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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Would not think she would be up and about doing cleaning chores yet once again if she had my canine colleague Scut. As you say though, at least we may hope it isn't or perhaps even some sort of cold bug or virus also for the charming maiden. Perhaps possibly the aunty is still visiting.
  2. As much as cleaning chores have been done there this week, that apartment must be quite spiffy by now.
  3. Appears not in such any great mood or spirits so far today. But good choice and taste in attire as always for the attractive woman. Good to know she has chosen to aquire a cordless lite dust/vac. to do some of the floors with instead of just a flip combo dust/mop that has been utilized for so long. Good idea and choice for Leora. Quite an upper level of intelligence and appealing attractiveness. What a woman !
  4. I suppose I commented too soon as the aunt is there for a visit. Sorry little lovely one. Was not aware of the situation. Oh well, hope you somehow have a good day and week anyway.
  5. Chores are usually not the way for someone to enjoy they're day, though they do have to be done.
  6. Certainly hope your day will perhaps be surprisingly enjoyable for you today there Leora. At least as pleasantly enjoyable as it usually is to be sometimes privileged to observe your terrific demeanor and quite appealing charms as such a down to earth and quite attractive woman that you are. May your day offer you great inspiration of some form of pleasure and enjoyment to perhaps experience some level of satisfaction not yet ever known.
  7. That gorgeous woman looks quite good no matter how she chooses to wear her hair, or what she chooses to wear, ............ or not wear . She is quite attractive.
  8. Rarely ever notice the lovely and attractive woman rub, massage, caress, and squeeze the thighs of her beautiful legs anymore. Been curious as to why.
  9. It is not grammatically incorrect. It is a long sentence and includes commas in all the correct spots. I sometimes have a tendency to elaborate too much when trying to state something in an indirect way so as to be somewhat inconspicuous about the intended subject attempting to be implied. When not attempting to do so, I usually make statements that are more direct or shorter and sweeter and to the point. The statement I made, has one intended meaning, not more than one. So, if it is all over the place and not enough of a rhythmic flow to you as you put it my friend, perhaps you should have just passed it by, instead of once again, trying to be a thread critic of others comments.
  10. LOL. Pretty funny Howard. I know it is a long one, but, it really is only one sentence. Believe me my friend, I am quite adept in the ways of literature. Still, I get your meaning and like I said, it's humorous.
  11. After several or more of hopeful suggestions from several or more followers or admirers that perhaps the appealingly attractive woman usually referred to in this thread could or perhaps should possibly consider acquiring another sensual aid that could be more along the lines of a more realistic type that may be possibly more beneficial, it appears that though it has seemed to come to pass, that although the latest acquisition seems somewhat of a more realistic type in appearance, it appears to be quite flaccid and not as firm or rigid as perhaps it may should or could have been to be even more of a realistic type and to likely be more along the lines of beneficial to achieve more heightened and intense feelings of sensuality.
  12. It is some type of gold patches BB. Likely containing a type of skin stretching and shrinking solution to shrink away any possible bags or wrinkles.
  13. Evidently there is a problem with RLC once again as none of the cams at the residence have been opening and so therefore are down for quite awhile now. Perhaps a notification email should be sent to them.
  14. I concur BB. Other than her being a truly unique and wonderful person, she is certainly quite an attractive and special woman.
  15. On a note of some different matter, perhaps a curiosity has arisen as to what may have possibly provoked a possibility of a decision being made as to for quite some time now, merely and only fingers seem to be involved in caressing or massaging when any urge arises, although it seemed that also at times something extra was perhaps even more enjoyable than only the latter more often by someone in times past.
  16. Saw that photo along with several others concerning that subject on some news. IMO, and without claiming that it is not somewhat to perhaps mostly if not completely genuine, or that it never gets that cold there, but if I was a gambling person, I'd say that the photo is somewhat photo-shopped, especially the eye-lashes. If it were that cold at that time there, the girls exposed facial skin would more likely than not already be extremely red to even tan, brown, or black from frostbite. Just my opinion though, and good photo capture either way.
  17. On the chance that you are ever still interested in visiting this site out of curiosity or perhaps to mostly just see what may be getting posted here in reference to you or your family Leora, I would like to take this opportunity to profess that there are those who hold you in high regards and have much admiration for you and it is hoped that you will never forget that ! You are not only a gorgeously attractive and sexy woman, but you are a beautiful and well meaning person as well !
  18. I for one, as do many others who have had any opportunities or privileges of viewing or observing the lovely woman of the L & P residence in times past compared to more recent times, believe that it is mostly perceived that she is quite a bit more attractive now and since she began blossoming and maturing into an even more attractively gorgeous woman with there being somewhat more of her for some time now, than was obviously noticeably absent from her during they're first 2 to 3 years with the project when she was perceived by most more likely than not to be, although still an attractive woman, was also viewed as on the upper side of the borderline from being viewed or considered as too thin or perhaps even skinny by some. Also, besides growing and maturing into quite an attractive and special woman since then, it has been obvious that she lives her life the best she can and has been since they're decision to become part of the project. As many know, opportunities of economic prosperity are not prevalent in all parts of the world.
  19. Although there are those who may have similar sentiments, views, or opinions as such jb, it is more of a reality and more likely than not to be perhaps somewhere in the vicinity of only merely 10 in 10,000 or more that may, and negativity never benefits anyone bud. Without any doubt or regret, I won't deny being just one tiny fraction of the majority. Peace to you bud.
  20. It is in my opinion that although some interesting activity that recently likely occurred was something that had been some while in the making since anything of similar interesting activity seemed to have last occurred, it has seemed likely once again that although it may have been quite an interestingly desirable activity, it may have been perhaps yet once again so close and yet so far, as far as some possible heightened level of realization of sensual satisfaction that could perhaps be experienced or achieved. Never the less, although it has perhaps been professed to have been certainly interesting, it is without any doubt that the lovely and wonderful woman usually referred to in this thread is certainly a pleasantly attractive woman.
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