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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. Or the couple in the couch, cause she needs to have privacy for the boss visits 😁
  2. She lost many other thing to get here.. 😂 😂
  3. *Goldi 😁 Seems the boss approved the sex casting and give her a contract... now he will work on future workers using his dick in his own apartment
  4. Contact support. I receive an email some time ago (that went to SPAM) about renovation of complexity of password that would imply a deadline to the password change. It may be because of that. I asked support if that email was real, they confirmed and changed the password normally. Also try in a different browser to see if something different occur Edit: https://voyeur-house.tv/blog/2021/05/13/enforcing-stronger-passwords-at-voyeur-house-tv/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=vh_193&utm_medium=email
  5. I can put frames of places where they are happy and with sex, and by the specific selected frames it can show a total different thing 😉 If the problem with ken was the lack of sex why others places that have sex all the time aren't flooded with posts ? 😉
  6. It's call jealousy & frustration. Indeed it's quite funny to read Maybe no one stops to think (lol) that she may be happy in their relationship or she already would have move on. I don't see him pointing a gun to her to stick at his side
  7. The retarded guest just did an hole in the entry door after threatening more then once his girlfriend.. such a nice guy Instead of punching walls and doors he should try to punch himself
  8. If she didn't know about it what would stop the service to be complete with the other money charger for sex of the place?
  9. Long time ago that it should be offline
  10. Surely not a friend of any of them loool Probably it's what some will say it's entertainment 😂 Well, another one moved to the dark side of the force
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