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Everything posted by stanley

  1. Are Eric and Layla coming back? I click on the link to the newsletter on the main page and it says at the top "Latest news: New House: Lisa | Eric & Layla are back! Read more...". I'm guessing that this is a mistake .
  2. The reason for few views is because there were few gay apartments. When VHTV launched it had 2 apartments, but they knew they could not attact many people with only 2 apartments and so within a week of launch 2 became 4 which soon became 5 and within a few months became 8, 9, 10 etc. But with the gay apartments they stuck with 2. People in large numbers aren't going to pay $40 per month for 2 apartments.
  3. Ironic that VHTV Twitter excitedly announced the launch of this empty apartment but has so far failed to mention anything about Lily and Noah moving into realm 8 - and that's the apartment where all the action is.
  4. The contestants started off having to build a house, then lived there whilst competing to win it. It's broadcast at 11pm on Russian TV every day of the year. It's not an actual Big Brother show, I just meant it was a live non-scripted contestant living together style show. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dom-2 http://dom2.ru/
  5. They have Dom 2 on the TV. Dom 2 is a Big Brother type reality show which launched in Russia in 2004 and has no end date. They are currently on day 4,989. (Sorry I found the TV more interesting than the participants).
  6. Don't judge bat Stella too soon, I hear her best friend is a bit of a fox and a creature of the night.
  7. You found Stella and Stephan. Jeka's star attraction of his former realm have finally been given their own apartment.
  8. Yes but typical of that apartment, the male bat went off cam to have sex with the female bat.
  9. I'm interested in the home office. Does the person that lives here run a business from home and we will see them working all day in the office. Or is it just a description made up by someone at VHTV because it looks like it could be a home office.
  10. I agree with that. I also think it shouldn't really be important to us who the manager is. We should judge each apartment on the participants and not the manager.
  11. That is exactly my point. James told you. Whilst I believe you, there are others that don't know you as well and there are lots of members who don't even read CC. VHTV should just communicate with everyone, then they all know what it happening.
  12. Again this is poor comunication from VHTV. Once upon a time they used to post what was happening to it's wider membership. Now they only seem to talk to a select few.
  13. Since we haven't had anything officially confirmed from VHTV or from Jeka that it is a Jeka apartment I understand people thinking a +5 apartment could be a George one.
  14. That is correct. James was responding to my question about the gay website when he said it had been postponed to 2018, he didn't say anything about a replacement for Freddy being put on hold.
  15. I stopped believing things that VHTV say a long time ago, most of it isn't true or doesn't happen. I highly doubt they do not see RLC as a competitor - they are their biggest competitor.
  16. I think VHTV want to overtake RLC in total apartments so they can claim to have more apartments than any other site. Currently VHTV = 20, RLC = 22. Until this happens quantity is more important to VHTV than quality.
  17. Remember another Jeka apartment - Freddy & Jeson. They were not there for the first night either, we watched an empty house for about 15 hours before anyone turned up, and it was 3 days before Jeson turned up, when we then found out they were a fake couple. Stella and Stephan may not have even met each other yet. Maybe Jeka is currently out searching for someone to play the part of Stella.
  18. I'm not saying I think this place isn't dead, just that it sticks out more as being dead because it's the only gay apartment. It didn't used to be dead but all the interesting things stopped after the huge fight when they were told they would be kicked out if it happened again, now they are too conservative for fear of being homeless. What we need is MORE gay apartments like we were promised.
  19. Actually quite a few things happened this week. Joe, Edda, Alan, Serena and Nina visited for an evening earlier in the week. Also this week they had some female friends over who stayed the night. I guess neither of these were deemed interesting because sex didn't happen. Although reading the newsletter visits from Viki & Kate's parents didn't involve sex but were still considered interesting. I would consider this apartment to be just a normal level couple apartment on the same scale as Alice & Pavel, Clara & Stas etc. However, as it is the only remaining gay apartment it seeems more boring because there is nothing else to turn to during periods of inactivity in the same way people would turn to other apartments when nothing is happening at Alice/Pavel's place.
  20. They should be. David and Carrie were moved to the top when they took over the apartment from Eric and Layla. Perhaps they are giving Stella and Stephan a little bit more time at the top before they are relegated into 2nd position.
  21. They changed it already - maybe they were reading here.
  22. Wonders how long it will be before a poster whose name begins with an "A" mentions about the lack of spaces between Lily and Noah's names
  23. Thanks jabbath I thought he was familiar
  24. Here's Noah (on right) with another guy. Hopefully they will have lots of friends to visit.
  25. Lily and Noah added to make 130 participants
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