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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Well I gave my opinion based on numerous cases In the U.S. of interviews with members of the public in groups or individuals in many different states who clearly were not prepared to act sensibly or responsibly in the face of this emergency.You totally missed my point which is that it's the people who blatantly disregard the Governor of Virginia's instructions for instance.As for him and his wife contracting covid 19 as you well know there is no absolute guarantee you are safe from it.Just recently in my hometown Edinburgh Scotland there was a rally of 5 or 6 hundred people protesting about being asked to mask up at all, anywhere and we have quite strict rules in place so this irresponsible attitude is everywhere irrespective of what the local regulations are.
  2. a large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution.
  3. I think you've answered your own question.
  4. Did you ever get to taste the pie? 😋😋😁
  5. I wonder if this will register finally with the idiots in the USA that bang on about their constitutional rights being abused when asked to behave in a safe manner eg:masks, social distancing etc,etc.? Before you yanks start getting on to me I realise completely that the aforementioned"idiots" are in all country's of the world.
  6. Nope pal, Happy and Patient😄👍
  7. We got there in the end,that's the main thing buddy👍
  8. What you really mean is she can polish your brasses and raise your flag any time she likes eh!!.😁👍
  9. You've lost me now buddy,not that that is difficult😀.If I said to you "Harry" is pronounced "Arry" in many parts of England especially London and the South does that make it any clearer😩.In the South West they just talk a load of ollocks😁(not a typo)eh Rob pal👍.As for your playing "ketchup"remark that was a bit saucy😁
  10. Of course, the English drop the H whereas Scots say the word the way it should be said😄😄👍
  11. I think we all know the answer to that one happy. Fake news blah, blah, blah😡
  12. Yeh your dead right happy, that England's a terrible place😁😁👍
  13. Dave 27

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    As I have just amply demonstrated. Memo to myself:Double check the facts before opening one's big gob.😩
  14. What is the point of these ridiculous charades(Presidential Debates?).If two old guys slagging each other off,petty point scoring and generally behaving like a couple of pre teen kids is how you decide who is going to run your country then God help you.In any country's government you will have politicians heatedly discussing and disagreeing with each other but to showcase what we saw yesterday is nothing short of embarrassing.Whichever party you support are you really proud of that performance.?IMO politics should be discussed and debated in appropriate government establishments Congress,Senate etc.Nothing wrong with either party having their own conventions to attempt to win votes but a televised "debate"not so much.I know this is how you always do it in the run up to an election in America but come on.jmho.
  15. Hey you behave or I'll throw my tartan dummy oot the pram😀😀😀👍
  16. That's absolutely fine but if you find out anything will you let us know please👍 Stay safe👍
  17. Still the same person with or without the extensions👍
  18. You might want to learn how to spell👍 It's independEnt smartass👍
  19. Dave 27

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    Hi jj,yeh boobed big time,I was looking at jojo122's post😩.However I've eaten my humble pie.😀👍
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