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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Much of it started when the site went down and was brought back up on a new and different server.
  2. As do I also jimbo my friend. But there is also a possibity of whether or not she is getting or perhaps has gotten a case of the big-head knowing many of these same things. A noticeable smurk of dismay developed quite quickly on her face when she read whatever it was she saw on her phone which seemed to encourage her to abruptly and quickly get dressed and leave. Would not be surprised at all if it was some post here that she had read as she has been known to do many times in the past.
  3. I do not believe so. Only RLC would perhaps have that info. But, some followers who follow enough could be pretty close on making judgement calls. Or, perhaps someone could look at which apartments tenants are in fact hit on in the forum threads for each ones the most also as a possible determining factor, both on this forum and any others as well.
  4. Though that may be true, but sometimes events in life may not go as expected or even as may have been hoped for. The first M & S apartment is now also a possibility of a good chance of being done away with or changed. And now with the up and coming rise of the other newer voyeur sites whose popularity has been steadily growing, whose to say or even guess as to whether if ratings ever declined enough with RLC, or with that apartment in particular, what RLC would actually do. Just like many other things and situations in this world nowadays, some things get guaranteed, but then things change.
  5. I know and have been realizing this more and more as time has past Pepe my friend. It is unfortunate. She is becoming older and though there may be a number who may still subscribe to observe her or just check in on that apartment from time to time from being subscribers attracted mostly to other apartments when things are slow in those other residences, it is the ratings of they're apartment that she is perhaps concerned about, possibly not as much as once was though considering that he is now employed somewhere more of full time. But RLC has been slowly starting to replace some of the other older and so called dead-weight tenants as was evident with the departure of D & D who have been replaced by E & S, and now Z & L have been preparing to leave also. So, perhaps she should start being a little more concerned again. For though she may be quite attractive, looks can be fleeting.
  6. Also, she nowadays goes to sleep later usually, but even when she does not, she sleeps much later than ever used to. She now sleeps for nearly half a day after he leaves for work, so when she does get up, nearly half the day is already gone.
  7. I'm very close to making up my mind. I could observe most of what takes place nowadays as a freeloader.
  8. LOL, I understand. It was quite lengthy but if I would have spaced between the lines, it would have perhaps seemed more lengthy by possibly taking up a whole page. Sorry so long though.
  9. It is a given and surely a fact that everything changes with time. Though there have been other noticed changes of the occupants of the residence of the project most usually referenced in this thread of this forum, there has been one noticed change that is perhaps quite significant in that it relates to most of the other noticed changes over past times and up to the present. From the time that the couple first joined the project and was living in the first apartment, to when they moved from it into the current residence, it was pretty much a given and believed by many that the tenant called Paul was a part of the Russian military as part of a reserve branch because of the uniforms he was observed wearing on several occasions and the fact that he would leave and be gone for at least several weeks out of each year during the couples first two years with the project. It has also been believed that the tenant called Leora was doing some form of service as some branch of law enforcement corrections who may have possibly been employed at one of the correctional facilities or prisons or perhaps even just some jail in the area there. But it was noticed that Paul only did the short periods away from the apartment only once a year, and that Leora seemed to only be in her service only part-time at some correction facility. Paul did seem to be working on projects at the apartment which was likely some private part-time ventures up until it seemed he finally found what would be considered more of full time employment around a year ago, Sept./Oct. of 2016. Leora had long been past whatever her service in corrections she was involved in by then. When Paul first became more of full time employed, he seemed to be away from the residence around six days a week for around the first four to five months. Then he started being away for only five days a week for around three months. For the last three to four months he has only been away from the apartment for only four days a week. Perhaps the amount of available work hours have been periodically been being scaled back or cut back for him. Whatever the reason, it was evident that until he became more of full time employed elsewhere away from the apartment, when he was still at the residence everyday and seemed to be working only on a private and part-time basis, that he and she was at the apartment much more often even though he or she or they would leave the apartment many days of each week. It was evident that though they left the apartment back then as well, they were at the apartment more often. Also, when he first became employed away from the apartment, she would spend more days at the apartment but as time went by, she began spending less and less time there whenever he was not there. Having stated all of this, I find it somewhat strange how there seemed to be more interesting activities occurring there by her quite a bit more often back before he ever became employed away from the apartment, even with him there, then does now or have in more recent times. Even though he is still employed away from the residence, he is now there no less than three days each week which in turn is 12 days out of each month. In consideration that not much in ways of activities of interest occur there with her whenever he is there anymore unlike at times in the past, and of nothing much being able to occur during the week of her woman's time each month, that accounts for around nineteen days out of each month. Additionally, since he is still employed away from the residence, evidently she is compelled to leave the apartment for around at least half of the remaining days out of each month. So basically, that leaves around approximately close to a week out of each month that she is there anymore where there may be some chance of some activity of interest occurring. It is no doubt that she is certainly quite attractive, really intelligent, giftedly talented, and who has a really nice and good demeanor, but the times of chances of her being or staying around the residence along with the activities of interest have certainly diminished. Sorry for the long and lengthy subject matter here, but, these are the kinds of considerations that a number of mates of mine who are also subscribers of the project as well, along with myself, have been taking into consideration as to whether it is still actually worth continuing a subscription fee for. Some mates and comrades have already been saying they are opting for cancelling. Not sure yet if I should join they're decisions or not though in consideration of how things have now become over the last year out of the past four years, it is looking more and more like it may only make sense to unfortunately.
