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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Pity she hasn't found somebody who appreciates her more
  2. For this place it is the height of entertainment!
  3. I think jabs was talking about general behaviour, not criminal behaviour and anyway what is worse - working on a porn site or enabling a porn site by watching it?
  4. Whichever one you want to use and if you don't find what you are looking for - create your own.
  5. And we can get more posts per page!
  6. We all make mistakes, like paying for RLC for instance! But I am surprised they didn't lynch you!!
  7. I've been around for a while now in one guise or another, since 2014 in fact.
  8. Doesn't suit your thinking on the tenants so you start bitching about it - Typical, that is what ruined the last set up on the forum. Why not just go and create your own threads covering what you like to see/read about?
  9. Your not a freeloader on CC ash, you're a Premium Member (not to be confused with the member you are so fond of!)
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