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Everything posted by stanley

  1. Here's a picture from the recent archives (1st pic) compared to now (2nd pic). The cam is now in a different position, slightly higher than it used to be, and is definitely more out of focus.
  2. That's a shame the guest couple left.
  3. Except Jeka isn't like that when it comes to Jeff & Violet apartment. He recently added a 4th livingroom camera there - why does any apartment need 4 camera's in a livingroom? And I remember when one of the cams went out of focus he was round straight away to fix it.
  4. Todd was giving Chad a quick blowjob whilst the guest couple were still at the kissing stage.
  5. The card game was abandoned at that stage. They have moved to the livingroom where they were playing with condoms for a time (using them as rubber gloves, blowing them into balloons etc.). Now they are making out as couples.
  6. I was assured by VHTV support that the VHTV gay website would go live before the end of 2017. But with only 29 days of the year to go, and probably nothing is going to happen over Christmas / New Year period, unless it launches in the next couple of weeks, I can't see it happening.
  7. Clothing update. Todd only has underpants left on. Chad has t-shirt, shorts and underpants. Guest girl has bra and knickers on. Guest boy only has underpants on. Smoke time now, but someone will be naked very soon.
  8. Earlier today the @Voyeur House TV archive passed the 20,000 video mark. Time to change the home page to 20 000+ videos?
  9. Female guest is down to her underwear already in strip cards.
  10. Chad and Todd have a guests over. Fairly sure that they are a couple.
  11. I'm beginning to think that Jeka is not bothered about this apartment. Maybe it's because it's a gay apartment, or maybe because Freddy is not a friend like Jeff, Violet, Alice & Pavel are. When there was an issue with a cam at Jeff's place, he was over fixing it straight away. I can't remember the last time I saw Jeka over at Freddy's place. I think when VHTV launch more gay apartments they need to have a gay manager who will give the apartments the attention they deserve.
  12. I'd get a new internet provider if "problems with the provider" cause cams to go out of focus . But that cam is poor quality even when in focus. For such an important camera angle it should be HD quality picture.
  13. I wish @Jeka&co would put better quality HD cams in this apartment. Just because it's a gay apartment doesn't mean we should have to put up with crap cams. Let's have some good HD cams like you put in Jeff & Violet and Pavel & Alice's place.
  14. Big houses with high quality cams are never likely to happen on VHTV whilst the policy is that the managers have to pay for the cams. We see now that managers install mostly poor quality cams and maybe a couple of high quality cams because they can't afford to buy any more.
  15. So you talked to the managers and they ignored you. You now need to make it clear that it is your website not theirs and if they ignore you there should be consequences. I suggest that as Clara and Stas have done this both they and their manager are fined 1 months pay. That would send a clear message to all tennants and managers.
  16. Even when he's got 2 naked guys next to him on his bed, Freddy still addicted to his phone.
  17. There's a guest at Chad and Todd's. Don't think I've seen this one before.
  18. We had big problems in the past with flashing lights at Maria & Grisha place. This was bought to VHTV's attention so many times, on here and by support tickets and they did nothing about it. The fact that now so many apartments have flashing lights and VHTV know about the problems it causes, shows how much they care about the issue.
  19. Another guest has arrived. This one is the same guest who visited a few days ago (he's even wearing the same clothes)
  20. Chad and Todd have a guest visiting
  21. @StnCld316 Leon has been added to the apartment - can you change the thread title?
  22. So Misty has had at least 32 different partners in 4 months, probably more outside the apartment that we don't know about. I don't often go into the Misty thread, but when I do I never hear anyone saying the same things about Misty than I've just read here about Freddy. Freddy is a human being living his life the way he wants to and we should all respect the way he chooses to live it. If we like his lifestyle then we can choose to watch it, if we don't like his lifestyle then we can choose not to watch it. To me it's that simple.
  23. It doesn't always have to be sex. Nothing wrong with watching you or another guy jerking off.
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