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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Hi Let's,I should have bribed you not to tell his Lordship about any Spellchecker websites😀Nice try with the tiny print though.LOL😀😀
  2. Again thanks millions Rob for your good wishes.I am really sorry to hear about the misfortune in your family.What a hammer blow for your daughter and son in law to lose someone as close as "dad".It is incidents like this that make us realise how lucky we were.And one of your mates has bowel cancer.Obviously first thoughts are with him but you and your wife are being put through the wringer as well.I found that having a close family helped us and I just hope you and your wife are as fortunate.Speak soon
  3. Most sensible people usually change jobs when they realise they are not making money.Could be temporary or permanent quite frankly I don't give a shot.
  4. A bit of a late response let's just say "mother's Day".Thanks a lot for your good wishes for Margaret.She had 2nd stage bowel cancer which was operated on successfully with no chemo or stoma .Obviously there were a number of weeks prior to and after the op.when we did not know any outcomes but thankfully everything was a success and just recently she was given a clean bill of health.We really appreciate we have been one of the fortunate families .I really appreciate your good wishes Rob.Anyway back to business,I'M m not away till the 8th so you one more week to learn to spell.Fucks sake what do they teach you sassenachs.When I return from our "spa week" I will be a changed person totally unable to say anything nasty to my English friends.Hmm.!!!!Remember you have still got a week to suffer me..😀😀
  5. Fuck!!!you found this as well.!! Swiftly moving on:Just thought I would let you know that Me,the wife,son and partner are off to Spain on the 8th April for a week and I'm leaving the device at home.We are going to a retreat in the middle of nowhere to meditate with a silent brotherhood who eat very little and definitely no alcohol,hmm,.I hope to return a better person and learn to respect my elders and betters like yourself.Cleanse the body and mind.😯😯
  6. Sorry but it is your favourite Scottish spellchecker here.Quew!!!Wot.
  7. Hi let's mate,I am with you all the way on this one.Really?That is so complicated!!.How do you learn this stuff.
  8. I fucking hate it when I make it easy for you.BTW there is no n in immediately😀😀😀lol.
  9. Your sure as hell a busy bunnyGuy's a lucky Guy.Yeh me and she who must be obeyed are fine.She is a cancer survivor as of a year ago and has just had the all clear so for a wee break Me,her,my son and his partner are off to Torremolinos in Spain on the 8th April for a week so just getting things ready for that.The trouble is we have put a little bit weight on and had to buy slightly larger clothes,nothing fitted.The holiday was sprung on us with no chance to diet some of the weight off.However that's a minor detail .We are looking forward to it she really deserves it.NYC later on in the year is still a goer as well.Cheers the noo Ash.
  10. HI Ash,HE is to far up his own ass to let anybody else in.HeHe😀Hope all is good with you and Guy.
  11. Nice to see Foxy and Nastya again.☺
  12. What a pleasant surprise too see Foxy and Nastya again.Pretty sure there will be no sexual stuff but great too see them again😀😀
  13. Right back at ya Jabs with some of your country's culture Info.
  14. We are like a couple of kids points scoring off each other but it keeps us happy.Rob's a good laugh but Let's you keep your sensible head on for goodness sake.Have a good day pal.
  15. I just hope the two guys don't meet each other here.I cannot imagine they will be the best of pals!!!!.
  16. I see Grisha but I don't see Tony.?Is he their?
  17. That will be from Hadrian's wall to Cornwall then😀😀
  18. Bugger I was just getting in to my stride now I have got to go out.Speak later mate!!
  19. Am fucked for something to say.You can quit this agreeing thing right away bud.😀😀
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