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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. They aren't on the top places, so guess nobody watch a kitchen full of dudes. Layla&Leya are the queens tonight
  2. Normal.. the prick is stronger then the 3 together and apply elbows instead hands. Sadie's dick didn't even had time to react but ended like nothing happened Not the first time shitty situations happens, maybe it's time to sadie change the open door system she uses to run her place
  3. Seems like doing cam shows and put her ass & boobs in front of cam all the time didn't work
  4. Or create a paid telegram channel where they can reply to their clients how incredibly subspace that beating was 😂
  5. I also believe she may be.. You can find common things in their facial expression
  6. Being fair that girl isn't a "wannabe" and was the only tenant that "lived" in the house instead on a porno studio like the others and this "new" trio
  7. You meant more like 564 480 minutes 😂
  8. Lyla with a boyfriend??? LOOOL she couldn't even recognize herself if she is looking to a mirror and you expect she was able to see who was fucking her? 🤣
  9. Ah ok, i thought you were talking about Terry guy
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