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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Can Scotland and the rest of the UK be included please.!!!!!😣
  2. I hope the cat has plenty food because the length of time this place is empty the poor wee fucker is gonna die of starvation.!!
  3. I just hope you know who doesn't spot this cos he will take great delight in commenting.I dunno how I missed it.Must try harder!!πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  4. It's too fucking cold for that nonsense but it would sure as hell get her nipples erect.!!!πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  5. Good one let'sπŸ˜€you had me going their cos I was saying to myself "how can he see her pussy from this angle"till I spotted the whatever it is in the corner.Dead observant me NOT!!!πŸ˜€
  6. Call me old fashioned but I am trying to understand the dynamic in this place.Three lovely people,two of which are married to each other and one other(Anni) who seems to be a complete "partner"in all things going on.Anni is lovely but why do George and Ary need a third person in their marriage/everyday life.It is almost like "ok we love each other and want to be together but there is going to be a third person involved".It just seems strange to me.This is not a criticism of the people or their lifestyle ,I just don't get it.Having said all that I do realise that Anni is not their all the time but she is a very,very regular visitor/guest/partner.
  7. This response is to give you the dubious honour of being my 900th post.A post for post's sake!!
  8. Yep you are absolutely correct.It never ceases to amaze me how you guys can recall scenes from months previous.I must have watched this scene but did not spot her.It would be nice to know her name.
  9. Oh gawd that's my night's sleep ruined.I just wish I hadn't been so cruel and upset your delicate sensitivities.πŸ˜€BTW I think Amy is far to sweet to get on to me so theirπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  10. This very cute girl with Kira has been visiting for a week or so now but not a lot of members have commented on her.There could be something developing.This place is crying out for stability and Georgie boy could do a lot worse than add this attractive girls name to the Apt(if she wants to of course)JMO.
  11. Amy ,Were they not Swedish fish candy.?πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  12. Hi Amy,Really good that your sister had her epilepsy stabilised.It is generally not a life threatening condition but carries a lot of negative responses.My first siezure was at the wheel of a van sitting stationary at traffic lights engine running.I had just driven from Edinburgh to Glasgow on the motorway on Nightshift.Seemingly my foot pressed hard on the accelerator which attracted some late night revellers who helped me out,I was unconscious of course and knew nothing of it.When I woke up I was I was in Glasgow Royal Infirmary totally unaware of what had happened,I couldn't even tell a policewoman my name.I still shiver when I think what might have happened if it had been minutes earlier or later.Susequent tests could find no reason for the siezure but I did go on to have another three.But I am a lucky guy twice over.
  13. I will try to clear that vision from mind!!πŸ˜€
  14. Good yin bud,I could have swore there was no answer to my post.I should really know better.Still at least we know who builds the flat packs in Rob mansionsπŸ˜€
  15. We are not all fucking perverts like you.I get off big time going to IKEAπŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  16. Hi Rob mate,When I was at school shorts and periods meant I was only in the classroom 15 mins.instead of 30.πŸ˜€
  17. Hi Mira,I was diagnosed with Epilepsy(Grand Mal) over 25 years ago when I had 4 siezures in roughly 15 months.I have not had any since so I am lucky.What I would like to say is please make sure your drugs are sufficient to control your symptoms,slezures etc,etc because that is the most important part,the nightmares may be a totally separate matter altogether but as Jabs says get it checked out.I sincerely hope your Epilepsy is on a lower rather than higher level.The problem is there is so many different types with varying levels of severity it can be difficult to control.Once again I consider myself to be very lucky.All the best and look after yourself.
  18. If you mean the girl with the dungarees Yeh absolutely!!!.I thought she was quite cute.Kira's girlfriend is too well I think so.
  19. Sounds like you had a blast and good to hear everybody is fine.
  20. Wish I could say good morning lovely Nina but looks like she has gone again.You watch Nina will turn up in the next few hours such are my predictions.πŸ˜ƒ
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