A 3 Wheeler like the Blue Meter in the Top Photo are about $4,500. The 4 Wheeled one I had was $6,000. The Comet is the Grey one which is a step down from the Meteor is about $3,500 for a 3 Wheel and close to $5,000 for the 4 Wheel.
I'm going to get the one in the Centre Photo but I have to pay for that one myself since Disability doesn't cover those Models. They only deal with Invacare Products. Everyone nowadays seems to start a GoFundMe Page with Hard Luck Stories and get people to Fund them for their needs. Maybe it will work for me.
On second thought I better not. I was raised by my Parents to learn to Stand on my Own Two Feet. I'll just save up some Cash and when I have the desired amount needed I'll get it then. Next Summer I should have enough to get it.