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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Yep! I agree, except Angelica is a little more angelic! 🤣
  2. They just got married a few weeks ago. They live their real life on cam. In about a month they will have been on VHTV for a year. They pay attention to the app and they live as they choose. They are their own managers and they do as they please. They are the only apt in Romainia. Trust me, they have an audience of viewers despite CC comments.
  3. Ok, "weeks", I mean prior to knowing that this would happen. 🤷
  4. Why not tell us this weeks ago? Could have spared the angst. Just sayin'
  5. Seems like a regular couple. Must be Alex and Lina.
  6. A girl named Piper better be able to throw down a migbty blowjob! A guy named Hunter better be able to find girl's to fuck!
  7. Oh well! Guess we will never know the truth. Maybe they realized that having a manager is a total ripoff! Cause it fucking is!!
  8. I see now. https://mobile.twitter.com/VoyeurHouseTV/status/1059512289143988225
  9. See, it should stay in the timeline. Just got back from San Francisco. Apparently ny hime away from home. Lol!!! I'm going back again nexr week too.😁 How are you Ash!
  10. VHTV should leave an apt on the timeline 24 hrs after they are gone. Now I can't go back and see what happened. #robbed
  11. What happened? I was traveling today. Thx!
  12. I'm just going to pretend that I didn't see that. 😵
  13. Blah! Just plain blah! Put porn on the tv so you both can enjoy it.
  14. Yeah! WTF did I do? Lol My mother in law gave me a visa debit card for my birthday in September and I was registering it and to be honest I had to see Paisely. I didn't think anyone would be able to suck me back into buying a sub, but she did. I can't help it, I have a thing for her. ❤️
  15. Ah! There's that smile I love so much! 😁♥️
  16. Never mind! It just takes a few minutes. Watch out everyone, I'm dangerous again! ♥️
  17. @StnCld316 Curious! How long does it take after a purchase for the subscription to be applied to the VHTV account?
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