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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Democrat senators who are up for reelection in 2024 are abandoning Joe Biden's far left "woke" legislative agenda. Biden is fast becoming a lame duck president, and if he announces he is not running for reelection in 2024 his presidency is over.:cool:

         Presidency, you must be referring to the puppet that was installed as a so called president in 2020 although many so called voting irregularities had occurred and previous presidence had been disregarded because of a virus released by the CCP in hopes that the president at the time, had less chances of being reelected because the CCP could not stand the fact that they were being forced to forfeit hundreds of billions of dollars in tarriffs that the previous president had imposed on them. Regardless of whether he has the balls to or not, he's a crooked and corrupt sorry excuse of humanity piece of shit puppet lame duck anyway since he will never be reelected being known as the worst president in the history of the country. What better way to assure that the CCP has the hundreds of billions of dollars of tarrifs stopped, than to try to make sure that a puppet could be installed in such a position whose family had already been beholding to the CCP by receiving hundreds of millions of dollars from them.

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, happyone said:

    Here is another Fox News report--but as you say they are not irrelevant or a piece of media US shit as this is a news report about the bipartisan counter attack on Joe Biden's left leaning woke agenda that will hurt the finances of the middle class Americans.  Making ESG a fiduciary criteria for investing in a public company is ludicrous.  The bi-partisian Congress realizes this, but Biden threatens to veto the bill to further his authoritarian agenda.



    The Senate formally killed a Biden administration rule that encourages private retirement plan fiduciaries to consider ESG factors when making investment decisions for over 150 million Americans.


    He is nothing more than the most corrupt piece if shit puppet that has ever been allowed to be installed in the supposed highest office in the U.S. Anyone, including the obviously fickle minded bullshitter propagandist who goes by Starlight28, who tries to claim otherwise, are as full of shit as he and his corrupt family are.  

  3. 6 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Forcing someone else to pay for YOUR legally contracted loan is a "basic right in a democratic culture?":cry:

           He knows better, but he is a spawn of what happened in the country where he is from after that country got destroyed by countries who had allied at the time to hopefully get rid of such ignorant and stupid assed brainwashed people. Obviously it worked at the time, but after the marxists, communists influence on half of that country for as many years that occurred afterwards, it obviously did not work out as well as had been hoped for or should have. His obviously  uneducated, but rather indoctrinated, mindset and ideology is proof of attestement to that. He is nothing more than a bull shitter propagandist that apparently has no reason or excuse for life otherwise. It's why he obviously despises the U.S. and Isreal as much as the worthless propagandist does.

  4. 4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Ob Infrastruktur, saubere Energien oder Elektrofahrzeuge: Die US-Politik stimuliert mit gewaltigen Summen den Umbau der Wirtschaft, berichten die Analysten für Wachstums- und Tech-Aktien von BlackRock.


             Care to explain where all of those solar panels were manufactured shithead ? Let me give you a hint. It is a country that has a city called Shanghi shithead. Of course that probably doesn't mean much to you since you are an obviously indoctrinated individual who believes in globalitism. Well, there are many in the U.S. who do not and will not put up with such b.s. when it comes to the sovereignty and overall population of the U.S. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    DU bist das dumme ignorante indoktrinierte korrupte Stück Scheiße. Schau in den Spiegel - Drecksau !





           Like I mentioned, he is a corrupt piece of shit sorry excuse of humanity and so is anyone who believes otherwise. We only now have less than two years to put up with such b.s. from such a corrupt piece of shit sorry excuse of humanity.

  6. 10 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



    Joe Biden is repositioning the United States as the leading power in the fight against Putin – proving to be a godsend for the democracies of Europe.


            Joe Biden is a one term puppet, corrupt, life long piece of shit politician, who has enriched himself and his family because of putting themselves ahead of the security of the American people first you stupid assed ignorant indoctrinated asshole. You will see what happens in 2024 if you are still around to see that the American people have had way more than enough of his shit along with anyone who has continued promoting such b.s.

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  7. 25 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

     YOU are such a stupid idiot. You haven't noticed that only a part of the article is displayed for replies. I've read your nonsense completely, even if it's hard to bear.

    I'd be happy to give that asshole back to you, US-NAZI.


           Lol. I believe that anyone who reads the dialogue would realize who might actially be an idiot since you claimed that you had read the entire prior post of comments that I posted, when it was impossible that you had since I had edited the post and added further comments afterwards. There is a special place in the underworld for the souls of those that try to promote bad things happen to a certain population known as the Jewish population so keep it up asshole, you are on your way there where hitler and other nazis are waiting for those such as yourself.  

