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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. The admirably attractive and desirably sensual woman in my view and opinion, is obviously like the adage that is usually referred to in sometimes referring to fine wines, "Better With Time", in that she is only becoming more adorably gorgeous and attractive, as well as becoming more aware of her perhaps increasing level of desirable sensuality.
  2. Without delving into any of the perhaps possible reasons why, I believe that it is likely that the uniquely attractive and pleasantly mannered woman lives her life the best that she can.
  3. Paul must be a man with good fortune because Leora is certainly an amazing woman.
  4. It is my view and opinion that the attractive woman who obviously possesses a really good demeanor and outlook on life already has her companion's in her man and pooch that obviously give her a good deal of satisfaction in different ways at different times, and she, like nearly everyone else in the history of mankind, has urges or desires that she may feel she should take matters into account in her own ways to achieve some sense or level of satisfaction.
  5. In response to some of the posts noticed in the previous several pages of this thread, and also as to be considered as my humble opinion of which has certainly increased in the time period of following the lovely LEORA's residence over a substantial length of time now, although I have never thought of or considered grading or rating the obviously amazing woman on any scale or level, it is my view and opinion that Leora is a 10 or an A+ when considered observation along the lines of her truly gifted attractive looks, the undoubtedly high level of intelligence of which she possesses, how she is certainly gifted in multiple talents, and how it is none other than obvious that she also possesses a high level of good taste in numerous aspects of her life such as the clothing attire in which she chooses to acquire and to wear, and the ways in which she chooses to arrange the furnishings of the residence in which they reside. To me, she is certainly an amazing woman who possesses a very good character which include very good traits.
  6. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to Scutus, BB, any other friends and visitors to this thread of the forum, and to the amazing and beautiful juli' and her family.
  7. Was referring to her perhaps feeling generous enough to be or become in any mood or state of mind to consider offering herself any sort of special holiday gift of which was referred to my canine friend. Perhaps some admirers would merely and only be beneficiaries in any event that any of those type of considerations were to be actually considered or given enough thought to actually occur. As it appears that cleaning chores seem to have been chosen to be the order of the day there, it seems to be that perhaps any of those type of considerations may or will not be given much thought and therefore there may be little chance of occurring today. Regardless of whether any similar thoughts or considerations are pondered by her though, I believe that she deserves to give herself any sort of gift if she so chooses.
  8. The amazingly attractive and lovely juli' has been seeming to be somewhat in good spirits and moods today. What could be the chances of her perhaps being in any mood to choose to offer herself any sort of extra special holiday enjoyment as her own special sort of holiday gift of satisfaction of sensual pleasure ? The possibility seemed perhaps enticing as the lovely woman awoke in only one of her mid-length sleeved white shirts looking quite hot and attractive as usual and was smiling quite often while surfing and on her phone. In my opinion she is certainly a naturally attractively hot and sexy woman who can also be quite sensual whenever or if she feels enough of any desire or urge to be, but is also a very well meaning and down to earth sweet woman.
  9. Don't feel like the Lone Stranger BB, for I as well missed it too. But, hope you have a good and Merry Christmas though bud.
  10. Dread not for when you visit here, you are usually not alone kase my friend. Hope you get well real soon and have a good and Merry Christmas my friend.
  11. This morning Paul was seemingly enjoying being Leora's Don Jaun, While in the process of doing so he offered her some of his magic wand, While she seemingly accepted it quite willingly on her way to fulfillingly, Quench an urge of desire and satisfaction that has now come and gone.
  12. Because of having other obligations that have prevented me from being able to follow the lovely Leora's residence recently, I have missed experiencing the good and special feelings I get from sometimes being able to see her wonderful smile or the hotness of how attractive a woman she really is.
  13. Although I've been privileged enough to have followed the lovely Leora for somewhat just over four years now, I still haven't gotten over how much of a gorgeously beautiful and sexy woman she really is, or how much of an intelligent and truly giftedly talented and wonderful woman with a very good demeanor and outlook on life that she undoubtedly has. All of which are some of the reasons of why she is certainly such an attractive and truly special woman whom I hold much admiration for. I hope she has a Happy and Merry Christmas and I wish her and her family the best of holidays and of life !
  14. Missed that one but would have really enjoyed that observation for sure jimbo. She is certainly a very well meaning, good spirited, and down to earth (so to speak) woman who possesses such a terrific demeanor and outlook on life.
