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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. Mira in stress for the Russian team!
  2. This Dean! he never misses an opportunity ...
  3. Nice match, technically and emotionally. Goals, great players ... and the best wins! Our future opponent will be known tonight.
  4. You're right, a good "feeling" with these partners is essential to free yourself in friendship or sexually. Always a great pleasure to watch you beautiful Darcie.
  5. Candy & Dean are delighted to find their 2 friends as before (almost)!
  6. Drew: "Thanks Candy for your help, but I have too much trouble right now!"
  7. It's still a little early to know the new nature of their relationship. They will have to decide quickly: they must leave their apartment (if it is not already done). Their relationship is not so incredible, for some time relations were more relaxed between them but without any physical contact. 2 nights at Dean & Candy and back to sex (especially for Bree who was hot). Dean & Candy seemed happy that Bree & Drew are getting closer again. But, outside party, we see at the head of Drew that everything is not settled ...
  8. Dean & Candy's sentimental and sexual re-education classes seem quite effective!
  9. Jab you may have missed this one; seems more instructive for the rest of the film!
  10. Bree writes his letter of application to become Manager! lol
  11. I do not know Slav culture well. In Latin, in general, when a couple separates (pretty hard like them), it is quite rare that the woman touches the dick of the gentleman and that sir touches the pussy of Madam (even by play) and in front of friends!! I do not think that either for the views: too late. Only the Russophiles, understood, but as they never share .... For me, either it's a moment of simple nostalgia (a form of farewell) or the reconstruction of something else, otherwise. I lean for the first, because the support of Dean & Candy only serves Drew.
  12. Germany is now experiencing its future adversary .. the media! France and Spain have experienced the same thing after being Champions. Clubs have become too important (salary, identity, media exposure), it's the new world: nations are secondary! The sporting profit is for the "average" nations (Croatia, Switzerland, ...) Russia has a good shot to play, Spain is winnable and after it is Croatia or Denmark!
  13. Not really. What is a little more surprising, in fact no, is the "friendly" pressure on Bree by the 3. A dozen hours of discussion, two games "of guests" as they know each other for months, just to start the story from the beginning? Bree is sure value, a plan would be going on that I would not be surprised. In any case, Drew has never been so "tender" with Bree.
  14. The action without context interests me little: I am perhaps not a voyeur! Bree and Candy are completely dependent on their guys, unlike Misty and Anastatia (it's less true now). If Drew raises his personality, it's gone again.
  15. My answer would not please! Personally, I look less and less.
  16. I know that. So, we will be able to attend long discussion in Russian (cool), part of UNO cards, ... They can found an association of old VHTV; this is going to make money! No way here.
  17. What seems more interesting (but not sexual), that's why the 4 are hidden in the room without cam for 10 minutes? Why Bree & Drew who broke for 2 months are still together? Why does the Alex / Anna team go so bad after being the Kings?
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