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Everything posted by stanley

  1. The view from cam 7 remains the same. Sadly, Jeka doesn't care about this apartment anymore. He never posts here - he does post in threads for his other apartments. We were told that the faulty wire would be replaced yesterday and we are getting to the end of Tuesday and nothing has been done. With manager George doing nothing with the Todd/Chad apartment and Jeka neglecting the Freddy apartment, the gay apartments are getting a raw deal at the moment. We need some gay apartments run by a gay manager who understands the gay market and has a passion and commitment for his gay apartments.
  2. I watch them a lot, it's my number 1 apartment. But most of the "general" chat for gay apartments happens on the Freddy thread, so that one tends to get more posts than this. I think this apartment does need livening up a bit. It seems that manager George has abandoned the apartment - I haven't seen him there for over a month, he did used to be a really great hands on manager, but maybe has lost interest.
  3. Was the shop closed or couldn't they be bothered going? This is the current view from the cam
  4. Completely agree. If we had 16 gays apartment, like we have straight apartments, then it's fine to have one that is empty a lot of the time. But with only 2 gay apartments, it is important to have them both occupied most of the time. They really do need to replace Jeson and quickly.
  5. This is what I can see from cam 7. If @Voyeur House TVthink this is working OK then they have a different concept of OK than me.
  6. Brought up to date with David, Rick & Betty added - now 122 participants.
  7. And to prove that the cam is still working but hidden from public view.
  8. I was starting to think that VHTV had banned Christmas. Well done to Joe for being the first apartment to put up a Christmas Tree.
  9. I guess what gets people mad is the long time it takes to get things fixed, especially with the gay apartments. 12 hours after you asked them to re-instate the livingroom cam and it still hasn't been done.
  10. No joke, this is earlier this evening.
  11. Here's the guy. I think we can assume he is not Kate or Viki
  12. The livingroom cam is working fine, it's just VHTV has hidden it from being viewed. I can see it is working when I look via the archive moments operator panel - so although no-one can watch it live, at least if something happens in view of that cam I can still create an archive moment. Picture below is from about 10 minutes ago.
  13. As they are launching a separate lesbian website before the end of 2017, they had to start adding lesbian apartments now or they would have nothing to launch it with.
  14. Problem with putting dates for participants rather than apartments is that for example Anna & Alex will have different dates to Drew and Bree. Date for Lisa is different than the date for Em etc.
  15. Surprisingly the oldest apartment is Tim & Zoi's and that's only 4.5 months old. Apartments don't usually last long on VHTV.
  16. For those that didn't see the post in the Jeka thread. Jeka has said that Freddy's apartment is getting 3 new HD cams installed next week. He didn't say which cams but I hope that Livingroom 3, Bedroom 6 and Bedroom 7 will be upgraded. Also I'd like to see one of the old cams moved to the hall to plug that blindspot and another of the old cams moved to above the bath so that if anyone moves or covers the bathroom cam we can still look down on the bath.
  17. It's amusing that in both pictures George is glued to his phone whilst Mikl is glued to George's cock.
  18. They have a guest. Maybe another threesome tonight?
  19. Hi Jeka, I hope this good news involves fixing the cams at Freddy apartment - we've been asking for the the cams to be fixed via support and on Freddy's thread for weeks now and nothing gets done.
  20. I wish @Voyeur House TV would stop making these kind of announcements when half the time what they announce doesn't happen. I would prefer them to make announcements once a guest has arrived. The absence of preview thumbs means we can't easily see which apartments have guests or parties, so use twitter to tell us when guests and parties are currently happening, not to tell us about things that may or may not happen in the future.
  21. More pics from the threesome
  22. I hope so, VHTV didn't make that clear in the tweet.
  23. Todd and Chad had a threesome this afternoon with a new guest. Included Todd fucking the guest.
  24. Did they fix the bedroom cam 6 yet? If not hope it gets fixed before the guest arrives. I wonder what effect Jeka leaving VHTV will have on his apartments?
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