  15. Although it is known by most who have had the privilege of observing her, that the lovely juli' is certainly very nice looking and attractive naturally, she is also undeniably very nice looking and attractive whenever she feels like and chooses to both either partially, or totally apply any of her make-up, and dresses in any of the fantastic taste of clothing attire in which she purchases and acquires. Yesterday after applying her make-up, she chose to dress in a grey body-form dress while wearing black pantyhose stockings and then put on a pair of what appeared to be knee-high or above the knee black leather high-heeled boots before departing her residence for perhaps some shopping or to run some errands and she looked very good and amazingly attractive. The lovely woman has without a doubt been gifted with her nice looks and attractiveness.
  16. Although it has appeared that the tanned complexion of the lovely woman of the residence usually referenced in this thread of the forum has nearly all but faded away, the radiance of the appealing attractiveness that emanates from the really nice looks she possesses is brighter than ever. The woman is just naturally gorgeously beautiful and sexy ! Just another of the number of reasons of why I have much admiration for her.
  17. LOL. Good one jimbo. Think there was maybe about 100 personalities covered in that one. Thought I noticed, Sir Paul, John, George, Ringo, Roy Orbison, Paul "The Hulk" Hogan, and Rockin' Rod Stewart just to name some of them. That was good and interesting and quite a spin on the holiday celebration. LOL Thanks again mate.
  18. What type of file is it jimbo, I have windows 10 and it says file isn't supported. Is it flv, avi, mp4, or something else bud ?
  19. She has evidently not been in any mood recently or for quite some time now to choose to indulge in watching any music videos or listen to any of the various types of good music of which she has obviously enjoyed doing in times past which has usually encouraged her to proceed to engage in some of the dancing of which she is undoubtedly certainly talented and exceptional at. Although it is just one of a number of talents that the lovely and attractive woman is obviously giftedly skilled and talented at.
  20. I'm not inclined to believe that she has been putting on any sort of drama along those lines Nin as it has been observed and noticed that she has been feeling discomfort in those areas for quite some time now off and on, as well as irritation or soreness of her throat recently and occasionally. I too have felt that there have been times that when it was obviously evident that when she was not felling well, she could have and perhaps should have remained indoors at home more often than was noticed and observed in consideration of her own health and well-being, especially if it was a virus, cold, or flu-bug attempting to develop within her. Knowing what I have been privileged to discover and learn of her character, demeanor, and traits, I do not believe she is the type of person who would put-on or make-up about most anything that occurs in her life, and especially subject matters such as those. This is part of one of multiple reasons why I have much admiration for the lovely juli'. As far as they're pet is concerned, though I am sure it would eventually become quite monotonous and tiresome to have to roll-up or back a carpet to prevent the pet from doing it's natural relief business on them, it is without a doubt that the little pooch could do with some extra and more extensive house-training including discipline, as far as where it is allowed and is not allowed to do it's #1 or #2 relief business, aside from being taken outdoors to do some of it more often as well as just for more exercise. Although perhaps these are some personal matters of which they could or should take into consideration, they are part of they're personal affairs, and they are grown adults, but it is most certainly hoped that the sweet, surely well intentioned or meaning, and lovely woman of that residence takes care of her self as far as her health and well being.
  21. If I was someone who gambled, I would likely wager that he did not go to work yesterday but only away from the apartment for awhile. After all, why would someone only go to work for one day of a week and considering tomorrow is Saturday there, it is likely that he will be around that apartment for awhile again considering that he has not worked on any Saturday's in a very long time. Whatever the case may be, if in fact it turns out that he is now not employed again, I unfortunately will likely do as a number of mates and comrades and quite a number of others and proceed to withdraw financial support of the project. I have been considering it for over the last 4 to 6 months because of a decline in the occurrences of activities of interest IMO, and had decided to make it happen by the end of the year if the activities of interest did not pick back up there, but I am now considering changing it to the end of this month instead if in fact he is now there all the time once again. Although I have much admiration for the lovely juli', I cannot go along with continuing to contribute any financial support of a slew of lazy men of they're ages, as there obviously are in the various residences of the project even though I have not been much interested in any of the other residences or residents other than this one in quite a while now.
  22. Perhaps the question could or possibly should be phrased as when did L have a shag in the GR because it has always been more than obvious that he hasn't a clue on how or maybe even why it is done. Of course this is merely only my opinion but I am 100 % sure that it is not only that of mine, and is also that of others who have followed and observed those 2 residents over a lengthy and extended period of time as I am aware that you have as well BB.
  23. He worked some Saturdays maybe his first 3 or 4 months after he became employed last year and hardly any since. After he quit working Saturdays, eventually he started taking almost every Tuesday or Wednesday off along with the weekend days. By impotence, was referring to the fact that it has appeared many and most times that he cannot get firm or fully erect, only semi, and that in itself is a form of impotency. Been following that residence and them for well over 4 years now and have had much observation of occurrences.
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