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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. Strategically, a good idea on a Thursday night. Friday and Saturday there is competition, Sunday L & P returns. Damn, I become like Drew !!
  2. Interesting: unusual schedule, not a lot of drinks, not to eat. We do not have standard. So exciting ...
  3. It will not hang out !! They know each other well.
  4. After taking stock of finances, it is essential. Drew does not want to see that, he left with his backpack. That's it, it starts ...
  5. Vh seems to need new subscribers. Free cameras are made for that! Lola & Otto have greater sexual diversity than any other. Proof that having big boobs or a hot ass is not enough. I repeat, creativity, quality and a little delirium!
  6. Everyone does not have your morality!
  7. It's the last day of the month. Maybe things are moving? But in what sense? The forecasts are open!
  8. We will never get better until closing!
  9. It may be a test apartment!
  10. Doggy: "George, can you do it?"
  11. Doggy: "She prefers her cat to her dog, sniff !!"
  12. By definition, a forum is internationnal. Do you know where the site is hosted? That the English language is the most practiced, that's for sure. A little open minded! There is a translator at the bottom of the CC page, which you can use if necessary.
  13. I'm trying to understand if managers are made to deploy the VH strategy, or if it has total autonomy. In any case, with true amateurs, there will always be unexpected events (positively or negatively). Should we profesionnalize VH? Another thing, if as many say, only gangsters, gangbang, bukakke, .... make money: 70% of the tenants are too young for that. One last thing, please, stop talking about "Project VH", my lips are chapped and it hurts when I laugh.
  14. The hand of God Rock! Sex, D .... and Rock'n Roll.
  15. If your numbers are correct, Alex & Lina are even worse casting than Alex & Anna!
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