If anyone happened to get any cap. of that session and would be generous enough to share any link either here in this thread now that most worries of being banned from the failing site are now past, or by way of pm it would be sincerely and greatly appreciated.
  15. Unfortunately and sadly, for anyone who may be attempting to have any remaining glimmer of hope of L&P returning to RLC, in not trying or meaning in any ways to shatter anyone's hopes or beliefs, or cause any periods of depression with anyone, but it is highly unlikely that L&P will return to RLC. If there was ever any intention of RLC to bring back L&P or any of the other residences no longer with the so called project after perhaps a short hiatus, then it would have been highly likely that they would have merely only placed the associated residences in a vacation status. If that had been the case, they would have most likely contacted the tenants of those associated residences to inform them of such, even though they may have still not contacted any subscribers because it would have been noticed on the residence listing on the log in page. It is likely that RLC administration did contact the tenants of the associated residences to inform them of the changes and reduction of residences that was to come at that time, and it would have certainly had an effect on many of the tenants attitudes and behaviors. I had been noticing what I believed had been some changes in some of the tenants attitudes and behaviors at various intervals of time periods over time, and had posted in this thread on a number of occasions whenever it seemed that there were additional notices in attitudes and changes in behaviors of some of the tenants. An example of such, was when Paul quit or got terminated from what was obviously employment of a more full time basis. It had seemed that there more recently was another noticeable change in attitudes and behaviors at the L&P residence around the time when Leora returned from a supposed 4 day vacation. Things at the residence was never quite the same after that. Instead, RLC only attempted to pull off an undermining of it's subscribers by what they did to the site without so much as even a notice to any subscribers. But that kind of poor business practices by RLC was certainly not the first occurrences of poor business practices by them, although it may possibly have been they're last. If they lose enough business because of they're poor and inconsiderate business practices, they may very well get even worse off financially and eventually go out of business. It is also quite unfortunate and sad that it is highly unlikely that L&P will ever move to another country and become a part of another voyeur site. I will most certainly and truly miss our Leora very much ! 🙁 RLC.....😡…...to hell with you !
  16. Likely a good and wise move esandman. As stated somewhat previously, my month to month subscription with RLC was down to 4 days after the abrupt under maintenances, shutdowns, and reappearance with changes. It was then that they showed a highlighted info. strip at the top of the site log in page stating that they had converted 9 days of additional replay subscription that I had remaining over to the new so called premium subscription and added it onto the 4 days of subscription of which was remaining on my premium subscription to RLC at the time. They attempted to make it seem as though that they were doing something good for me and were helping me out in some way, when fact of the matter was, as everyone else knows who were subscribers with them, the quite terrible and certainly unexpected changes had actually started occurring around 4 days before that point with them putting first the L&P apartment in UM status, then others, then shutting the whole site down, and eventually returning the site to accessibility to subscribers after the severe and uncalled for interruption of service accessibility with no notice to any subscribers. Yet they attempted to sugarcoat the situation like they were actually doing me some sort of favor by changing the subscription and adding a remainder of 9 days of replay onto 4 days of premium subscription when in all actuality, they're b... s... had started 4 days before then when I had 8 days remaining on my premium subscription and 13 days on replay subscription. I have always believed and even suggested on a number of occasions that RLC was not that good of a business or company. Only reason I had originally subbed., was mainly because of the L&P residence, and even again after cancelling once in the past, resubbed. at a later time because of mainly the same reasons. To hell with RLC.
  17. Aye, and there's even some attack canine there who wears some armor and who's bite is 20 times as worse than it's bark who some say resembles the critter called Evonne. 😏
  18. No Trump love in mate. Other dialogue been going on in this thread other then that, like people who seem to think that they know beyond a shadow of a doubt on what goes on and why, in other countries of which they do not even reside. Yet probably if truth and facts were known about them, they probably don't even know enough about what goes on in the countries they do reside in. You know, ones who are always concerned more about other peoples business, when perhaps they should be more concerned about their own.