  8. 10 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    And your US war criminals ????? Damn hypocrite. Turn on your brain, liar.






         Go back and read the rest of the post asshole, not that it would make any difference to an indoctrinated, uneducated asshole such as yourself. Albert Einstein would be ashamed knowing there are those from that country with such ignorance and mindsets in this day and time.

  9. 25 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    I have already given you the advice not to reply to my lines with indoctrinating hate nonsense . Stop glorifying your USA as the land of the extermination of 100,000,000 Indians and pointing fingers at other countries. You just don't remember your disgusting crimes anymore. Germany is probably the only country that stands by its past and doesn't sweep anything under the carpet. Incidentally, )0% of German citizens have nothing to do with it and criminal offenses are still prosecuted by German courts today - with German thoroughness. Perpetrators are often over 90 years old. and what about remorse and processing of crimes in the USA, GB, Spain ................??? None! Shame on you !!



          The history you referred to actually occurred before the turn of the 20th century when many countries populations of the world were not as civilized as they eventually became. The history I referred to regarding the country where you are from, occured since most countries of the world had become more civilized. You have been obviously indoctrinated rather than actually educated. That's why people from both the U.S. and Isreal have been having to search for individuals who were officers in the nazi party to try them for war crimes who were responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people right. Because that country was so forthcoming. You are about as full of shit as they come. 

  10. 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    Fuck that Rep-majorized US Prime Court. Trump wanker totally disrupted US judiciary by installing judge jerks of his color.

    Just as this disgusting criminal bastard of Netanyahu now wants to introduce a "legal reform" in Israel in which Parliament can overrule Supreme Court decisions by a simple majority.

    When will USA finally become rule of law? And not stupid inferior banana Rambo Republic with vigilante justice and freedom of arms ??? I don't give a fuck. In the 21st century still Wild West in USA !! Pooh devil. In addition, burger food from McDonalds, Burger-King and beef steaks which consume over 15,000 liters of water for 1 kg of meat and generate vast amounts of methane. A country as a role model ??? No definitely not.


          Aside from the fact that the U.S. rebuilt much of the country where you are from after having to destroy much of it because of people's ideologies and mindsets quite similar to yours, it's been noticed how you actually despise and cannot stand much about the U.S. and even more so in regards to Isreal. Such an obviously and poorly educated but actually indoctrinated excuse of humanity you evidently are from the country you are from. You despise the fact that the country where you are from was destroyed because of peoples ideologies quite similar to yours who believed in the false b.s. of hitler. He was also a b.s. ter who caused the deaths of millions of innocent people including Jews. If you despise the U.S. so much because your country got destroyed then, perhaps you would care to explain why over 6 million innocent people were imprisoned in concentration camps and murdered you sorry ass. Best advice for someone like you, would be to research some actual history rather than b.s. history and start paying attention to some actual history and news that is actually more honest and truthful than the b.s. propaganda your obviously brainwashed mind has been being subjected to asshole. 

  11. 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


    Sorry ich mag keine Terroristen - größte Terroristen in der Welt sind diese USA und der Verbrecherstaat ISRAEL als Judenhochburg nach der langen Zionismus-Verdummung.  Und Deutschland finanziert und hofiert diesen dreckigen Judenstaat, ich schäme mich. Was kann man von einem Präsidenten mit jüdischen Namen von "Steinmeier" auch anderes erwarten. Pfui.


          Oh but in reality, you are a terrorist. An actually, obviously uneducated, but rather a socialist/marxist indoctrinated propagandist terrorist who obviously can not stand the fact that others from that country where you are from, were certainly highly involved in getting two world wars started, and in doing so, ended up getting their asses kicked both times because of the eventual involvement of a country such as the U.S. it's been mentioned previously that obviously you are someone who has been indoctrinated by others who had been brainwashed by the heavy handed control of the russian and eventually soviet union military that controlled half of that country for decades. Too bad kraut, your kind of people should have known better, but obviously did not, so your country's population had to suffer the consequences of asshole propagandist terrorists such as yourself. It is a fact that the so called fuhrer, was actually a propagandist terrorist himself and is why things worked out the way they ended up being for him. 

  12. 1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:

    Sortiere Deine Gedanken.

