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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. $ 50 if an apartment is viewed 2 hours per 1,000 subscribers; which is almost never to happen, except maybe for orgy announced. In this case it is very poorly paid.
  2. You do not read the posts of others correctly. You absolutely want VH to be a scammer bastard and the tenants to be poor little innocent things that VH operates. You who have the infused science, how many tenants have left the adventure for reasons of insufficient gain? Who do you think owns the truth, how many VH subscribers do you think there are right now?
  3. When I say it's impossible, unless there are so many more subscribers than some people think (several thousand). But then, good apartments earn a lot of money (thousands of $ monthly).
  4. In fact, I do not care how much wins VH. What interests me is what wins an apartment that goes well (orgy, alcohol, debauchery ...) and an apartment that is not good (kind Bree & Drew for 4 months). Quickly calculated from your data, Bree and Drew will need to earn about $ 250 this month, and the month before! How they pay rent, food, drinks, ..... Finally, you see that it is not possible! You are suggesting that it is total misery for tenants because of VH. What are they still doing there?...
  5. I hope this will close the substantive debate. Phantasies and other paranoid delusions should calm down.
  6. That's also what I think. Simple, effective and fair. The total view time is the sum of the connection times of the 1,000 subscribers (in your example). Let's say 2 hours of connection per day and per subscriber -> 2 * 30 * 1,000 = 60,000 hours of monthly connection. To win 10% of the pot (the 50% dedicated to tenants) it will be seen 6,000 hours in the month by these 1,000 subscribers an average of 12 minutes daily. This is your thinking Refur?
  7. "I have not used it for a long time, I do not know how I will finish the month!"
  8. Amy, are my 2 examples correct to your theory?
  9. I agree the last sentence of Amy. Before NO.
  10. Who told you that the calculation is based on the number of views? Surely not. We have already talked about it.
  11. That's what I said from the beginning of this topic. 29 on a cake, the shares are smaller, than if one is 10. So, the more apartments there are, the more tenants will have to be good to win the same thing. However, normally the cake (number of subscribers) should be bigger with 29 apartments than with 10.
  12. If 5,000 subscribers disappear, there is no one else. There are not so many subscribers and VH dead!
  13. It's written on the site of VH, heading "become participant": it's not a scoop.
  14. Hey, I did not say that each apartment earned $ 3,000 on average monthly. I simply calculated (see my posts if necessary) that the 50% that reverse VH to all tenants averaged $ 3,000 IF THERE ARE 5,000 SUBSCRIBERS. If there are only 2,500 subscribers, we go to $ 1,500 / month. I understand that the tenants are paying the manager (20%), so we go from $ 3,000 to $ 2,400.
  15. I do not know what to think of your calculation. It seems to me delusional! If I take a orgy of 2 hours view by 1,000 subscribers, it's $ 40! It's impossible with the cost of drinks, food, condom that accompanies these parties, they lose money! Still according to your calculation, to earn $ 1,000 a month, an apartment must be seen 2,000 hours or 2 hours per day for 1,000 subscribers, which already a lot: still impossible for at least half of the apartments do not have this attendance ; he pays how their rent, tax, ....
  16. Nobody is the most confidential information for VH. This is the result of a calculation I made with the elements we know (see posts just before). It shows that with 5,000 paying subscribers worldwide, the average income per apartment would be $ 3,000 gross monthly. What seems to me a lot, but that would explain that apartments that do almost nothing can survive for months! Some here think that 2,500 subscribers would be more likely. You have an opinion?
  17. Me, I'll see Lisa's cat with Otto's dog and Darcie's dog with Marla's cat.
  18. On this Sunday, I want to send a musical message of hope to the tenants in need of views (Misty, Dean & Candy, Anastasia and others). Specially adapted lyrics for Bree (I think.) PS: I put music here, because that seems to me to be the best place. I ask for your clemency!
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