  19. Right on. If anyone would know, it would be someone who sees things from above. 👍
  20. No, your getting tired of people who don't stay quiet and put up with and take none of you bleeding heart cry baby socialists/communists/liberals or whatever you call yourselves nowadays b.s. is what your getting tired of. On here putting out disingenuous info. of what you know nothing about. The U.S has been carrying most of the European nations in financial ways such as NATO and shit loads of other untold extravagant amounts of financial aids since World War II. If the corrupt people in the government were not naïve, ignorant, and crooked enough to give away so much U.S. taxpayer money in aid each year, there would not even be any thought of any U.S. debt. Where the hell do you think the money has came from and comes from, the corrupt people in government or maybe Santa Claus or something ? Hell no, it's came and comes from U.S. taxpayers. Keep on believing everything you see on the net or hear or read through a left leaning media and see how far you'll get. The U.S. is a democratic republic, more of a true and genuine democracy than nearly all the other countries in the world. Worry about political business in your own damn country and not in the U.S.
  21. Well, judging by the pic. in the purple bean bag, appears she does have a nice sized labia that she must be obviously proud of esandman. 😉
  22. Well, obviously you must be from some country who does not know the difference between a dictatorship and democracies, so you must be one who is simple minded and a fool. The U.S. does not need any help from another country. Your probably another one from a country in something like The E.U. or something similar where the country someone resides in has to depend on another country for their well being, or that receives millions to billions of dollars in financial aid from The U.S. financed off the backs off taxpayers in the U.S.
  23. Good thing you are there, they don't need anymore who think like that in the U.S. That's the trouble now, too many who think like that around. "News Flash".... The U.S. along with it's allies, mainly being Australia, Canada, and England, beatdown and destroyed the axis powers who were evil at it's core, and had some of the same sort of ideology as the so called left leaning liberals nowadays. But if The U.S. had not intervened, it likely would not have happened and if not, Scandinavia would be under the so called socialist/fascist rule of Germany..."The Nazi's". Additionally, The U.S, is the only world "Super Power". Hardly going down the drain and certainly not under any authoritarian rule of government and not part of no E.U. Why ? Because the U.S. stands for itself, unlike most of the other countries of the world. Always has, and always will. But if too many people with that type of ideology are allowed to be in charge, they very well could go down the drain. Too bad, it's not happening and not going to. Trump was not a politician, therefore not part of the corrupt political establishment that had been turning the government that way more and more over time, and a hell of a lot more so because of dishonest, corrupt, and crooked people on the so called left, even though there have been a lot on the so called right also. People were and are tired of the corruptness and b.s. of people who get elected to represent and therefore govern the country and then just really had done it to make a lot of money and become wealthy at the expense of the taxpayers. Trump was wealthy, therefore does not need more money or wealth, and had never been in politics. Therefore, he was not part of the crooked and corrupt part of the so called political establishment. That's why enough people voted for Trump that he got elected and he's done a hell of a lot more for the people of the U.S. in his first 2 years, then Obama/Biden did in 8 years and surely more than Hilliary Crook Clinton ever would have. Matter of fact, seems more has gotten done the past two years for the people than did under any other leader going back to F.D.R. around The World War II era.
  24. It's obvious to any with enough intelligence to keep up with the genuine circumstances of intelligence and situations occurring around them both locally as well as nationally. People have been and are tired of all the b... s...ing lying assed establishment politicians in The U.S. who want the majority of the country's population to be dependent on the government, all the while they continue to come up with more undermining and corrupt excuses, reasons, and ways to steal more and more of their money to finance their corrupt b.s. Some people just don't like it when enough of some country's population stands up and says "No More"', by ways of their voting and free speech. Those are likely the same sort of people who go along with those kinds of crooked and corrupt people in politics because they don't care about them stealing from anyone as long as some of them are getting some of it for free, of which there are a hell of a lot more on the so called left than there are on the so called right.
  25. Only beatdown of african americans or any race is on the ones who think they are entitled to anything and everything they want for nothing other than just for being born, and especially when they think a government should provide it at taxpayers expense from people not too lazy or worthless to work.
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