    Normal antworte ich auf so Dummheiten von Schwachköpfen nicht. Lass Dich von "Menschen" beraten bevor Du so viel Unsinn veröffentlichst. Schäme Dich  Quatschkopf.


          You try to make others believe your b.s. and think you are so intelligent, but it is obvious that you are not what you try to make others believe from so much of the dishonest b.s. you try to make others believe. Like I mentioned previously, if you were as intelligent as you try to make others believe, you would not be making as many false claims as you have and continue to do without any proof whatsoever to support any of your dishonest b.s.

  13. 4 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    Widerlicher Hetzer. Und Trump und sein Sohn haben bei Putin unterwerfend Hof gehalten damit Donald US-Präsident wird. Das ist bewiesen, Du bist nur Hetzer ohne jeden Beweis. Ich kack auf Dich Trump-Rep-Schleimer. Pfui !

    Trump als Putin-Puppe. Mit Trump als Spielzeug-Präsident kein Überfall in Ukraine ????? Hättest Du Verstand, würdest Du über so viel Unfug lachen. Denke nach. Ich gebe keine Hoffnung auf, Dich zu resozialisieren und das Du Verstand  bekommen kannst, trotz Vietnam.



     Lie after lie after lie you tell. No wonder a country that has people like you spawned someone like Adolf Hitler. Either actually get educated rather than indoctrinated, or actually informed on actual facts, or refrain from all the dishonesty you let be known that comes from someone like you, because it's no wonder the country where you are from got it's asses kicked in two world wars that it was definitely involved in getting started. There will never be any 1000 year reich, and the sooner you get that through your head and that those who thought there might would be were definitely wrong in commiting all of the crimes against humanity that they did, the sooner you might come to a realization of how dishomest you have been.

  14. 14 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    @Ridgerunner "Du hasst professionelle Politiker weil sie sich nichts aus der Arbeiterklasse machen" - hast Du geschrieben.

    Hassen ist ein menschlich niedriges Motiv, das den Geist blendet. Auch wenn ich vieles nicht mag, "hassen" ist mir fremd, ich kann Mitleid haben, bedauern oder verachten, aber nicht blind hassen. Spying 1 zum Beispiel halte ich für ein ganz armes Würstchen, ich weiß nicht warum er so voller blinden Hass ist, ich habe Mitleid mit ihm, aber ich hasse ihn nicht. Er braucht Hilfe durch einen "Seelen-Arzt". Er hasst sich irgendwie selber, Schade.

    Professionelle Politiker gibt es nicht, den Beruf Politiker auch nicht. Normal ist das so. Jemand wird Mitglied einer politischen Partei, weil diese seinem eigenen denken am nächsten kommt. Man arbeitet in der Partei mit, Gedankenaustausch, Plakate kleben, Gespräche mit Bürgern - wird innerhalb der Partei zur Wahl für Funktionen vorgeschlagen und gewählt. Wird für Kandidaturen für öffentliche Ämter im Gemeinderat, Stadtrat, Kreistag, Landtag oder Bundestag vorgeschlagen und reichert politische Erfahrungen an. "Marsch durch politische Institutionen". Wer grobe Fehler macht wird nicht weiter gefördert sondern zurück gezogen und intern nicht wieder gewählt. Wer viele Jahre lang in der Partei für öffentliche Ämter vieles gut gemacht hat macht politische Karriere. So ein Mensch ist Joe Biden, er hat eine lange politische Karriere hinter sich, hat viel Erfahrung und hat über Jahrzehnte hinweg vieles gut und richtig gemacht.

    Ich weiß nicht ob oder wie lange Trump Mitglied der Republikanischen Partei ist. Aktiv mitgearbeitet hat er in der Partei nicht, er ist nicht durch Institutionen marschiert, er hat keine politischen Erfahrungen gesammelt - Trump war vor der 1. Wahl politischer Newcomer und hat als Elefant im Porzellanladen Fehler über Fehler gemacht. Trump ist Millionär und kein Mann der "kleinen Leute".

