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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Like this idea! Just thing of some of the combinations we could come up with
  2. You deserve all the compliments we can give you, you make us happy!
  3. I wish the girl who cuts mine looked half as good!
  4. Which only goes to prove Amy was speaking on a point of principle, not a sense of loss!
  5. Just tried doing this, boring, then switched to Camarads and saw more action even with their ridiculous set up!
  6. I agree with a lot of what you have just said and also what Howard said, seems to be common sense
  7. Imagine Lisa and Chloe turning this place into Party Central ! No, sorry , I can't stretch that far
  8. I still live in hope of these two getting it on !
  9. Take too long and still don't seem to cover all apts (but maybe I just don't watch them long enough)
  10. I do, puts me right to sleep, better than a sleeping pill
  11. How about a hallway or a corner of a kitchen?
  12. I remember a 3some and a 4some but they were quite a long time ago.
  13. Nothing, it would be interesting to see if they got it.
  14. You must have a good memory to remember the last orgy at Masha/Sasha ! Didn't think they were allowed on RLC now!
  15. Well, it is never going to be resolved because we just don't know who decided to make the cam in question a paid one so we might as well move on.
  16. Maybe they had less viewers because of where the free cams were?
  17. I agree free cams should not have the best view or even one of the best three but they should be viewable. And I am not just talking about this apartment.
  18. The dismissive way you treat comments that don't gel/match yours.
  19. Have you ever thought that other people are allowed to have opinions as well?
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