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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. Thank you Golfer, but it's the 397 th time, so not very interresting!
  2. I find the choice of the photo (video) of the VHTV message very negative for Bree. Really shabby.
  3. It's time to pay the bill !!😭
  4. I burst out laughing at your post, I thought a subliminal message to your intimate friend Golfer !!
  5. "save up money"? I do not see how! It's been 2 months that everything is said. They have had time to prepare, and this may be the legal notice period to leave your home in Russia? Which suggests that there will be no new tenants here. In any case, Bree is no longer worried. Drew more.
  6. Do not panic, no one is hurt. This is the new parade "I love you, me neither"!
  7. I do not think this night of fury is the only reason for the breakup. I think Drew was not necessarily hot to have a house with Bree alone. Oddly, shortly after their arrival, the famous Matt settled for weeks, Anastasia was hosted a few nights after his breakup love, Tara added: it's a lot of coincidences, no?! Now, Bree will have to find her way; she loses her home, incomes, friends. Unless....
  8. For that it would take a nice Russian we say (I tried no answer)!! If my memories are good, last fuck Bree / Drew on April 9th. Between April 10 and 13, 3 big shouting (in front of the cameras!), the last Drew announces to her that it breaks (according to the images always). I do not add anything on the 1st of April. Note, on Drew's birthday (around March 25th), Bree crying (in front of everyone) looking at Drew's phone, why? Also note, I believe the same night, Drew quickly fucked Tara in the BR while the guests played cards in LR. That's the tip of the iceberg, is there anything else?
  9. France/Australie 4-1 Pérou/Danemark 2-1 Argentine/Islande 2-1 Croatie-Nigeria 3-0
  10. Drew has been at least 5 to 6 times in the BR during the fuck. Bree could wave to him if she felt the guy was doing too much. She wanted to go to the end, and finished her eyes rolled back on the kitchen table at 8:00 am. And almost the whole session without condoms! Nothing and nobody would have stopped her. The icing on the cake, Bree to fuck Drew 3 times that same day. I do not know you, but me too would have made me think!
  11. I do not see things like that. I think that the scenario of the evening was not planned like that initially. The guy did not want to be filmed to fuck (chained zone, scarf, ..), Bree took 5 hours to decide! First fuck without Drew, she unleashed: 3 hours! And the bouquet on the kitchen table. Drew freaked after.
  12. Have you followed the events here for 2.5 months?
  13. I wrote the same thing a few days ago. Since his return, Drew revolves around Brew (I do not understand Russian, you?). I think now it's Bree playing with him (?)
  14. The power of women. The weakness of men.
  15. I meant it's over. Despite, I think, Drew's attempts in recent days.
  16. Hmm! I thought about it for a moment, but it's going too far now. The curtain will fall.
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