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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. Golfer, your interest in their future honors you. Be careful, you will become a new Amy! The tenants I'm looking at do not work (I do not see them leaving at 7am and going back at 6pm) and I do not think they left their job to come to VHTV so they never really worked.
  2. These questions are for everyone! If we had answers we would know better their motivation for VH. How do you do in Russia to have an apartment without income, without working? Bree, Drew, Misty, ... the list goes on. Back to square one.
  3. There is food for 10 people in the kitchen! Family meeting maybe tonight? The visit of Bree (yesterday), Lisa (yesterday) and Dean (today) are clues?
  4. Solidarity still exists! L & P's apartment is from time to time a transit area (Bree, Lisa) and maybe Dean now.
  5. I see you know well the world of Russian porn! Of course it is easier to find tenants (or guests) who have failed in this environment to come to VHTV, than to find nice girls in the street! It also explains that some guys have cocks of 20 centimeters and can fuck for hours without squirting! This, I do not look at them.
  6. I understood well. But young people want to go fast in everything, they have no vision to several months. That's why I hoped more tenants in their thirties (or more). As long as managers choose 18-23 years old it will be "speed fucking and easy money". L & P, A & G are separate cases, all the others (or almost) are in the calculation; and I include the "historical" that we like: Bree, Dean, Darcie, ...
  7. First, when people are in front of cameras (and they know it) for an audience: this is called a show, staged or improvised. Then there are very good directors and pitiful improviser. Finally, money (or statistics). I think that for 90% of the tenants it is the first engine. For the remaining 10%, they have enough money elsewhere. To be free, one must not be in need!
  8. I like this idea: Bree folding guests for their friends! A way to thank them for hosting, or better, a job at VHTV ?! Anica seems young enough and new to go a little way here. If in addition, Bree has fucked the BF, it becomes interesting.
  9. L & P are very visited tonight by the little family VH! The logia is under construction? Everyone is smoking inside!
  10. The book has already been written, by Victor Hugo, "Les Miserables". Misty is Cosette!
  11. Jab, I respect your optimism. But I am less confident than you. L & P have especially gravity with people of VH. They do not fuck with strangers. Look, Darcie and Stifer have been looking for a regular couple for weeks; they do not find! Gone are the days when tenants were paying for guests, no more time for vodka and alcohol, now it's plastic bottled beer, ..... A page is definitely turned (unfortunately), the future is girls like Roberta.
  12. Yesterday was one of the worst parties I've seen. I did not understand the purpose of this evening: for group sex, impossible with Bree and Kyle. For friendship, everyone thought only of him. Nobody managed the evening and it was a disaster! In fact, we witnessed the disastrous end of the historic A & A team. For Lexy and Pete, they have exhausted all their VH friends, so they will have to open up to other people to survive here. Despite my interest in Bree, her departure is a good thing for her.
  13. Incredible this late evening! Certainly Bree had already prepared his suitcase soon to leave soon, but in the middle of the night on a whim after the lamentable Misty !? After a week of accommodation and psychological help from his best friends, leave in 5 minutes virtually without saying anything and with a few rupees offered: it's not the class. Disappointed!
  14. It's going to be time to go to sleep, Bree. Kyle finishes the job with Misty and it's free.
  15. The dress code sets the tone of the evening. Lexy in swimsuit, Misty and Kyte half naked already, Pete in shorts: IN, Bree long tee-shirt, not wearing: OUT. If this evening is to change Bree's ideas: it's not won. PS: I hope they will avoid us the game of the bottle!
  16. Pourtant c'est bien le début de l'histoire (le plaisir sexuel), si Drew puis Lexy plus tard n'avaient pas arrêter Pete, il y a longtemps que Bree et Pete auraient baisé. Et ils seraient toujours amis (comme avec Dean)
  17. Bree is the new Matt😊, where she is NO SEX. Incredible!!!
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