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Everything posted by moules

  1. I assume they both spoke in English. I did not know how fluent Tweety was in English.
  2. Tweety is in Dubai. From the Facetime, she is in either in a large hotel suite or in an apartment. From the elevator buttons, ithe number of floors looks to be in the low double digits.
  3. Rado said there is probably a positive test, so not going to Maldives. Tweety put a mask on and is giving a tour of the hotel, and the hotel grounds. No sign of Holly.
  4. Masha's Ryanair flight landed at 10:44, at the gate in Terminal 2 at 11:00. Masha arrives at the villa by taxi at 11:35 Masha gad no checked baggage.
  5. Radi and Karol do a wellness check on Mila, but Mila does not leave her bed.
  6. From what H&T packed, I doubt this was for a two week trip to Dubai and the Maldives. Holly had her small yellow valise and Tweety had a larger suitcase, but only half full. I doubt that either place would be a destination for them, unless they were invited. Holly's photographer friend / boyfriend(?). I admit I do not know how Tweety's visa for her stay in Spain is affected by flying out of the Schengen zone, and returning.
  7. From replay, just before H&T left, they took off the winter coats that they were wearing while on the balcony, and put on lighter jackets. So maybe a trip to Andalusia or Morocco, where it would be warmer? Replay buffered as they went out the door, but a man's voice could be heard picking them up. Perhaps a road trip with N&B?
  8. Radi is back in B2. She seems to have been shopping. I'm guessing she will sleep here, and not party with the other apartments.
  9. T&T left at 11:37. Two flights to Kyiv today, SkyUp at 14:00, and Ryanair at 15:05. SkyUp is a Ukrainian low-cost airline.
  10. I thought it was a toothbrush, but it seems to be a skin massager. I am so intrigued by it I am going to try and find it on the Web.
  11. I agree, but Radi and Tweety may be uncertain where Holly will be sleeping,
  12. Radi and Tweety have gone to Radi's room. I think they are expecting Holly to return to the villa, and don't want her disturbing the mood.
  13. Suitcases appear in T&T's bedroom. Maybe this is their last weekend in B5.?
  14. Given the amount of trash, Fiora and the Vampire have been living in the apartment for some days, and Harley arrived today, and the apartment was re-opened.
  15. The aquarium is gone. Wonder who inherited that? N&B?
  16. Not quite as good as your 'lettuce' pun for Radi's parents! A Candida infection can be caused by stress or hormonal imbalance during the menstrual cycle. So maybe the latter. That she apparently had creme on hand suggests this was not the first occurrence.
  17. I will make a diagnosis from far away. She probably has a yeast infection, and if so,, she will need to apply an anti-fungal creme for 3-7 days to clear it up. The week of treatment presumes this is a mild infection, and not a recurring, chronic condition.
  18. Villa no longer U/M. Villa abandoned. Nobody home. Tenants have fled? Raid by the Guardia Civil?
  19. He probably wants to watch Masha and her gay friend from Berlin relaxing in the bath.
  20. Remember the guy a few weeks ago who got all of them naked for a massage, and a little vaginal massage too. Radi was even first. Making a wager now that he will return.
  21. I don't think she will be allowed to become a participant again unless she controls her alcoholism. Her alcoholism is no longer amusing, nor is it infrequent. I don't know who* enjoys watching a girl, or anyone, physically and psychologically disintegrate, before the camera. *There was a site years ago that paid homeless alcoholics to get roaring drunk and fight while the camera recorded, so there is a small audience. But that's exploitation of the worst sort.
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