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Everything posted by stanley

  1. The apartment is down as +3 GMT. I presume this is wrong as they are in the same block as Clara & Stas who are +2 GMT. Some cam times are also wrong. GMT +2 is shown on cams 11, 12, 13 & 17 GMT +3 is shown on cams 14, 15 & 16 Also why the black box in the shower room. Eric and Lalya never had one, why do we need one now? At the most we could see Eric's knee when he was sat on the toilet.
  2. I'm certainly not going to report him. I've just expressed my personal opinion on the subject, which is surely what the forum is here for.
  3. Me personally am bothered. Under no circumstances should cams ever be covered deliberately. Sorry, but Freddy has really gone down in my estimation now.
  4. Before he covered it Freddy pointed to the other 2 cams, so the guest knew about all 3 bedroom cams. How would you feel if next time the guest asked for 2 of the cams covered and we were left with 1 cam with the worst angle. Would that be OK because 1 bad angle is better than the guest leaving and getting nothing? Or maybe next time all 3 cams are covered and we are left with audio only of the sex. Would that be OK because audio only is better than the guest leaving and getting nothing?
  5. Yes he deliberately covered one of the bedroom cams with his cap whilst he had sex with a guest. The other 2 bedroom cams weren't covered. The cam covered was the HD cam, the 2 not covered were the lesser quality cams. Never cover cams - that is the golden rule. This apartment has a history of covering cams more than any other apartment, and Freddy himself has posted on here that he always tells guests not to cover cams. How can he in future tell guests never to cover cams when he does it himself.
  6. I think we all missed it. I almost missed it as well because when I was checking for moments to create I was looking from the camera at the opposite side and because the duvet was in the way it just looked like Mikl was leaning over to watch Freddy's phone.
  7. Chad and Todd have a guest couple visting them. Also the missing bedroom cam has returned today.
  8. He took the mask off during sex and then put a different mask on to shower. Does he think we can't see him in the dark? Maybe Freddy forgot to tell him about nightvision
  9. It's not like the mask hides his identity. Anyone who knows him would recognise him even with the mask.
  10. They've put clothes on which usually means company is on the way. Also, for the first time since the apartment launched, I'm not getting buffering - I hope it lasts.
  11. I haven't seen the airport guest recently. I guess he must have decided not to move in and has gone back home.
  12. One of the bedroom cams has been removed from the site. Although as you can see from one of the remaining bedroom cams, the removed cam is still in the room and lit up, just not on the website.
  13. We could do with a gay apartment where the participants live on normal time. Both Freddy and Todd/Chad always have sex at silly o'clock in the morning.
  14. Wonder why this is realm 21? They missed out realm 20.
  15. Yes for some reason it has been removed from the website, but it is still there and broadcasting, it's just hidden so no-one can view. Only archive moments creaters can access it to make recordings.
  16. Strange that the 2nd bathroom cam was removed from the site a couple of days ago but is still available to create archive moments.
  17. From what I remember when Sara lived there before she was also away 90% of the time. So this could end up being a very empty house.
  18. We have news today that Jeka is opening a new apartment for Alice and Pavel. If the new apartment has new HD camera's whilst us fans of Freddy's apartment have to put up with mainly lesser quality cams then I don't think that will be fair. @Jeka&co when are you going to replace the crappy quality cams at Freddy's with HD ones?
  19. I would have thought that with only a few weeks until the gay and lebian sites launch, they would be concentrating on building up the gay and lesbian apartments on the site, rather than launching more hetrosexual apartments. Given that Jeka is rarely at his own apartment, unless they are bringing in a new couple to replace Alice & Pavel, realm 7 is just going to be empty most of the time.
  20. Support must have got in touch with him as they replied to my ticket to say the cam positions would be fixed soon.
  21. Freddy's back and brought another guest.
  22. Newsletters are:- https://voyeur-house.tv/blog/blogdetail-03-11-2017 https://voyeur-house.tv/blog/blogdetail-27-10-2017 https://voyeur-house.tv/blog/blogdetail-20-10-2017 They are usually out on Friday's so if you want to go back further just change the date to the previous Friday. Not sure why they don't set up a page with all the links to previous newsletters.
  23. I've raised a support ticket asking the to move the bathroom cam and livingroom cam back to their correct positions. I also asked them if they would do something about the moving of cams at this apartment.
  24. This is worse than before. At least the others were guests. This one is here with a view to him moving in permanently.
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