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Everything posted by Catmaster

  1. Remember, EuroMike, there IS still one apartment left for a new couple. You never know...
  2. Remenber, Nick: This appartment is cursed!
  3. Congratulations Nelly & Bogdan! I'm hoping for a long and happy marriage!...in spite of 'Your love is a lie' from Simple Plan is playing in the background. :-P
  4. Stesha noticed what her cat did and chased the cat with a towel through the appartment. Then she locked the cat in the guest room. We should stay alert that we will not have a case of animal cruelty / mistreatment in this apartment!
  5. Nelly is doing a wild webcam thing. I'd like to know on which website...or is it a private show?
  6. This apartment ended in boredom or chaos. Let's see, what the next couple may bring. Goodbye lovely black cat. May you get some better personnel very soon.
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