    Arbeiterklasse ist falscher Ausdruck. Das ist Terminus des alten Kommunismus. In der Demokratie gibt es keine Klassen mehr ! Jeder gewählte Abgeordnete hat Verantwortung für ALLE (Bürger - Klassen). Eine echte "Demokratie" mit Parlament als "Spiegelbild des Volkes" gibt es leider nicht - nirgends. Ich bedauere es auch sehr das zum Beispiel im Deutschen Bundestag 60% Beamte und Menschen im Öffentlichen Dienst sitzen, bis 30% Rechtsanwälte und Juristen, Mitglieder von Verbänden und Gewerkschaften - aber fast kein Handwerker, Arbeiter oder Angestellter. Warum ? Arbeiter oder Handwerker sind nicht dümmer als Beamte, eher im Gegenteil, doch diese Gruppe kann sich einen teuren Wahlkampf nicht leisten. Beamte haben Privilegien, erhalten Freizeit, Zuschuß und Arbeitsplatz-Garantie wenn sie nicht wieder gewählt werden plus Beförderung und Pensions-Garantie. Rechtsanwälte machen Reklame mit ihrem Mandat und sind Top-Verdiener.

    Wir haben eben nur eine sogenannte "Repräsentative Demokratie". Ich muß das hinnehmen auch wenn ich mich von Beamten nicht gut vertreten fühle. Unser Verhältnis-Wahlrecht bietet da mehr Auswahlmöglichkeit als das Mehrheitswahlrecht in USA oder GB.


           Once again you reveal that you actually know not as much about American politics or a sorry assed excuse of humanity known as biden as you try to make others believe. Let's try to enlighten that obviously brain washed brain of yours. Trump was never a politician until he decided to see if it might be possible to break what had been a Status Quo of those that believed that being in certain circles and only being recognized as figures who might should attempt to run for, or campaign for certain political positions. As a matter of fact prior to then, he actually donated to so called democrats during their campaigns for office more times than he ever did anyone else over the years. So it can be considered with almost certainty, that had he ran for office on a so called democratic ticket, there would have been mostly nothing but praise regarding him from the left rather than what it had been since then. On the other hand, the sorry assed corrupt individual known as biden, had been living off of taxpayers money for nearly 40 years before he was asked to be obummers ass kissing non irrelevant individual. That is why so many times he was seen during those 8 years, was when it was noticed that a pair of legs appeared to be hanging out of obummers ass. Other than such times, the crooked and corrupt sorry assed sob was ferrying his sorry assed crackhead son around the world so that he could sell political influence that enriched that family with millions of dollars from countries such as China, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine to name a few, and also received over 4 millions dollars from the former mayor of Moscow. That is how that family ends up being worth hundreds of millions of millions of dollars after the sorry ass got chosen to be obummers ass kisser. So you would be better off sticking to matters that you actually know about, rather than those that you don't, and evidently it is matters that involve individuals and politics of other countries other than where you are. 

  15. 56 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    He'll talk about it for 5 minutes and the next 55 minutes he'll complain telling whoever will listen that the 2020 election was stolen from him.  🤣

       It was, starting with the CCP and a virus referred to as Covid. Xi and the CCP did not in any way like the fact of losing over 300+ billions of dollars a year in tarrifs while Trump was at the helm, so what better outcome could have been achieved but to try to insure that someone whose family was indebted to them by hundreds of millions of dollars might could get installed in posititions that would make things better for them by releasing a virus that they knew would be enough of a contagious plague upon the world that it would spread all over the world and hoped that it would disrupt normal election processes and procedures in the US and in the process of doing so, "China Joe", gets installed, a bought and paid for puppet of the CCP. Ignorant assed people in the US are the blame for that since old William Clinton Himself was directly responsible for China being permitted to be added to the WTO and added as a so called developing nation which the current puppet and his so called puppeteer administration have continued the lie and disception that China is a developing nation all so their family could become wealthy because of China. The sooner those with enough sense and intelligence realize and know it, the world might be able to start recovering from the b.s. rather than declining. Let those in the world not forget that had it not been for the US, the worlds populations would have been quite different because of being subjected to tyranny and not democracy and freedom. That includes Canada, the UK, Australia, and any other nations that could have not continued to exist against the aggression and assault of nations of the axis powers. Might be a good idea to remember that when and if the next World War starts while we are still around because it will almost certainly involve China, Russia, and the US, because like the last World War, no other country would have any chance against such countries without support from such a country as the US.

  16. 30 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Former President Trump plans to visit the town of East Palestine, Ohio, where a train derailment led to the release of toxic chemicals, next...


    It will be like a Train Wreck visiting a Train Wreck.   🤣🤣

     Wait and see. Unlike the mumbling, bumbling, stumbling brain dead corrupt and crooked puppet known as biden, he will make more sense than any stupid ignorant assed liberal or so called democrat who are nothing more than mostly fickle minded or brain washed or brain dead socialist/marxists or straight up communists who have been trying their best to influence as many as others as they can.

