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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Seemed that some while ago, perhaps some thoughts may have been entertained to show a kitty some attention, only to have since shown a pooch more attention. Perhaps the kitty may have been desiring to purr, but may have to wait until another time, as only the pooch has been attended to since. Although it is quite nice to observe a kitty being satisfied and contented to a point of happily purring. Yet as does a pooch, a kitty certainly enjoys being played with, with toys aside from being petted, caressed, and stroked. Though it has seemed recently that the pooch is played with, with it's toys quite more often.
  2. Although recent occurrences that have been mentioned and pondered upon were undoubtedly interesting, imo, there seemed to be an absence of intensity towards any final resolutions of either of the occurrences, or at least as not as has been previously. Some may be curious as to what may have been any possible reason(s) for this, when taken into consideration an amount of time which has elapsed since the last occurrence which seemed evident of an intensity towards the final resolution of personal satisfaction and contentment. Now the time is moving into a weekend where the residence will be likely vacant a good bit, possibly half or more of the time, and is likely that not much of interest shall occur over the weekend anyway.
  3. I really admire that special and attractive woman. He should feel like a quite fortunate guy to have her as a companion. I would certainly feel very, very privileged and fortunate to have a woman as special and amazingly attractive as her as a companion.
  4. Nonetheless, the sweet and dear maiden of the residence most usually referred to in this thread, is certainly as gorgeously attractive a wonderfully down to earth woman as always, and even more so as time goes on, whom I have high admiration and respect for and certainly hold in high regards.
  5. A kitty may certainly not feel so good and may very well feel left out, ignored, frustrated, and neglected if at least some amount of attention is not given to it as has been to a pooch of a residence and little to none to a disappointed and feeling let down kitty. Perhaps a kitty may feel discouraged as well as disappointed if having to wait so long until it gets it's next share of attention.
  6. A cute little pooch of a residence has been given and receiving a span of attention involving some play, petting, caressing, and stroking of which was obviously enjoyed much. Could or may there perhaps be any of the same or similar considerations for a kitty of a residence to make sure of no impartiality ?
  7. Though to exfoliate the skin, brushing with bathbrush may be quite exhilarating or stimulating.
  8. Evidently intentions of other than perhaps a day of an extended holiday weekend of rest and relaxation with any possibility of thoughts of indulging in activities of interest and personal satisfaction was more in thought than the latter unless it was obligations instead.
  9. Curious as to what may have the appealingly attractive woman of the residence now acquired from intimissimi, although it is certainly merely just something else for her to make look very good if it is something in attire as is with almost anything she has chosen to acquire and to adorn in her attire.
  10. Seemed to have been mostly an uneventful but restful previous 3 days over the weekend at the residence usually referred to in this thread of the forum, that is, other than the appealing attractiveness that is almost always emanating from the pleasantly attractive woman of the residence. Judging by some comments in some of the other threads, some of the other residences were for the most part uneventful as well, yet there were some that evidently were unusually and surprisingly where some quite interesting occurrences of events must have occurred.
  11. I know and realize all mentioned iwic my friend. Merely stating what is not only a view and opinion of some other comrades who are also followers as well, but also mine. The extended periods do seem longer especially when only being privileged limited times to follow at various times because of other obligations, than in times past though. Additionally, an opportunity to observe an occurrence after having already occurred, even if somewhat interesting, is just not the same imo, and was not only referring to occasions of sensuality in nature, but other occurrences that are regarded by most as interesting as well as was mentioned several posts ago.
  12. Unfortunately, the time period previously mentioned is as similar time periods in the past in being extended periods that are quite monotonous and it can be somewhat disappointing when what is viewed by quite a number of followers as the gem of the project residences, is not and has not been shining as brilliantly above most to all of the rest as far as subjects of interest occurring there is concerned.
  13. As the weekend now past persisted to be somewhat of a long one there with the companion seemingly being on an extended weekend compared to what had seemed to become the normal schedule, it appears that not much of interest seemed to have occurred over the extended weekend. It seemed perhaps that the attractive woman was not much in any way interested in her obvious talents of arts or crafts, or music and her appealingly admirable dancing, or in any way being in touch with any form of her sensuality. More so, it appears that perhaps the week is only continuing where the weekend left off with her only seemingly being interested in searching for something on the info. super highway.
  14. Would really be something if Martina ever decided to put the nice sized dildo on the bathroom vanity countertop to use. After all, she is an attractive woman.
  15. Though a thought at one time may have perhaps been possibly entertained as to a possible alternate path of sensual expression and satisfaction, it has appeared that some dancing may be the chosen path of expression for satisfaction at this time. By the moves, it is very good, because she is really quite good at dancing.
  16. The way someone moves when dancing is really something to be privileged to observe. Quite a "HOT" one.
  17. Someone is feeling quite spry and cheerful today. It's good news and certainly good to know. Good for them.
  18. Good to know the lovely woman seems in much better spirits or moods with some listening to some music and even dancing some again for a change compared to the last time I was privileged enough to observe when she was not in such good spirits or moods several days ago. You go Leora you dearly sweet and appealing attractive woman you.
  19. She is a very kind hearted and dearly sweet person who just happens to also be a down to earth and quite attractive woman whose emotions at times seem to get moved somewhat easily.
  20. After following that apt. for over 4 years, there's been a noticeable change in behaviors in her over the last 6 months to a year, and I was not referring to anything concerning they're relationship or how she may feel about it, only how things are when she is there herself much of the time lately.
  21. You're right Pepe, and it's perhaps what got her upset earlier and has been off and on since then.
  22. It seems IMO that the once mostly happy, content, and a majority of the time, in good spirits or moods, attractive woman of the residence usually referred to in this thread of the forum, has been changing some over the past 6 months to a year, and becoming less happy, content, and perhaps around half to sometimes a majority of the time not in such good spirits or moods anymore. I'm not sure what has been changing with her, but I enjoyed visiting and observing her more when she was or is in good spirits or moods and even more so when she was or is happy. I am aware that she used to allow things to upset her fairly easily, and sometimes it appears that she sometimes still does. I've always liked seeing her a lot when she was in good spirits or moods and happy.
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