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Everything posted by Catmaster

  1. From former pet problems on RLC we know, RLC reacts, if many viewers complain massively enough. Thanks Ships Diver!
  2. So it could be fun, if the two apartment might visit each other for parties like the Petersburg posse!
  3. I hope they won't shut down any of the all-girl apartments. Any idea where the new apartment is located?
  4. But RLC wants their tenants to be at home as much as possible, best barely clothed or even naked. I personally would prefer real life couples, that go to work, too. In the early stages of RLC it was that way, but today only few tenants have a steady work. I wonder, if they don't ruin their career path with such long-tern 'sabaticals'. The Barcelona apartment serves the RLC policies at best. They are models, so they just work on appointment, which copes well with the RLC requirements.
  5. OMG! That big gay looking guy, who really is a girl. She comes with her friend, so she is the one sleeping in Bonnie Blue's bed now.
  6. Ironically they want to leave RLC, but they stay because of the money. From time to time, I confess rarely, they are going out or Susan goes out with her sister.
  7. Now she's got REAL blue hair. I ("adoz7u66.............................................,jkm " - sorry, that was my cat!) adore that.
  8. Yesterday night Sasha couldn't stand it, Germany was winning the EM football quarter finals. He turned off the tv before the victory was final.
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