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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. At least they swallow sperm! Too many scenes of fucking for hours with dry cocks!
  2. I've always found this apartment sinister and corny, a little less than the new apartment of Henry and Mira; my God! Next apartment: a caravan!
  3. I like this apartment. It is "the court of miracles"! Uncommon characters, rather cool, on the margins of society, soft domination games, ... I dream of mixing these people with "classic" participants like Ary, Darcie, Clara: wowww.
  4. Dana does not inspire me at all. I watched her a few months ago .. and I stopped. I found her pretentious, very sure of herself but stays in her comfort zone (massages, fingered girls less beautiful than her, suck her boyfriend, ..). Little interest for me: too stereotypical.
  5. Nobody wonders why this visit at such a time? And the breaks of 3 hours? Start sleeping at 4 PM? Abuse of power Or future evolution? The kiss to the baby.
  6. A girl with hair in her pussy, finally! I thought this "coquetry" had disappeared. Thank you miss! I pray a little Toundra to the plains of Siberia!
  7. Sexygirl, I love this game between you. Time is not important. I do not understand your conversations, it's even better !!
  8. Obviously I do not know Calvin well, so my comment is more an impression than a "truth". Calvin is a follower, very shy, trend submissive. I think he's already very happy to be with Ruby and that Ruby is going with her. I even think that a visit to Lola & Otto would teach us even more about Calvin (to the delight of Otto). He's a good little guy, a little lost ....
  9. It seems that a large part of the tenants live in Saint Petersburg! It seemed to me that the VHTV management wanted to worldwide! US, Bulgaria, Spain, Brazil, ... I imagine he does not master the technologies and that the nice little chiefs are totally against (loss of power). Let's take our Russian lessons!
  10. I hope the news are good! I also hope that the introspection seminar is over soon and that the festivities are resuming.
  11. Not well understood, I probably do not have enough seniority. Or my Slav culture is insufficient!
  12. Is there a night in preparation here? Our three "stars" must lose audience for many weeks! I understand that after losing Dean, Candy, Bree, Drew, Misty, ... there is a void. But the wheel continues to spin and fans get impatient. I say that ...
  13. Nobody has any problem to invite and kfuck pretty girls! We have to find them, girls who want to be dismounted in front of cameras. Just for the "fun", I can not believe it.
  14. For the awful bearded man, he only has to pay $ 1,000 per night to have pretty little asses. I doubt Zack and the other have this budget!
  15. These two lads have a sacred address book. It's a wonder if this apartment is not used for casting. Make girls dream, it always works! It really feels pornographic industry.
  16. That's what made France move territories this summer.
  17. I just looked at the first results: rather agree. But on 68 voters and not all the apartments. For C & S, it's well paid ... I never look! E & T I do not even know who they are. Normal for Lola, Roberta and Courtney. I am more surprised for Darcie (which I adore) but no hot madness.
  18. Delighted to have seen a partouse "old school": unbridled, girls & boys in "self-service", not too much staging. Regrets: not a lot of cumshot, Roberta far below her abilities (but she's competing!) Vérinika can thank M & H for sponsoring her first night!
  19. You think ?! Where did your phantasmagorical perversion go?
  20. Anyone know how much it costs a girl to fuck for a party on VH? VH offers a catalog? Because at less than one hundredth of cents per minute / subscriber, the financial balance is not guaranteed!
  21. At this rate, she will beat Misty's record before Christmas!
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