If we are lucky he is not a clone or twin. I do talk to myself but never online. I hate post like wave for me or put up a sign. There are a lot of sites that you can do that this is not one of them. Maybe everyone needs to IQ test before they can post on here.
84 but If I can still go out and travel and do stuff I would like to stick around but If I still just sit here and post on CC and look at RLC and go to work he,her unname it can take me anytime.
you have a guardian angel Man shooting at squirrel accidentally shoots friend http://www.fox23.com/news/local/story/Man-shooting-at-squirrel-accidentally-shoots/Q78p_hbDr0-QG4P0NYWb6w.cspx?hpt=us_bn8
Do not feel left out Squirrel I was on FB for about 1 year some time ago. All it is a popularity contest site.
I was the lest popular in high school and it has not changed over the years. I just learned to live with it. If you ever need a cuddle hug I'm sure I can find someone who loves warm and fuzzy. You might just have to share with Fozzie the bear.
TBG clean or put your specs back on. What i was trying to say was (is) under old dude board start an area about politics we should be talking about abolishing the old dudes (if they try there will be a lot of old dudes in the Boston Harbor) I just do not like all the highjacking going on when the subject is one thing and we (yes I have done it also) talk about something else.
Mr Bunny are you related to Roger and his wife Jessica? If so anyway to get a nude photo of her 8) Squirrel posted a photo of his wife with Ballwinkle which was hot. :)
hay TBG why does a lot of post end up being about politics. We have places to rant about it for people like me to stay away from because no matter what ass or elephant is in office it is not for the people by the people. it is for the asses or elephants by the asses or elephants. now I forgot what the topic was again must me time for my nap.
her sucker is right next to the mop like she left in a hurry, Maybe got hurt, real sick or someone called (family or friend) and left to them. Just not enough information But I feel she left in a hurry but I can only look in one room the other rooms might tell us more. Look at anything that does not seem right or out of place for her.
someone did not set the clock at all or set it to the wrong time or a power outage. One of the many reasons my dad calls me to changes the clocks also I have to do it twice a year because someone thinks we need to do it. Not Me leave the time alone.
Also she will let us watch a movie with her but now if she is on the net or email she will turn the laptop around. Sometimes you can see her pause the movie turn the laptop around then do something then turn it around again and unpause the movie. Which is fine because then I can see her from the front and not the side. She is someone I could look at all day long even if she did nothing but work on her puzzles and watch TV.
Or she could be sick, or did she drink last night?
She is not nude. She will sleep nude in the bedroom might be because the bedroom is a locked room. I hope that is not the reason Just seems that all the unlocked rooms are turning in to G rated rooms.
sometimes it means a software upgrade or fix. Or they are having problems with the feed, server or something went wrong. When It comes up most of the time we will not see anything different.