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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. The teams you quote are outsiders. Argentina is not good at the moment, Belgium had to win the Euro (missed), Portugal has accidentally won the last Euro (1st title in 70 years) and England always expected never there.
  2. We were very scared! It is true that the subject you have opened is of world importance. It's a joke too.
  3. There is not a super favorite. But we will find in the final, always the same (Germany, Brazil, Spain, France and maybe Russia)
  4. A breath of fresh air will (re) blow on VHTV!
  5. I remind you that he threw her 1.5 months ago. So, he does not want her anymore. Today Bree is slowly trying to get closer (my photos). She has therefore understood nothing and made no decision for her future. A girl like her, stay over 50 days without fucking, probably a VHTV record, have a guy in bed (2 days ago) and not fuck: it is that she still has hope with Drew? This is the sentimental version. And then there is the pragmatic version: without Drew what do I do? It is precisely to this question that she must find the answer!
  6. Aunty Betty, explain to the youth that you have to enjoy life!
  7. Too bad not to be qualified for the World Cup in Russia, you could meet the managers of VHTV!⚽
  8. It's sure you must be pissed off. And besides, the squadra azzura took a beating last night against France!
  9. So 7/8 girls at Alex & Anna's place. For Bree we do not know. She is very enigmatic this Bree (at least in front of the cameras), that's what I like in her. Her behavior goes from the nice high school girl to the sexual demon. A girl body not completely mature (small pointed breasts, pussy without lips, clit hidden). I calm down, I'll take a cold shower !!
  10. Yes, Mira (I could not remember she was at Alex & Anna, their apartment is not working too bad ), and she occasionally communicates with members like Lexy & Ana. Lisa & Misty, I take note. Thank you Golfer.
  11. I'm sure for Anastasia & Lexy, others??
  12. I don't want to be too severe with Bree that I love, but she has to wake up now and decide for herself. Whatever may be her responsibility in the situation. I said earlier that I thought Bree is the most fragile of VH girls. I also think she is younger than she looks. As I think she does not look at CC, I'll give you some advice: Bree if you want to continue on VH, meet Anna with proposition, if you want to stop, find a job.
  13. If Bree used CC she would probably tell us that it's better: - I have a new friend who filled me with joy - I live for almost 2 months with the guy who threw me - I keep my pants because it does not pay anymore - I do not see any old friends - I'm no longer invited anywhere As long as it continues !!
  14. The world of football (soccer) is going to have eyes turned to Russia in 13 days!
  15. No problem. No problem. But that does not answer my last message!
  16. Jabb, I think you answer my previous post?
  17. It's up to forum members to do that? Is there a discount for each ticket? How does a member know if the contractual rules are not respected? Light me.
  18. Nothing stops their appetite! Two real actors. Before, it was with us, now even between them! I'm wondering if I do not prefer the attitude of Candy who explodes when it's too much for her.
  19. Google translator maybe.My english is not good enough to write directly in english.
  20. "Where is this fucking lease of the apartment?"
  21. You could not miss that, Golfer! On the first of April, from 5:15 to 8:00 am (approximately) it is in the archives. You will not believe your eyes! And you will better understand the situation between Bree and Drew.
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