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Everything posted by Catmaster

  1. The crew under Nora had some model jobs or dancers. Many of them had to be in good shape. RLC wishes to see their tenants at home most of the time. RLC pays their rent and maybe some more. And yes: their main job is to convince you spending your money on PLC - what else?
  2. RLC claims, the premium apartments are just another additional apartments - nothing else. I do not think so. The first premium apartment was the big all-girl-apartment in Barcelona. That was something new & really special at that time. RLC filled their premium section with more (regular) apartments later on. Even if RLC is mostly boring by now, I am curious of what will come in the future. Remember: RLC was looking for a whole house this year in the USA. This could become a real premium project or even a new website!
  3. The frame shows, but no pictures or letters. A server problem?
  4. Demid needs to be replaced. I think, Dasha is fine. She only needs a better man.
  5. Last Christmas 2014 RLC set more formerly blocked cams open for public viewing. I missed it that this time. It was a good advertising for them.
  6. Catmaster

    Tver - Split 3

    Pussy watches pussy. :hugnkiss:
  7. I hope, this won't become such an unstabile apartment again like under Noras regiment. :yikes:
  8. The question is, why Kristy left? Just because of an expired visa or personal issues? I would welcome of seeing her back with RLC, too! :welcome:
  9. Yeah, I expected something like this, when Alex was gone. :nana:
  10. Yes, Alex has disappeared from the list. Lera now stands alone. Let her lover move in! :clap:
  11. RLC had this tactic in the beginning of the Premium section, Izzy! :P
  12. Going back to the old policy 'no Premium - no view' wouldn't be any good. Maybe the reason is to give us some more view on Christmas, like RLC did it last year with the all-girl-apartment.
  13. No free cam is not a good idea from RLC. Bringing in English speaking people is a very good idea! According to their names, I expect 2 Russian girls.
  14. Let's say hello to a new 2-girls-apartment with Katka & Lenka - on Premium only!
  15. Thank goodness, maintenance is over! Everything seems fine. Same with Mario & Carla.
  16. Catmaster

    Read Me

    Luckily this site is down.
  17. What makes you that sure, phantomcapsnet?
  18. :yeahbaby: That girl in black is sooooo hot!!! :drool: :drool: :drool:
  19. It really depends on the city you're in. In Berlin, for example, real night life & clubbing starts at midnight. Leaving for a club before is rather pointless. In London some clubs start late in the afternoon, but the have long party nights, too. Smaller cities sometimes don't a too extensive nightlife...
  20. :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: http://www.tvspots.tv/video/5927/passionata--wolves :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
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