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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. I can not wait to see the rest of the apartment, if everything is as it is going to be, how to say, very special and phantasmagorical!
  2. It seems that since this morning she makes visits !? I imagine that in Russia, it's like everywhere, it takes income to have an apartment, so I do not see how she will do? With VH, there were possibiltés in advance (if I understood correctly) for facility, but without VH?
  3. It is true that the proximity of Bree and Drew may seem inappropriate after their "break", but what surprises me the most is that the two remain in the "sphere" VHTV (with D & C, L & P)! So they do not have friends outside VH, no family? They did not anticipate anything before leaving their apartment !? Unless it is a deliberate choice not to disappear completely from VH, you never know the future ....
  4. Oh you think? lol "Necessity makes Law!" French proverb.
  5. Drew makes a (forced) return to the source. Would he be homeless ?? It's super nice from L & P because Drew was not very welcoming to them at first.
  6. Nothing sexual or dramatic! Pete tried with Bree (3 or 4th time) without success: "only friend" said Bree. Dean slept all night !! The baggages seem to be in Bree.
  7. Everyone knows he wants to fuck her. And now, everyone knows he will not fuck her!
  8. It's not good for Pete! A Lexy intervention may be able to help him ??
  9. It was not a matter of alcohol at night at L & P. By the way, tonight is gone for a drinking too! We'll see if Drew still has an influence on Bree; if so, there will not be much going on between Pete and Bree. I do not see, either Drew fucks Lexy or Bree. It will be very interesting this evening.
  10. Il faut payer 20$ pour un an (dans le bandeau haut "join now ...).
  11. C'est bien, la communauté française se réveille!! Je suis dans un village, il y a des drapeaux partout!!
  12. We probably attended one of the last "representations" of the quator. This evening completely reversed my thoughts. I thought for a long time that it was Bree that had to be convinced to continue; in fact, I think it's Drew who is no longer in the "game". It was obvious at this party. Now that Bree and Drew have left their apartment, the support points (Dean & Candy) are more fragile. So it's the attitude of Drew that becomes interesting: a priori, he broke with Bree without having a plan B, it's brave enough, but it looks lost! Candy & Dean did their best to try to save something. My comments will interest only 2 or 3 people, but I wanted to say it.
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