Most boards that I read have some sort of intro board or a place to say hi. I have posted a little about me here and there on CC so I thought that I would put everything on one spot. Feel free to include a little about yourself. We have over 700 pages of members. This is me:
DOB 11-1955. I'm Bi. I have and still do pay for sex. I live in Nevada because it is legal to pay for it in some areas. Dad was an MD, mother RN, Uncle DDS, My oldest sister is a DC. So I have been around the medical field all my life. Me I'm in and out of hospitals and doctors offices all day. When doctors made rounds and house calls I went with my dad. This is how I got into my med fetish. I have looked at the cervix's of woman who let me play doctor and did other med things to them. I also enjoyed looking at photos of the dead both gross and non gross. (I have only seen two in real life was never in a war) I would like to have sex with a dead or dieing woman just once to see if I would like it. Thinking about it turns me on. Do not know were this comes from.
I like to verbally and sexually torturer woman. Also enjoy the photos I find on the net. This comes from being picked on all my life.
I'm an old school voy. I would go out for the hunt. finding the perfect spot the open window, the car parked on a dead end street, was more important then what I saw. Times have changed and the news got the word out about us. So It is not safe anymore to go out for the hunt. feel free to IM me if you want to. Flames are boring and I will not respond but if you must then flame away.