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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. Probably they are doing the same with Samuel 😁😁
  2. Or was forced to find a puppet to stay at VH
  3. I found 6 but all from May and already in this place and at time no vh cam was yet mounted. They indeed seems "newbies" and they know that they have a living room (just hope they don't use it only for CB) It's rare the case where VH cams have better quality then the chatubate places 😁
  4. You have on archive more of her (May 7). But she wasn't so hot like today
  5. Yep, exactly.. maybe some "blue pills" 😂 And was she that said to go call Leya to eat and have her pussy eaten. Probably her first pussy
  6. Humm she jumped in "one second" from normal to histeric.. and doesn't seems to be from alcohol lol . Hope the prick have learned the lesson and see that he only have to win being respectful. Wasn't the girls and he wouldn't be having a threesome
  7. Yep she's already used to the creepy manager 😂
  8. ahaha it's all so basic, isn't??? 😂
  9. I believe they can improve a little more 😁
  10. Damm... Always Playstation!! 😐
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