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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Guest girl definitely Knows what she is doing
  2. Yes, she seems to be the glue that holds all this together!
  3. They haven't got the text yet with the new plan.
  4. How many different ways can you show what they do in their cam shows - it's already repetitive!
  5. I think George has run out of new ideas and none of the tenants seem to be able to come up with anything.
  6. Moved on to palm reading - " You will earn a lot of money for a short length of time"
  7. That is very concerning, if you need chemical stimulation at their age they are doing something wrong.
  8. I can't really see this apartment going anywhere unless the girl moving in with Maria is extremely inventive and open but I think Maria will still just sit in the corner watching the light patterns.
  9. Agree. I think she is more likely to get waterlogged than go with somebody else.
  10. Well if it did glow in the dark it would make the sessions in night vision different and add a new twist.
  11. I somehow can't stop thinking she is wasted here.
  12. Why do these somehow make me think of an incestous family?
  13. I disagree. I think you have to have a balance, if it is just sex all the time there are a lot of porn sites out there that are free and will give you a lot more detail and quality than the camera and lights set up on VH. The appeal of this site is being able to identify with the participants in their normal life so therefore enjoy the sex more when it happens.
  14. Highly probable I would say, it has been a couple of days so she may have got things sorted out in her mind. Hopefully she has come to the sensible and correct decision.
  15. Well I am about to put the cork back in the bottle and call it a night. So long, sleep tight.
  16. Good idea, then they could invite Logan and Sia, her friends, to a party so she is not lonely.
  17. She said "What on earth is this,has somebody put a porn film on the TV?"
  18. And lets face it, I've seen men on here on their phone when they are getting a BJ, how insulting is that? If a woman did that to me while I was going down on her I know where I would be tempted to put that phone!!
  19. Well at one time VH never seem to react to violence in a relationship and neither did Society ( it was "just a Domestic" ) but Society has now changed in most counties and cultures so maybe VH is coming up to date with their outlook and no longer condone violence since the Todd & Chad incident.
  20. If you looked like a lot of the women on VH wouldn't you be taking selfies?
  21. A lot more often than Em & Sid, they might get better with practice or watching more porn.
  22. A lot of the men on VH spend an awful lot of time looking at their phones as well.
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