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Everything posted by jjkopite

  1. Problem is Rock had previous behavioural issues that he had been warned about and he obviously either did not listen or pay any attention to them. How many chances do you give? I think VH made the correct decision.
  2. I think it would be better for Ana to have her friends rallying around her and giving her the support she needs, leaving now would only drive her back to the idiot !
  3. Oh yes please. Hungary is a very swinging country.
  4. I must admit I seldom look at this apartment now unless they have guests and even then only if there is nothing going on anywhere else.
  5. Sorry, just couldn't resist. I totally agree with you!
  6. Amy I think we could do with you on VH as the creative director !
  7. Em has the potential to be one of the best on VH ( remember Logan and Sia episodes ) but not while she is with Sid. As she seems to genuinely care for Sid I can't see her dumping him so I can't see much hope for her unfortunately .
  8. If it is due to a low payday then they have to realise that they have to put the effort in to get the rewards !! In bed doing nothing most of the day and being totally boring the rest of the time is not likely to reap any meaningful rewards !
  9. I like the way they just seem to be living normal lives !
  10. Besides who cares? Think of the drama!!
  11. Great for those long summer nights when the alcohol is flowing and clothes get shed !
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