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Everything posted by Coffee94

  1. thanks. Bob's slap made the VH servers shake !!
  2. "Un seul être vous manque et tout est dépeuplé" - Alphone de Lamartine (écrivain français)
  3. They will play cards, Henry is going to drop his pants, Stiffer is going to smile and Darcie is going to go to bed before the guests leave. As usual.
  4. Do not do the one who does not understand, please!
  5. This kind of event is not likely to happen at Bree & Drew where there is also tension. They are two cold-blooded animals, no passion or feelings between them.
  6. 10 days for Em to show that she is worthy of VH. There it's done!
  7. What aggression ..... of Em on Bob. Nobody talks about beaten men. There is, the proof. She played, she lost ... it's coming! In the meantime, I will ask VH to refund part of my subscription since they have cut. At $ 0.000006 a second ... good evening Amy.😉
  8. How am I going to find an apartment with a few tens of dollars? Alex, Dean help me: I have several times suck your dick, you fucked me as well. Anna, Misty you've eaten my pussy! We are a big supportive community, no !? Okay, I'll stay another 1 month or 2.
  9. The apartment looks pretty good. Does anyone know who the manager is? It seems so important. Welcome
  10. This morning the roles are reversed!
  11. Bonsoir Moos, Quelle mouche t'a piqué! Je ne comprends pas l'objet de ton post. Pour la langue: oui Les vues CC ne sont pas les vus VH: oui Forum indépendant: oui Le système de bonus participants: je ne sais pas de quoi tu parles Les membres CC s'intéressent aux sujets VH: certainement, d'ailleurs je prends ma part. Nous sommes donc complètement en phase!!
  12. I hope Ary and George give something back to their guests. It's been a few weeks since this troupe has been delighting us. It must be admitted that 50% of views are also thanks to them. Ary being the manager of her apartment, she surely thought about it.
  13. It's more than sad: depressed, tired, desperate.
  14. This will be my last post with you on the subject. Your major mistake is that the number of seconds to take is not the number of seconds in a month but the total number of seconds of connections of all subscribers! You will understand this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. It will not be easy to wait for weeks again! Drew broke, Drew fuck, Drew sees his friends, Drew sleeps when he wants ... Bree cries, Bree does the housework, Bree does not fuck anymore, ... As ABBA said: "the winner takes it all"
  16. Hello Amy, (in France it's evening, I'm less west than you) I see that you always bug, try "reset" or remove the battery. When a subscriber is on vacation, hospitalized, out of computer, ... 100% go to VH; Is that what you say? Without written confirmation of this James (if he is part of the management of VH) I do not believe a word! I also do not think tenants know how much they have earned hour by hour. The connection time to their apartment, yes. What I want to believe is that there are many VH subscribers, contrary to what Groomy says. As a result, even the low-income apartments have enough to pay rent, food, ..... And the apartments that work well earns a lot of money. Happy for them.
  17. A simple calculation: number of views (4.864) / number of hours of the 4 days measured (96) so an average of 51 views every hour (just under 1 per minute). As said in my post, these are CAMCAPS views not VH.
  18. I also had this idea. I bring you some numbers. CamCaps Views from May 10th to 14th (4 full days) on 9 apartments :: Claire 8.966 Grace 7.975 Polly 10.656 Lola 14.632 Candy 4.864 Hourly Average 51 views Bree 7.468 Anastasia 6.076 Ary 24.286 Hourly average 253 views Em 12.353 I draw two conclusions: - these figures are logical (in proportion) in view of what happened in these 9 apartments at this time. - there is no reason why the proportions are not the same on VH
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