I forgot but I do remember learning about both VE and VD (not Venereal Disease which is not called STD ) in high school a long time ago.
If you know whey they stopped calling it VD and started calling it STD please post it in did you know
It is wear they are posting the photos at I get the same thing from them. A work around is to right click on the photo save to your hard drive then you can click on the photo that is on your system and make it bigger. They should just add the photo here and not off site.
If someone does not like CC or RLC why complain. They should just leave there are lots of sites that have porn why do they waste their time on here complaining? the posts above me I agree with.
They still have all but one cam unlocked. She is not bad looking. Right know two guys and her. Have to wait and see what will happens. I did not think that this apt. would ever go back online. It is the only one in that time zone (+4).
Van you got me thinking. Maybe they have health issues of some kind. Eating nothing but soup is not good might be causing her to sleep and the both of them lazy. Without a check up it is hard to say but if they did eat more it should help some. If they do not look happy that could be a clue as to a mental health problem in N or K. I might be wrong it would not be the first or last time for me to be wrong.
It is true if you live near someplace or thing you never go but you would drive or fly for hours to get there. One of my sisters lives on a golf course and does not play, the other one lives by the beach and never goes. But they will both sit in stop and go traffic to see each other and enjoy the beach or play golf. I hate where I'm at so I see both of them as often as I can, I do not gamble and I can not afford the ranches anymore.
It wa on the news I think CNN that AOL's mail program got hacked not just his but all or most of AOL's so Nick was not the main target. Anyone using AOL's mail program was the main target. Look at the past post from the fist day they posted there post tells me a lot about them. i will let you read them and make up your own mind.
WW I was making fun of.... looks like I'm too old to do that too. But I can still see even if I remember to were something when I can remember what they are. She tells me something about glasses and I say no ice in my scotch
If two many people cancel there membership they might just close down the website. Cancel if you want to me I have a life outside of the web. some of you remind me of this photo. If you think that you can control someone web page and what they put up you are wrong. grow up get a life and when someone does not get back to you right away just wait. Most of of have a life. Work, school, family and friends to see bills to pay. So stop with all your demands of what you want. Ask and it might happen. Demand and I might rant all over your post.
Im sorry for you pain. The internet is full of assholes we even have Just a very few here do not let them runen you fun here as I like to read what you have to say.
It is 5 am their time. If you look at the hall cam the bedroom light is on. If you paid RLC then you can look at the bedroom cam and see the bedroom with the light on.