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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. lol pretty standard party stuff. I was once at a party that was on the 5th floor of an condo complex and near the end people were taking running jumps off the balcony into the pool below. Now THAT was dumbasses. These four we're watching are just having a good time. The broken glass was pure accident, and the nude wrestling was in good fun that accidentally clipped Pete's foot. I think Dean was expecting Pete to keep his balance.
  2. oh shit! Party foul! Pete got slammed on his ass and Candy broke a glass. Pete's fine, he and Dean were just play wrestling but Dean accidentally swept his leg and Pete went down hard on his ass and elbow. Candy bumped the table and knocked over a full glass and it shattered on the hardwood and sprayed all over the rug. Lexy and Dean are cleaning up while Pete and Candy snog in the kitchen lmao. *edit* Lexy is elbow deep in broken glass and spilled booze and Pete came over and started eating her ass. *Double Edit* looks like Dean poked himself in the knee with a shard of glass while he was crawling around helping Lexy. He''s holding a napkin on it and keeps checking the bleeding every once in a while. Looks like Lexy has poked her finger too. She keeps sucking on the knuckle like she has a cut.
  3. also just to add. I don't think I've seen any other girl on CC or VH take as much pleasure as Lexy does when she's getting slammed. Her muffled moans around Pete's cock as she gets fucked from behind are intense.
  4. lol I know that people swing in here demanding shit all the time or beg for specific things. Hell I've done it myself (The begging not the demanding, Still want to see that epic party video from a while back) but does it seem like there's been an upswing lately? Specifically in the CC side of things? Did the site get linked somewhere and there's been a sudden influx of new people?
  5. Thigh High fishnets and a smile. Holy hell Lexy is dressing specifically for me today.
  6. lol poor lexy had to stand on top of the tables trying to turn it off the other day. She ended up accidentally turning it so much the projector was shooting down the hallway towards the bathroom. Now the picture is all wonky, slightly tilted and and zoomed in too far. Luckily this all happened AFTER they watched the big game.
  7. They never fixed the projectors image since the other day when Lexy messed it up trying to turn it off.
  8. Why are the guys crashed out in the living room? Are the girls sharing the bed?
  9. That was an odd one. Felt like the dynamic was totally off the entire time.
  10. That was quite some time ago. *edit* I think it was back in December.
  11. Yeah that's pretty much how it always goes. They get to the point where everyone seems comfy with the night then Grant breaks off and Lisa soon follows.
  12. lol I love Lexy and Pete's energy. It's no wonder they've been together for so long. Over 5 years and they can't keep their hands off of each other still. Even Zack looks like he's drained of all life here. As Zap Brannigan from Futurama said while visiting the planet of Amazonians " We need rest. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised." Yet Pete and Lexy are still going as strong as ever.
  13. Lexy, Pete and Zack are crashed out in the living room. while they were sleeping Zack reached over and tried to put his arm over Lexy. She pushed it away, rolled over and draped herself across Pete. They're currently snoozing wrapped in each others arms. It's fucking adorable!
  14. Man, that thousand yard stare. Poor girl. *edit* You know she's just sitting in that tub listening to Lexy get fucked to Nirvana and back while Grant is piddling around on his phone. Her only hope is to find herself a nice waterjet to straddle.
  15. lol Lexy trying to negotiate with Lisa and Grant in the kitchen
  16. Also, Lisa has some baller shorts on right now. Very cheeky.
  17. watching lexy's ass while she's pounding away is fucking amazing. It's hypnotizing.
  18. He's had that Helicopter for a while now. He was teaching Leora how to fly it sometime last year but she kept crashing it into the ceiling or the walls. She couldn't stop laughing and the little puppers was going crazy.
  19. lol are Lexy and Pete watching a video of themselves on their phone? That's awesome! *Edit* Yup, they're watching their party they had the other night. They just watch the bed break in half.
  20. HD Projectors have really fallen in price in the past few years just like LED tv's due to the move over to 4k resolutions. You can get a really nice one for about $200 U.S. that are 1080p. that were upwards of about 600 bucks not even a year ago.
  21. My previous comment was a tongue in cheek joke at the expense of the situation. No offense meant or levied at you or anyone in particular. Just reading the situation for what it was. Also I don't think anyone here is putting showmanship over the health of the performers in any way shape or form. I'm 99% sure that @Lexy&Petehave the situation well in hand and have taken steps to prevent any mishaps. Yes they had an amazing party and it should be acknowledged.
  22. lol now I wish I hadn't said anything. Everyone's going to be hounding poor Pete's habits like a scolding mother. Sorry @Lexy&PeteI didn't mean to bring so much gripe lmao.
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