  10. It was noticed back during the Spring season and has seemed to become more often through-out this past Summer season and up to the present, that the lovely woman usually referenced in this thread has seemed to once again for some reason began acquiring and wearing panties that appear to be more in line of what teenage girls are believed to be known to wear. Perhaps it is because of a difference of comfortableness of those types of under-garments as compared to others. No matter though whether she chooses to wear those types or the types that in appearance are considered more sexy and that are usually more in line of what more mature women wear, as almost always, she makes anything she chooses to wear look good.
  11. Anytime and it was my pleasure in being involved in some interesting dialogue my friend. I will say that along with all else of which I stated to be my opinion, it is also my opinion that perhaps she has merely chosen to go at somewhat of a slower pace, of which may not be considered as interesting to many, but, which if so, could perhaps be a way of attempting to not get burned-out too much on so many similar life occurrences. But, if it was a subject matter to wager on, I would wager that a level of optimum has not been reached.
  12. From my perspective and therefore IMO and to give my answer to the question jimbo my friend is that no, I do not believe that she has reached an optimum. For as you have said and along with you and I and quite a number of other admirers have also observed for a substantial amount of time now, that aside from her being a really attractive and very nice looking woman who is undoubtedly giftedly talented in multiple and interesting ways, we have also observed that she is really certainly a highly intelligent woman in combination with the other fine attributes previously mentioned of which she possesses. IMO, she has chosen to be a part of a project whose concept is supposed to be based on Real Life occurrences of different people and she by far has been living her life and behaving as though in more of Real Life ways then any of the other tenants who have participated in the project both currently as well as in the past. It is likely a given that it is included in the contracts of the projects participants to attempt to ignor any of the cams as though they are not even there and to live they're lives as such accordingly. IMO, she has for the most part been doing just that even though there may be some who may feel otherwise by claiming that much of it is just for show, though it could be somewhat a possibility, I feel that for the most part, she has just accepted the current situation that life circumstances have offered her, and who aside from being quite a sensual woman, lives her life in a manner of more Real Life by courageously behaving more normal in not always concealing or hiding some of the different parts of her attractiveness or sensuality which in turn privileges her admirers to be shared those special times of her current life. But, that is just my opinion, of which everyone has their own. Through my observations over quite a length of time, she is certainly a unique and special woman who is also very attractive, intelligent, gifted and talented, who has a very good demeanor and outlook on life. As you have also said jimbo my friend, most of the others are just pretenders of which I agree also. It is why I very seldomly ever check in on any of the others anymore and have not for quite some time now.
  13. O.K. BB., got your meaning now. But the way your statement could also be interpreted as "except Bogdan and Paul has put up with it longer than anyone" with the beginning of the statement starting out stating "All the men on here " bud. Also, Paul has been definitely known to have caused rifts and altercations between Leora and himself at different times since they've been with the project over his objections criticizing and putting down her activities at times when he's found out about them.
  14. Never have criticized Bogdan. Though have not observed them much for awhile now although at times in the past have quite a bit, IMO, he treats his mate more like a woman should be and deserves to be than the ones referenced here.
  15. Perhaps the intent is other than what is in the avy. of which she may likely need more if that is the meaning here.
  16. As usually almost always is when such occurrences take place, such a shame and yes, quite disappointing to say the least. But then again, that sort of relationship is a precarious situation for her or really any woman for that matter to be involved in, though from my perspective, likely it is her choice unfortunately. Any situation where a woman feels that she has to plead with or get approval from a guy she is involved in a relationship and residing with on what she should or should not do and when and where she should or can go or not go and who does not even pay in any way for what is the biggest part of they're day to day lives which is the residence of where they reside, is certainly an unfortunate situation for someone. Perhaps it could be viewed somewhat differently if the guy were truly supporting the both of them. But if that were the case, then they would not be there where they are.
  17. Astoundingly attractive and sexy ! It's no wonder why I get "Hungry Eyes" !
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