  17. 10 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    US currency is becoming worthless in the market On the purchase of Pretoria and gas  Now it's the currency yuan 

    The corrupt and sorry assed family known as the bidens don't care, since they know that it would be very easy for them to convert the hundreds of millions of dollars they've received from the CCP into yaun. They are worthless excuses of humanity who should have never been permitted to have gotten installed into positions of which they never should have been. But then again, the left and majority of so called democrats who are actually nothing more than dishonest fickle minded socialist, marxist sorry asses who would not know honesty if it was right in front of them were the ones responsible for it.

    • Like 2
  18. 10 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    Das ist mir klar. Doch wenn der Präsident voran marschiert und dafür wirbt kann aus den USA vielleicht doch ein mal ein zivilisiertes Land ohne Wildwest-Mentalität werden. Meine Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt !!!!

    Was hat Biden mit 80 Jahren zu verlieren. Ich lese das viele Amerikaner das inzwischen wünschen - vielleeicht sogar eine Mehrheit im Volk. Übergriffe werden jedes Jahr stärker.



    Then your hope dies last since the US will never be a nation that it's citizens are restricted on private citizens being allowed to possess and own guns. Perhaps if the Germanic population had never went along with iniatiating circumstances that culminated in two world wars, things may have been different there as far as citizens rights. None the less, they did and so things are the ways they are now in Germany because of it. Perhaps if you decide to one day research some actual history, you might just realize how out of touch of reality you and many on the left actually are. 

  19.     Apparently, there are those who are either quite naive, or forgetful, or perhaps merely ignorant of what participants of the project's actual reasons or goals for even being participants of the project are. Perhaps some should consider that percs such as bills free residences being provided, in addition to regular periodic subsistence living allowances, combined with potential of extra compensation from achieving certain levels of higher cam attraction or attention should be taken into consideration.

    • Upvote 2
  20. 2 hours ago, ipiratemedia said:

    Wow, where do I start? It all started at an early age. My female babysitters. They were great educators. Anyway, as I became older (high school), I remember trying to watch naked women on "Cinemax" on cable T.V. (SCRAMBLED) on Friday nights. Go ahead and laugh; I'm sure there are a few who knows what I'm conveying. Then comes the internet, "Windows 98" Windows 95 was in its infancy. Like many here - I enjoy Women and Voyeurism. Unfortunately, we're inundated with online porn options these days, and it's easy enough to figure out from a single Google search. Even connoisseurs of more diverse and ethical alternatives may still find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choices, fortunately for those who are horny with no place to go - No Women to see. The internet is a click away. I know one thing; most Women prefer watching other Women eat pussy. I can't blame them. I Love watching a pussy get wet while the sweet smell permeates the air. 💜

          Like that response JB, one that I as well agree with.

    • Thanks 1
  21. On 12/14/2022 at 11:18 AM, jimbo4 said:

    Thank you for reaching out.

    I am a one girl man unfortunately so I have never captured any of the others, and I am now no longer a member of RLC. 😟


         Undoubtedly a number of extraordinarily interesting occasions to have been fortunate to have observed and quite generous to have shared mate. Particularly, the most recent which seemed to be one of the seldom occasions when the two seemed to enjoy what seemed to be an enjoyable sensual experience of sensual gratification with one another. Your generous endeavors which have rekindled a wonderful reminiscence have been much appreciated my friend. Happy holidays and a great New Year to come !

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  22. 15 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    "He’s not going to turn this into a circus," Cheney said when talking about Trump testifying before the January 6 committee.


           If he does anything, it will probably involve making them look like circus performers known as clowns and reveal even more that they are afflicted with psychological disorders such as derangement syndromes such as one in particular referred to as TDS like so many other mentally lacking wacko individuals.

  23.      Amber swells have been noticed occurring in various places since January 2020. Many of such swells have been joining together and forming larger and larger swells as time has went by since then. Such swells joining together are now on the verge of forming a massive red psunami wave which is predicted to begin cresting as it crosses the U.S. on November 8, of 2022. It is predicted to be a red wave that will not be deterred or slowed by any dishonesty or lies of the fickle minded propagandists of the left, many of which suffer from such ridiculously developed demented or deranged unlogical and nonsensible ideologies related to various matters, including individualized developments of such ridiculous cognitively deranged mental conditions referred to as TDS. Let such a wave drown out as many of such lying dishonest individuals as it can.  

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