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Everything posted by stanley

  1. Updated again. Lexy & Pete made 124 Ary & George 126 Stella & Stephan make 128 participants
  2. Don't expect any more gay apartments soon. VHTV said the gay website has been postponed whilst they have a re-think on their approach to gay apartments.
  3. I'm surprised that Jeka has opened up a new realm located so far away from his current ones. He's not going to be able to drive over in his car every time a camera needs fixing. The majors cities/countries in the +5 timezone are - Russia - Yekaterinburg Kazakhstan (western part) Uzbekistan Tajikstan Turkmenistan Pakistan
  4. Happy New Year Chad and Todd. And Happy New Year to all followers of the gay apartments at VHTV. Happy New Year to Freddy where ever you might be. We only have 1 gay apartment left now, and Chad and Todd opted against a New Years party and brought 2018 in as a couple. As midnight came, they wrote notes in secret which they burnt without letting the other read, they then stood and spoke to each other before embracing.
  5. Usually they would announce participants leaving on twitter - but for Freddy they have been silent. I don't know of any way to subscribe to the newsletter manually. Maybe if you opened a support ticket and asked for your email to be added to the mailing list.
  6. Realm 16 is now offline for relocation and Freddy won't be returning when it comes back online.
  7. We were all suprised. One minute we were being told that the apartment was offline whilst they relocated and fixed the camera's. Next thing we know the whole apartment was being relocated and later were told Freddy had been let go. However, I notice that on the newsletter that went out to all members that it said " Now Freddy moves to new House which will take about 1 week. We will announce once he gets back to us! " And no further announcement has been made via newsletter or twitter, so as far as all the VHTV members are concerned, they still think he is coming back in a week (another example of poor VHTV communication). Only CC readers have so far been let into the secret that he is not coming back.
  8. The separate twitter acount was absolutely to hide away the gay pictures. Notice they didn't create a separate twitter acount for the lesbian apartment. @Voyeur House TV. Where does this leave the new VHTV Gay website? Your support told me it was launching before the end of 2017 - only 2 days to go and you only have 1 gay apartment to launch on it and no news of the launch.
  9. Now I'm confused - the decision to relocate to another apartment was only taken this afternoon - surely major things like that are planned in advance?
  10. That's great news. But once again all this could have been avoided if they had just told us about it. They have all our email address's for a newsletter, they have a twitter account, website home page. Why can't they just keep ALL members informed?
  11. I assumed at the time that it was the kitchen cam. I wondered if the plan was to move the kitchen cam into the bedroom to replace the faulty bedroom cam. Guess we will never know.
  12. Whether the Freddy apartment has been treated poorly because it's a gay apartment is something that can't be proved. What we can say is that whilst extra/better cameras have been added to all Jeka's other apartments over the last month or so, nothing has been done to Freddy's apartment. 1) No new cams at Freddy's since the day it was launched. 2) No replacement for Jeson was found (or even attempted as far as we can see) meaning the apartment suffered from long periods of inactivity 3) Broken cams went unfixed for long periods of time (this did not happen at any of Jeka's other apartments) 4) Both VHTV and Jeka stopped posting in this thread - although Jeka remained active in his other threads. 5) Support tickets relating to Freddy's apartment were often ignored and unresloved. I believe if the Misty apartment had half the issues that Freddy has they would have been fixed straight away. I'm not saying that what has happened at Freddy's is because it is a gay apartment, it happened because for whatever reason Freddy apartment was always a low priority one.
  13. If Freddy has left I hope he comes on here to give us his side of the story, because the way VHTV & Jeka have been treating us lately, I'm not confident they will give us the truth.
  14. So did offline due to re-loacation of cams really mean - some cams re-located to Jeff & Violets apartment and some cams re-located to Alice & Pavels apartment?
  15. It looks to me as if Freddy is leaving. He doesn't seem happy at all and is packing his clothes into bags. Is this apartment offline due to re-location of cams a cover so we don't see him packing & leaving?
  16. They announced on the "straight" twitter feed that Freddy apartment is offline. No mention of it on the gay twitter feed. What's the point of having 2 feeds if they don't post on the correct feed?
  17. Something has happened between Chad and Todd. They are spending a lot more time apart and the sex has stopped. I haven't seen them fuck for over 2 weeks now, they are often in separate rooms or one of them is away from the apartment. I haven't seen them argue or fight, so I don't know what has changed them, but they definitely aren't the Todd and Chad of a few weeks ago.
  18. So why not put the old camera back until the new camera is fixed? A older lesser quality camera is better than no camera at all.
  19. I can't get it to play either. I also can't get any archive videos to play.
  20. Mikl and guest having sex in livingroom.
  21. There's a friend visiting at the moment.
  22. The apartment changed after the big fight where they almost got kicked out. The couple have been a lot more sensible, the fighting has stopped but so has the fun, so no more drinking, partying or threesomes. Nothing happens to generate any discussion or interest.
  23. He needs to concentrate on the people and places he already has. He turned the Nina, Alan apartment from a lower end of the scale apartment to one of the top apartments on VHTV. He's done nothing to help with Chad and Todd apartment.
  24. I've just looked at @Jeka&co posting history and the last time he posted in the Freddy thread was on October 15th. Despite being asked questions, us begging for him to fix problems, Jeka has not posted here in over 2 months. During that period he has posted in the Jeff/Violet thread, in the Pavel/Alice thread and is currently frequently posting in the Viki/Kate thread. But this thread holds no interest for him. Come on @Voyeur House TV we deserve better than this.
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